

This was published 8 years ago

My Kitchen Rules episode 30 2016: JP, Nelly eliminated in sudden death

By Ben Pobjie

It's the battle of the incessant smilers, as relentlessly cheery mining mates Alex and Gareth go up against downright creepy lovebirds JP and Nelly.

The stakes are high, as Alex and Gareth will have to go back to the mines, which they have made clear they hate more than life itself, if they lose; while JP and Nelly will have to go back to their house, where they spend their nights sitting on their grandparents' furniture, staring intensely at each other while stroking their matching Persian cats.

Whatever happens, it'll be a tragedy, but only for the losing team, not for the viewer.

We're in Kitchen Headquarters, and thank the lord, Rosie and Paige are back. Paige's arm is in a sling after surgery to remove a snapper bone from her thumb, but she's still more fun to watch with one arm than the rest of these idiots are with two.

Sudden death: The miners' versus the lovers.

Sudden death: The miners' versus the lovers.

Gareth starts preparing his sorbet, prompting Mitch on the balcony to say, "Ooh, sorbet", which is pretty entertaining. On the other side JP has got a baking tray out for Nelly, so she kisses him. If they're going to make out every time one of them hands the other a utensil, I can't see them getting much on the plate.

JP and Nelly are making borscht, which means "so much" to them because their families are from Poland, a proud heritage that they remember to mention when they feel they can get extra points for multiculturalism. And indeed, Pete mentions to Manu that he loves seeing teams using their cultural background in their cooking. It's political correctness gone mad.

The balcony is beginning to worry about Alex and Gareth's time management, as Alex has spent the last half hour scraping up chocolate and has forgotten why. JP and Nelly could also be in trouble, as they keep stopping to kiss.

Alex's chocolate is finally starting to temper, as Gareth reminds him that they actually have to serve an entree. Alex declares that he's not ready to go home, which is what everyone says just before they go home, but you can tell he's sincere because he's a miner and his life till now has been an unremitting subterranean hell.

Alex and Gareth saved themselves on Wednesday's MKR.

Alex and Gareth saved themselves on Wednesday's MKR.

JP pops some ducks into the oven, but Nelly forgot the dough for the entree, which she reveals while grinning like a drunken chimp. Fifteen minutes from plating time, Alex and Gareth decide it might be time to make the rice crackers for their entrée, which will take fifteen minutes to cook, so they won't actually be able to do it, unless the judges decide they want the boys to win so they start talking about al dente rice crackers or some nonsense.

As time ticks away, the director instructs the people on the balcony to start shouting and clapping as if they care, and Alex and Gareth suddenly remember that sashimi requires fish, so they get some out and start cutting it. Meanwhile JP and Nelly kiss each other. "Stop kissing," says Tasia, acting as proxy for the audience.

JP and Nelly share a controversial kiss.

JP and Nelly share a controversial kiss.

"You've gotta work faster than this!" shouts Manu, advice that would've been useful a bit earlier, since there's only five minutes left and too late to do much. Nelly burns her hand on a frypan and swears, but doesn't stop smiling. The balcony counts down as the teams frantically arrange their mediocre ingredients on plates and head to the contestant dungeon for an unearned rest.

The judges taste JP and Nelly's borscht and are thoroughly disappointed. Guy says he likes the flavour of beetroot, which sounds like a lie to start with, but in this case it has not been cooked well enough. Colin says he wants a soup that will knock him down, and this wasn't it, which is a shame because we'd all like to see a soup knock Colin down. It doesn't even have to be a soup: as long as Colin is knocked down I'll be happy.

Guest judge Liz Egan can't hide her feelings.

Guest judge Liz Egan can't hide her feelings.

The judges then taste the miners' sashimi and find it offensive. Pete notes that they have all the right ingredients for a great dish, but is forced to admit that technically a great dish involves at least one step beyond possessing the ingredients. Colin is absolutely furious at the audacity of these worthless scumbags, making a rice cracker and slicing a fish and calling it an entree. He seems genuinely offended, as if someone's just slapped him in the face and told him he looks like Eddie Vedder's alcoholic brother.

The teams return to their kitchens, and Alex and Gareth get their chocolate moulds out and discover that they've screwed it up, maintaining their almost perfect record on the show so far. They haven't screwed up all of them, though, so they'll have to do that later.

Alex and Gareth's chocolate dome saved the day.

Alex and Gareth's chocolate dome saved the day.

On the other side, JP needs to fill his tart, though this really isn't an appropriate time or place, and Nelly is busy anyway. Meanwhile from the balcony Gianni tells Alex and Gareth to respect the produce, just to prove that he is capable of speech.

Gareth begins whipping some butter, and Devo's "Whip It" plays and the camera does a close-up on his biceps and Paige and Laura exchange looks of knowing lust and the whole show is basically porn now. Then there's a cutaway where JP and Nelly do weird noises with their lips like they're auditioning for the part of Skippy in a new film reboot.

JP and Nelly's teary farewell.

JP and Nelly's teary farewell.

The game lurches from one disaster to another as the balcony notices that Alex and Gareth have forgotten to put the wine in their stock. "They're gonna need divine intervention," says Mike, who seems to think this is a pun. Tarq looks at him with undisguised hatred. Tarq will murder Mike pretty soon. And now it's bad to worse as Alex and Gareth discover that one of their ovens was on grill. Have these guys ever even been in a kitchen? I mean they don't actually seem to understand how food happens.

"Simple mistakes you shouldn't be making in sudden death," comments Zana, who can't be nice just for one minute. The rest of the balcony breathes a sigh of relief as Gareth puts the wine in the sauce at last, and then keeps putting the wine in, and then puts in some more wine, and finishes it off with a bit of wine.

On the other side JP takes out his ducks, and Nelly pretty much wets herself over how beautiful they look. "They're so beautiful!" she squeals, and goes on and on about how golden and crispy they look, to the point where it seems likely she's going to sweep all the equipment off the counter and demand JP put a baby in her.

Meanwhile Alex and Gareth are plating up some real garbage, so they mention again that they're not ready to go home, thinking if they say it often enough they won't have to. Luckily for them, JP and Nelly have served a bunch of crap too, with dry duck and dry broccoli and horrible gluey sauce. Colin is devastated and starts to question why he got into the obnoxious comments business in the first place.

The judges taste the miners' beef and are revolted beyond imagining. The meat is inconsistently cooked, the puree is a gross lump and the jus isn't really jus. "I'd rather have no sauce than this sauce," says Manu, which is like Pete saying he'd rather have unactivated almonds than these activated almonds.

Colin says he's so devastated at the revelation that amateur cooks chosen for their ability to create good television rather than culinary talent sometimes make bad food that he might never come back. Which would be good, but is unlikely to happen because he gets paid for this.

Dessert time, and JP has to face his pathological fear of tart-cutting. It's a deeply moving moment as JP, moving at the speed of a sloth in jelly, sinks his knife into the pastry over the course of several hours. When finally it's done, he tells Nelly that he loves that they're doing this together, because if they don't make a public declaration of affection for each other every five minutes the essential loathing at the heart of their relationship could bubble to the surface.

Time to plate up, although Nelly is still obsessively blowtorching her figs, growling "come on, come on, more, more, more!" as she does so, working out a lot of latent frustration stemming from we can all guess where. Finally the desserts are served to the judges, including Colin who has not yet resigned.

As the judges sit down, the intro to Eminem's "Lose Yourself" plays, foreshadowing the fact that dessert will cause someone to have vomit on their sweater. Alex and Gareth's dessert is an enormous success, making everyone forget about the gravel-ridden swill of the last two courses. JP and Nelly's tart is likewise praised. "It's elegant, it's feminine, it's everything you want in a pastry," says Colin, revealing some disturbing attitudes to gender and/or pastry.

It is time for judging, and Colin wrestles with the powerful emotions duelling within his whisky-soaked breast, not knowing what to make of these horrible entrees and disgusting mains followed by wonderful desserts. It's a confusing time for Colin, who doesn't know whether to quit the show or give everyone French kisses. His emotional journey tonight has been a real rollercoaster.

The miners get fives except from Colin, who can never forgive that sashimi and gives them a four. JP and Nelly, who somehow found a way to make beetroot worse, also get fives except for Guy, who gives them a three because he just can't stand those stupid grins, and Colin, who gives another four out of pure malice.

And so JP and Nelly's fairytale ends, and they're left with nothing but the dying embers of their love. Nelly gives an emotional speech, mentioning how it's the best thing they've ever done and it's brought her and JP closer together, as if that's a good thing. JP starts crying. "He never used to cry…he cries all the time now," says Nelly, unable to connect the dots. But anyway, they're kicked to the kerb and Alex and Gareth live to make people gag another day.

Tune in on Monday, but between then and now get your MKR fix by reading this week's New Idea, which features a cover story about "Zana's baby surprise", which is probably about how a baby fell out of a tree onto her head or something.

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