

This was published 6 years ago

Picnic at Hanging Rock's Lily Sullivan: 'Our show is a real force for women'

By Cosima Marriner

On the very first day of her very first acting job, Lily Sullivan was required to burst into tears on cue in Toni Collette's arms. At just 17, and with no formal training, she had to rely on her gut instinct to pull it off.

"I had no tools or technique," the now 24-year-old says. "What I learnt really quickly is that sometimes there is no better way than learning on the job and having to go with your gut. That's all I have been doing in this industry, going with intuition. There's no right or wrong way to do it."

Lily Sullivan.

Lily Sullivan. Credit: Marissa Alden

Following her instincts has taken Lily from surviving that overwhelming first day on set to starring in the miniseries remake of the Australian cinema classic, Picnic at Hanging Rock, based on Joan Lindsay's 1967 novel.

Lily's faith in her own intuition binds her tightly to her character, Miranda, the schoolgirl who disappears in the bush during a Valentine's Day picnic at the turn of the last century. It also provided her with a way into a now iconic character.

"The more I jumped into this character, the more I identified with her ability to drown out everyone who is trying to have a negative impact on her life, to have the confidence to listen to herself and know that her gut voice is usually right," she says.

Basking in the glow of the rapturous reception the new Picnic at Hanging Rock received at its premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in February (at which she looked ultra-glamorous wearing Chanel), Lily has shrugged off the pressure of re-imagining a seminal film.

Picnic at Hanging Rock, Samara Weaving, Madeleine Madden, Natalie Dormer, Lily Sullivan

Picnic at Hanging Rock, Samara Weaving, Madeleine Madden, Natalie Dormer, Lily SullivanCredit: Foxtel

"At first it was definitely daunting," she tells Sunday Life on the phone from Melbourne, where she is sitting on her bed in the Brunswick terrace she shares with her mother. "But you can't play an iconic role; you have to figure out who this young magnetic powerful woman is, and why she is that way."

Putting her own stamp on Miranda has given Lily a deep empathy for the struggle faced by young women in 1900 to be true to themselves.


And like Miranda, who was sequestered at an upper-class girls' boarding school in rural Victoria, Lily sometimes felt the constraints of her circumstances when growing up. She was raised off-grid in south-east Queensland, in the acreage suburb of Carbrook, where there were horses and alpacas but no local bus. Her father ran an importing business while her mother is an artist.

Lily also attended a restrictive school in the bush, in her case Calvary Christian College. "It did have that kind of strict religious regime, of trying to mould yourself to someone else's ideals," she says. "Which is what the girls [in Picnic] were having to do.

"My dream of being an actor did feel really far away because I was in the sticks, really. I empathise with the idea of these young girls in the 1900s, in the middle of nowhere, where it's up to one woman to decide what they know and don't know, and what's right and what's not right."

Lily hastens to add that, overall, she enjoyed her schooling. She was sporty, playing soccer and aspiring to be a professional tennis player until a knee injury at 14 prompted her mother to enrol her in acting classes. She remembers clearly the moment she fell in love with the craft, watching university graduates perform A Streetcar Named Desire.

Her lucky break came in 2011, when she turned up to an open casting call for the P. J. Hogan film Mental. Cast as one of five daughters who are all convinced they have a mental illness, she worked with established actors including Liev Schreiber, Anthony LaPaglia, Rebecca Gibney and, of course, Toni Collette.

"I had big scenes with all of them and they were such generous actors," she says. "Every one of them worked differently, which stopped me overthinking it, I guess, and made me realise I could make up my own toolbox of techniques and just go by my gut. I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to the industry."

Other films followed, including Galore and Jungle, plus a part in the ABC television series Rake. But Lily's career has really hit its stride in the last 12 months thanks to Picnic at Hanging Rock and scoring the role of Petra, the leader of an anti-fascist gang, in the Stan remake of another Australian cinema classic, Romper Stomper, which aired earlier this year.

“There’s nothing
better than
having that
person you can
come back to
when the dust
has settled.”

“There’s nothing better than having that person you can come back to when the dust has settled.”Credit: Marissa Alden

There are some distinct differences between the way Miranda is portrayed in the miniseries compared with Peter Weir's 1975 film. While Anne-Louise Lambert's Miranda was an ethereal, other-worldly character who drifted around the bush, Lily's version is much more grounded, a feisty girl with a real rock'n'roll edge to her lace-and-corset casing. Looking like a cross between Georgia May Jagger and Liv Tyler in colonial costume, she plays Miranda with a defiant gaze and an air of barely suppressed wild child.

Lily believes the themes of Picnic at Hanging Rock are as pertinent to women today as they were for the girls in 1900. "Our show is a real force for women," she says passionately. "The world conversation today about women being silenced and how much strength it takes to speak up for yourself, that's exactly what these three girls were doing. They were finding their own way to be true to themselves.

"I love that young girls can watch this and see how far we have come."

Lily is grateful to the generations who have gone before her, paving the way for women to have the confidence to speak out. "I can empathise [with what Miranda went through] but I also have the outlet and the expression that Miranda didn't have."

She believes the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements have given her generation a cause to rally around that isn't narcissistic or self-obsessed.

While Lily may be regarded by many as the next big thing, she has no plans to move to the US, although there is talk of a project in Britain. After packing away the corsets of Picnic at Hanging Rock, she'd like to play a modern woman telling a contemporary story. Her ideal role is an "unfiltered gutsy performance" like Kathryn Hahn's in the American television series I Love Dick.

She's also reconstructing her idea of home, with her life now spread across three states: she lives in Melbourne with her mum, her boyfriend lives in Sydney, and her father and older brother are in Queensland.

After her parents split a couple of years ago, Lily and her mother embarked on a road trip along the east coast of Australia before setting up house together in Melbourne.

It's so nice to have this time with my mum," she says. "It was wonderful to reconnect and change the cycle, the environment that we'd lived in, the house that we'd lived in for 15 years, and start again in a new city."

“Don’t take yourself too seriously," is the piece of advice Sullivan gives herself.

“Don’t take yourself too seriously," is the piece of advice Sullivan gives herself.Credit: Marissa Alden

She's three years into a long-distance relationship with Sticky Fingers drummer Beaker Best. As they both juggle blossoming peripatetic careers, she has no idea when they might live together in the same city.

"He's always touring so we kind of get what the other person does, and there's nothing better than having that person who represents home, who you can come back to when the dust has settled, and who understands it. He's my best friend," she says simply.

As Lily contemplates her next career move, she keeps in mind three pieces of advice: "Don't rush to LA, build who you are in Australia" (courtesy of Toni Collette); "Don't be afraid to say no" (from her agent); and "Don't take yourself too seriously" (her own reminder). Luckily, this advice chimes with her instincts.

"Being a young girl who basically got thrown into this industry, and having to grow up while being filmed, it's such a bizarre thing," she says.

"The journey has had a pace to it that's allowed me the time to listen to my gut, which tells me to not just run straight to Hollywood or take every job that I get offered. I'm not rushing for anyone, I'm not racing to get to the finish line. I'm just trying to enjoy the journey."

Picnic at Hanging Rock premieres on Sunday May 6 at 8.30pm on Foxtel Showcase.

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