

This was published 6 years ago

Q&A recap: Miracles and moral dilemmas in the nicest possible way

By Neil McMahon

It was a night for moral dilemmas on Q&A.

Some questions were biblical miracles from more conservative members of the audience.

For example: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites … will inherit the kingdom of God."

The miracle?

That this wasn’t a question about Barnaby Joyce.

It was instead a question to Father Rod Bower, the Anglican priest whose progressively inclined roadside billboards have become a popular social media illustration of what happens when modern Christianity expresses vaguely Christian thoughts.

The questioner wanted to know of Father Bower: "How do you reconcile what the Bible – the word of God – teaches on same-sex marriage and homosexuality with your own personal belief?"

And here we went again.

Seven months after the thumping positive result in the marriage equality survey, Q&A was burrowing back down one of its favourite rabbit holes, via a question from an audience member whose lips were pursed so severely that one feared they might permanently seal shut.


Alas not.

Father Bower was not deterred: "Thank you for the question. A really important one."

But was it?

In the minds of the pursed-lipped it clearly was, but the debate moved on to other, perhaps more relevant real-life debates, ranging from the offshore detention of refugees to the morality of the gig-sharing economy – and if you missed the latter because you were waiting outside for your cheap food delivery, you can catch up on iView.

There was a crunching discussion initiated by Marie Austin, from Biloela in Queensland, who had more Christian issues on her mind than could be summoned by reciting biblical verse.

"On the 5th of March, at dawn, Mr Dutton's Border Force took our friends Priya, Nades and their two Australian-born daughters from their home," she said.

"They have been locked away in a Melbourne detention centre for 84 days now. This family is loved and wanted by our town. We've travelled 1800km to Melbourne to support them, we've asked Mr Dutton to use his discretionary powers and 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for their return.

"Our question is: what more can we do to get Priya, Nades, Kopika and Tharunicaa home to Biloela?"

The question was mostly directed to the government representative on the panel, Jim Molan, whose demeanour suggested sympathy but whose lips delivered a different message.

He is, in that sense and to judge by his ebullient lips, the Dame Edna Everage of the Australian senate.

When the debate turned to offshore detention, Molan was not having any of the hand-wringing from either the audience or from fellow panellist Ged Kearney, former ACTU leader and recently elected Labor member for Batman.

Kearney: "Jim loves it when we argue about things like that because he gets all warm and fuzzy inside. Peter Dutton knows that will be the story and not that he is being punitive and awful and there will be another three years of Peter Dutton as an immigration minister and I couldn't stand it. We have to be careful."

How careful? Kearney would not quite let on, and was also careful not to let her actual views on immigration policy interfere with her Labor-approved message.

Molan, meanwhile, was on hand with the standard return fire: "Who started this? Rudd-Gillard started it. Who keeps them there? Naive activists!"

To paraphrase Dame Jim – and to quote his inspiration, Dame Edna: "I mean that in the nicest possible way."

If you say so, Jim, if you say so.

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