

This was published 8 years ago

My Kitchen Rules episode 28: Why chicken nugget pizzas are always a good idea

By Ben Pobjie

Tonight really highlights the basic injustice of My Kitchen Rules, as two teams that excelled in their instant restaurants and are clearly skilled cooks have to cook off to avoid elimination, while the bin fire that is Carmine and Lauren gets to watch from the sidelines. But nobody ever said MKR would be fair, or principled, or worthwhile, or a positive contribution to human culture.

The big elimination battle between Gianni and Zana and Luciano and Martino begins with all the teams lined up in Kitchen Headquarters for reasons that remain opaque, given that only two of them are actually going to be cooking, so the rest of them should just be kicking back. "You have only three dishes to convince us that you deserve to be in competition," says Manu, although on any reasonable scale of morality, it's clear that Gianni and Zana don't "deserve" anything at all.

"We're fighting the best, so if we win, we are the best," says Martino, who apparently hasn't noticed that the only reason he's in the kitchen is because he was one of the worst. Luciano and Martino are presenting a "portrait of Italy", so Martino begins by pouring a bottle of red wine into a saucepan. This may be for the chocolate and pear cake dessert, but it'd be a pretty smart move to just give the judges a big pot of wine for each course – they can't say the meal tastes bad if they're too drunk to know how it tastes.

"We've got so many doughs to do but I don't even care," says Zana, in one of the more disappointing attempts to freestyle rap that MKR has seen. She refuses to use store-bought pastry, because that's not who she is. The conviction to not buy pastry lives deep in Zana's bones, flows through her veins. Her entire identity is based around making her own pastry. Jordan thinks she's crazy to make her own pastry, but then it's easy from the balcony, standing around reading cue cards all day.

Melbourne lawyers Giannia and Zana.

Melbourne lawyers Giannia and Zana.Credit: Channel 7

Luciano and Martino start to sing and a thousand angels start to cry.

Cookie shares with Chris his assessment of the division of labour in Gianni and Zana's relationship. Chris finds Cookie's analysis both entertaining and informative. We see compelling evidence of Zana's need to exert control over her partner, and of Gianni's total lack of personality. Meanwhile Jordan continues to insist that Gianni and Zana have too much to do and not enough time to do it in and it's starting to bring him out in hives.

Carmine wonders what Gianni and Zana's Montenegrin pizza will be like. Lauren is surprised they're making a Montenegrin pizza. "I don't know," she says, and there's a universal truth for you.


The balcony, which the producers have for some reason decided will be the main focal point of this episode. is gripped by panic over Luciano's ability to make risotto in eighteen minutes. The spectators do surprisingly convincing impressions of people who care about whether Luciano succeeds or fails. "This is stressful, my palms are sweating," says Nelly, but it's probably just sexual frustration.

Luciano likes a sing.

Luciano likes a sing. Credit: Channel 7

Down in the kitchen, Zana continues to issue instructions and Gianni continues to act in accordance with Asimov's three laws of robotics. On the other side, Luciano is stressed, although obviously not as stressed as Nelly: he's just doing the cooking, not watching it. Luciano and Martino's risotto has gone black, which just might destroy their chances of ever – oh wait, apparently it's supposed to look like that. Uh, OK, whatever.

Gianni and Zana seem to have made chicken nuggets, but these turn out to be the Montenegrin pizzas, which raises some serious questions about lax labelling laws in Montenegro. Gianni begins adding some artistic flourishes to the plates, which sends Zana into a rage – she never gave him permission to use initiative.

Entrees are served, and the judging panel, made up of regular judges Pete and Manu, semi-regular judge Colin Fassnidge, dangerously irregular judges Guy Grossi and Karen Martini, and whatshername with the blonde hair, sit down for the "blind tasting", which means they all have to pretend they don't know who cooked each dish. The Italians' risotto is a big hit with all the judges, but opinion is more divided on the Montenegrin pizzas – the blonde lady is revolted by the massive quantities of garlic loaded into them. The other teams are similarly unimpressed by the flavours of Montenegro: "I just don't know if it's sudden-death material," says Lauren, who has no more idea than we do of what "sudden-death material" means, but long ago developed a very fixed idea of what professional food critics talk like, and refuses to deviate from that. "It's not a competition dish," says Carmine, who has even less originality than his wife.

Gianni and Zana are now preparing their baklava. "This is such a hard dessert to do, and especially when you're making it from scratch," says Zana. So why are you doing it, Zana? Hubris is the answer, pure hubris.

Meanwhile Martino has problems with his fish. It makes him quite emotional and prevents him from listening to Luciano's boring lecture about how to make pasta. "Seafood lasagne can be tricky," says Eve up on the balcony, as if it's a subject on which she has studied for many years. Jason agrees, it can definitely be tricky.

Down on the floor, Giannia and Zana reflect on how My Kitchen Rules compares to life as high-flying sexy lawyers. Gianni is having more fun here than he does in court, which is only as it should be: if going on MKR was less enjoyable than your day job, you'd be a real idiot to enter.

Luciano is singing again, causing several of the spectators to call in noise complaints. Pete is concerned that the Italians are not putting enough filling into their lasagne, which is an allegory for the preponderance of reality TV on modern network schedules.

On the other side Gianni is cutting up some butt-ugly hunks of meat that look like they've already been through at least one digestive tract. To me, it looks awful, but then Lauren says, "not a lot of technique has gone into this main", and if Lauren disapproves you must be on the right track. What's worse, she prefaces her remark with "I'm just gonna say it": among all the obnoxious nonsense Lauren spouts, the thing where she acts like she's a maverick straight-talker dropping truth bombs is probably the worst.

"The Albanian stew is traditionally the ugliest dish you've ever seen," says Zana, and it looks like tradition has been closely adhered to here. To actually eat it would seem to be an act of pure recklessness. And yet the judges, brave and hardy souls one and all, dig in, and they like the stew much more than the lasagne, because this is an elimination episode and the teams' positions have to be reversed from entrée to main in order to maintain tension, assuming that you care enough about any of these people to become tense.

Gianni and Zana put the finishing touches to their baklava. "I think the judges will see who we are," says Zana, but that seems like an incredibly poor strategy from someone like her. Meanwhile, Martino faces a moment of truth as he slices his cake, the suspense so incredible that it causes JP to grin like a lunatic as he describes how rivetingly dramatic it was. JP is the only person I've ever seen whose smile grows more maniacal in direct proportion to how little there is to smile about.

Meanwhile Carmine opines that baklava is a risk, as if his opinion has ever been of any interest to anyone ever.

As desserts are plated up, Zana lets Gianni knows that it all comes down to this and she doesn't want to go home. Gianni, finally appreciating the gravity of the situation, abandons his plan to sneeze on the baklava and decides to plate up properly. "It's a little bit rustic," says Zana, using the conventional code for "it looks like a cowpat." Just before serving, she reminds Gianni for the fifteenth time that this is their chance to prove themselves, an incorrect assertion: their chance to prove themselves was back in the last challenge, when they could've proven themselves by not being in the bottom two. This is more like a chance to salvage something from the wreck.

As the spectators count down in unison like a gang of trained budgies, the teams finally come to the end of a hard day's cooking and superfluous conversation. And so to the judging…

Guy finds the baklava stunning, to the extent that he feels like he's in a Turkish bakery, though that doesn't seem like that big a compliment: some Turkish bakeries are rubbish. Everyone agrees: the baklava is exactly like however baklava is supposed to be. The Italians' cake is also impressive, though Colin is left cold by the little cup of mulled wine served with it. "I'm going to disagree," says Guy, and you can tell by the look on Colin's face that Guy has made an enemy for life. Guy thinks the mulled wine transports you to Verona – apparently the only way Guy knows to describe food is to name geographical locations where the food could hypothetically be consumed. Everyone likes the cake, but the mulled wine sparks a furious controversy, with friendships broken and fisticuffs imminent.

Scoring time, and every judge gets to bang on at excruciating length about the food, as if we all don't have lives of our own to get on with. Luciano and Martino get sevens from every judge except Colin because Colin is, deep down inside, just a very mean man. Gianni and Zana pick up a few eights because all the judges are creaming their jeans over the fact they made their own pastry, and the Italians are dead in the water. And so, a little bit of joy and love goes out of the competition, but on the upside, the possibility of the much-anticipated Zana-Lauren stiletto duel remains alive.

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