

This was published 9 years ago

Q&A recap: Bronwyn Bishop brings chill to Q&A panel with 'vicious' attack on Gillian Triggs

By Neil McMahon

Early on in Monday night's Q&A, the ancient wisdom of the Magna Carta was paired with the more recent verities contained in the defacto Australian constitutional bible, popularly known as The Castle.

"It's the vibe," said Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs by way of explaining the Magna Carta's relevance to modern democracy, but she might well have been describing the frozen air that hung in the Great Hall of Parliament as she found herself two seats away from Bronwyn Bishop, speaker of a house in which she spends most of her time dispatching political scalps for mounting in her personal pool room.

The vibe was chilling.

In her parliamentary role, Speaker Bishop has various weapons at her disposal, the most popular being section 94A, which allows a polite form of public flogging by way of a raised eyebrow and an ejector seat. By now, opposition MPs are so familiar with the gentle thwack and thump of Bishop-rian disapproval that she holds the all-time record for hurling disobedient subjects into her personal moat with an alacrity of which King John himself would have been proud.

Parliamentary Speaker Bronwyn Bishop.

Parliamentary Speaker Bronwyn Bishop.Credit: ABC

Live television comes with no such rules and opportunities and one could sense the frustration in Bishop's face as impertinence piled upon insult to the point where you feared she might call in the military. But never fear - the Speaker had not come ill-prepared. In her armoury she has, among other things, an eye-roll that could be classified as nuclear and a sigh so laden with sorrow at the murderous activity that follows you can be left with the feeling she really believes she is doing it for the victim's own good.

There was only one real target in Bronwyn Bishop's sights on Monday night. Other panellists occasionally disappointed her - of government critic Bret Walker, QC, she at one stage lamented: "Bret, I listened to an interview with you this morning … I know you to be the sound, disciplined lawyer that you are and I've never heard you equivocate like that."

Mr Walker remained boldly unpatronised. But it was Gillian Triggs whose behaviour Bishop was here to correct.


"I have to say I disagree with a lot of what Gillian had to say," Bishop declared. Disagree? Did she what.

'I just regret the attacks on Gillian [Triggs] have been so vicious' ...  Indigenous leader Noel Pearson.

'I just regret the attacks on Gillian [Triggs] have been so vicious' ... Indigenous leader Noel Pearson.Credit: ABC

The trigger from Triggs: asserting the apparently radical position that parliament was there to protect and defend our legal liberties. Both parties had been lacking in this area in the years since 9/11, she said. "These are the moments when we really have to defend our key liberties and freedoms even more strongly," Triggs said.

Fellow panellist Noel Pearson offered: "What a glorious thing it is to have the Human Rights Commission … calling to account a strong parliament and government and I think the dialogue should be robust both ways".

Australian Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs.

Australian Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs.

It was all too robust for the liking of Speaker Bishop, whose declarations of affection for the democratic process were tempered by her repeatedly stated opinion that Gillian Triggs was exercising her rights to free speech with an enthusiasm that rendered her position untenable.

"Sometimes it can overstep the mark, too. There is a time, and I think Gillian recognises it, that as a statutory officer you have to decide whether you're a statutory officer, fulfilling that role with security of tenure, or whether you wish to say, 'I want to be part of the political debate' and stand for office and run to become part of that political process."

Q&A panellists Bret Walker, Bronwyn Bishop and Luca Belgiorno-Nettis discuss the Magna Carta and democracy.

Q&A panellists Bret Walker, Bronwyn Bishop and Luca Belgiorno-Nettis discuss the Magna Carta and democracy.

Translation: suck it up or get out. Bishop returned to the theme again later, a remarkable exercise in public denigration that prompted another intervention from Pearson. In a discussion over the treatment of child asylum seekers, he leaned to broad support of government policy, but added: "I just regret the attacks on Gillian have been so vicious."

Vicious was the word that sprung to mind, but Bishop - robbed of her speaker robes and rulings and armed only with words - was not going quietly. If only we could see, her every sigh and eye-roll seemed to implore, that she had only our best interests at heart.

For her part, Triggs remained unflappable - as unflappable in her way as was Bishop in hers.

"I love this country. I trust the Australian people," the Speaker declared at the end.

But if the Q&A audience reaction to Gillian Triggs was any guide, the love is running one way - and it's not in the direction of the Bishop bully pulpit. At one point, the show stopped for a sustained round of cheering and applause for Triggs's calm reclaiming of both her position and her dignity.

It was just another form of focus group, of course - and Bronwyn Bishop has surely heard enough of those to suggest a face-to-face assault of a government critic on live TV garners its own applause.

All you could think was that only one of them was doing it for votes.

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