

This was published 6 years ago

Public broadcasting, restructures, and working with Michelle Guthrie: ABC's David Anderson

By Mark Dapin

David Anderson, who bears the rather inelegant title of "director entertainment and specialist" at the ABC, is telling me about his first date with his wife, Sam.

We’re having lunch at Kobe Jones, a King Street Wharf restaurant offering Californian-style Japanese cuisine. It’s pretty safe date food: cosmopolitan but unthreatening, heavy on seafood and light on garlic.

“This is the restaurant that we came to,” says Anderson. “We were still just friends ... I went to the bathroom, I came back, and I thought, ‘I’m going to kiss her’. And I just walked around to the other side of the table and gave her a kiss, and we’ve been kissing ever since.”

Dave Anderson is "director entertainment and specialist" at the ABC.

Dave Anderson is "director entertainment and specialist" at the ABC.Credit: James Alcock

Although Anderson is very personable, I hope he hasn’t brought me here to kiss me, as there is some serious wasabi in my green-tea salmon with wasabi mash.

He assures me I am safe.

At the ABC, Anderson’s responsibilities include most of ABC TV (apart from news and current affairs) and the national radio stations, along with digital products such as ABC iview and ABC Listen. It’s a broad portfolio but Anderson has a wide range of experience: he joined the broadcaster as an 18-year-old “utility attendant” in June 1989, and has been on the payroll ever since.

Anderson explains jobs at the ABC are classified in bands that progress from level one to director: “And at level one there are points one to five. This job was below level one. It had its own special rating of ‘UA’, which was really just code for ‘other’. My first job was changing tea towels in kitchenettes, sorting the mail – but not in front of ABC staff; they wanted to check me out first to see if I was alright to consort with the rest of the ABC – and helping operate a Gestetner offset printer. But I was only in the mailroom for three months and then I … kept moving.”

This year marks his 29th anniversary at the organisation he joined because he accidently cycled into a bus.

My first job was changing tea towels in kitchenettes, sorting the mail – but not in front of ABC staff.

Dave Anderson

Anderson was born in Blackwood in the Adelaide Hills. His mother was a hairdresser and sometime theatre performer; his father came from a long line of academics and scientists. The first son of every generation in his father’s family was given the middle name Newton, after Sir Isaac, so Anderson’s initials are DNA. This helps distinguish him from the other David Andersons at the ABC, including a camera operator in Jakarta and a broadcaster in Rockhampton, who sometimes receive his emails.

Anderson’s father left when Anderson was very young, and he grew up the only child of a single mother, in the Adelaide suburb of Seaton.

“I can remember getting ready for school by myself,” he says, “because mum was out working, cleaning squash courts, and friends of the family would pick me up and take me to school by 8 o’clock in the morning.”

His mother studied part-time at the University of Adelaide, hoping to become a speech pathologist, but when Anderson was 11 she remarried and they moved back to the Adelaide Hills.

“So I moved from a very small unit in the suburbs,” he says, “with a patch of grass a bit bigger than this table” – and it’s a compact, Japanese table – “to 20 acres of land. My world changed incredibly.”

In a good way or a bad way?

“Having a stepfather isn’t always easy,” he says. “He turned out not to be a very nice man. But when I look back on those years, I think how lucky I was. My jobs were to chop wood and to mend fences. I had to learn how to use a chainsaw at an early age, I had to learn how to drive a car across paddocks. All of a sudden I had a pushbike. I found myself riding PW50 motorbikes around the farm. I was trying to catch snakes.

“When we started, we had some animals,” he says. “My stepfather was an entrepreneur. He cleared away the animals. We had a bore on the property. The bore had water that fed the house. The people of Adelaide suffered from poor water quality. He had a crazy idea that we could sell our water, which was so clean and pure, to the people of Adelaide. And he started a business, which was Pura Spring Water, which eventually he sold. So, halfway through that period, the graders came in and carved out a tennis court. The house doubled in size.”

Anderson had ambitions to become a pilot (until he found out he was colour blind), then a marine biologist (but he has asthma so he can’t scuba dive), then to study engineering. But his mother and stepfather split up when was 17, leaving Anderson alone again with his mum.

“And Mum, through her life, struggled with mental illness,” he says. “That’s about as much as I’ll go into it. There were times when dramatic things happened in her life, and it was clear to me that I really needed to work. I’d strung together a whole bunch of jobs so I could study: I was woodchopping. I was working as a kitchen hand. I was working for a company that was a bakery in the morning but overnight would make ice creams. I was working behind a bar.

"I was a cycle courier for a while and I had an accident. I hit a bus. The bus didn’t hit me. I ran into the bus.”

A family friend helped Anderson to get out of couriering and into ABC Adelaide, as the utility attendant. He was inching his way up the career ladder when he had to move his mother to Victoria to be closer to her family. He looked for any available position at ABC Melbourne and ended up as a staging assistant for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, although he knew nothing about classical music.

His subsequent higher-level roles at the ABC have included director of corporate strategy and planning, director of digital network and director of TV. He received his current title and responsibilities in an ABC restructure in February.

The ABC offices in Ultimo, Sydney.

The ABC offices in Ultimo, Sydney.Credit: Christopher Pearce

It seems to me the ABC has been restructuring forever. The pressure on the broadcaster rarely appears to let up. Does Anderson feel under siege?

“No, I don’t think so,” he says. “Not any more than usual. I think that government agencies should always be held to account. I was not happy to hear that we had an indexation freeze, which amounts to a funding reduction.

“Public broadcasting is more important than it’s ever been before. To have independent news and current affairs that forms a baseline of information – where you treat people as citizens with rights and obligations, not as consumers with wants and needs – is incredibly important to me.”

Restructures and funding freezes always have human costs. Does Anderson have to sack people?

“‘Sacking people’ … I don’t like the expression,” he says. “I’ve had to sit down in front of people, yes, many times, and propose that their role has been made redundant, and that’s something you never, ever get used to – something I know that’s coming my way one day.

“But I will always treat people with respect and dignity in those moments,” he says. “It’s dreadful. It feels awful, but it’s something I accept happens from time to time when you’re in a senior position.”

I feel vaguely (and briefly) guilty for asking the question, although it’s not his most commonly fielded query. Anderson has a lot to say about broadcasting and society, but he is most often asked what it is like to work with ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie.

“Whenever I’m on the radio, trying to talk about something else, people are curious about that,” he says. “I find it quite curious myself that they’re interested.”


So, what is it like working with Michelle Guthrie?

“Michelle is very dynamic,” says Anderson. “Michelle loves the ABC. She really challenges norms. She looks to why we do something and the way that we do it, which is good because it requires you to think about that as well. And she thinks big. Her ambition is big. She will want us to act on things probably a lot quicker than we have in the past at the ABC. There’s no business as usual. You are constantly thinking about how to improve on what you’re doing.”

As the lunch winds down and Anderson enjoys his “delicious” waimai pepper salmon, we talk about his children. He has a 15-year-old son and a 12-year-old daughter in Melbourne, from a first marriage, and a five-year-old boy and an 11-year-old stepson with Sam. When he sees them, he says, “it fills the well of my soul”.

We linger over a drink and, although we seem to get on well and Anderson does, at one stage, lean over to try to help me remove the skin from my salmon (he has a knife and fork; I’ve only been given chopsticks), our first date concludes without a kiss.

Kobe Jones29 Lime St, King St Wharf, Sydney.
Pepper salmon, $37.50; green tea salmon, $35.50; Diet Coke x 2, $13; Asahi, $12; Riesling, $14.  Total: $112

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