

This was published 8 years ago

My Kitchen Rules 2016 episode 1 recap: Meet the new batch of competitive home cooks

By Ben Pobjie

And so another season of My Kitchen Rules begins, and the air is thick with the scent of hope and burnt fish. For some, dreams will be crushed. For others, dreams will die in a slower, more insidious way. But the main thing is, almost everybody will end up unhappy. And it all starts here, with the first "instant restaurant" – the traditional way for amateur cooks to expose each other's character flaws by serving them poorly prepared meals.

The teams meet in kitchen headquarters. "You've come from all corners of the country," says Manu, "to prove one thing". It turns out the "one thing" is that they are the best amateur cooks in the country, which seems like a really unfair challenge. Couldn't they try to prove something easier, like that they know how to turn on an oven, or that they find it difficult to make friends?

My Kitchen Rules team Monique and Sarah are New South Wales police officers and keen cooks from Mount Druitt.

My Kitchen Rules team Monique and Sarah are New South Wales police officers and keen cooks from Mount Druitt.Credit: Network Seven

The first instant restaurateurs are Monique and Sarah, who are police officers and are therefore given Axel F as their theme song, because how else would we capture the spirit of law enforcement? Monique has four children, and Sarah has a dog that she calls her "baby", so we're really getting off to a quick start in identifying which one is the annoying one.

Monique and Sarah go shopping, making it clear that if they forget even one item on their shopping list, the universe as we know it will fold in on itself, crushing us all. Pete and Manu peruse the menu. Pete hopes they'll make their own pastry, which is weird, because you'd think he'd prefer something good. Anyway, he should be angry that they're using pastry at all. Pastry isn't paleo: why isn't he screaming that they're trying to kill him?

Manu Feildel and Pete Evans return as judges in season seven of My Kitchen Rules.

Manu Feildel and Pete Evans return as judges in season seven of My Kitchen Rules.

Monique and Sarah, meanwhile, have lost the list. Lucky they told us how important the list was earlier, so we realise how tense this moment is. But in case we don't, they play the Mission Impossible theme.

The ladies' instant restaurant is called "Crime and Nourishment" because, being policewomen, they think they should start things off by making everyone in Australia hate them. We now hear the Peter Gunn theme. They are cops you see.

In the kitchen, Monique and Sarah engage in the fun and never-dull MKR tradition of constantly shouting things they already know at each other. Sarah hopes her pastry is buttery and melt in your mouth, but hope is a trap set for the foolish, Sarah. Your hopes mean nothing to the oven. Her pastry just isn't working out, and the other teams are on their way to turn up their noses at it.

Of course, the big question is who is going to be the bitchiest team, and it doesn't take long as we are introduced to Gianni and Zana, two married lawyers from Melbourne. "We prefer restaurants that are pretty high quality," says Zana, setting herself apart from the majority of the populace, who enjoy eating dried pig bowels in crack dens.

Gianni and Zana - a 'supermodel couple' as one My Kitchen Rules competitor put it - are two married lawyers from Melbourne.

Gianni and Zana - a 'supermodel couple' as one My Kitchen Rules competitor put it - are two married lawyers from Melbourne.Credit: Network Seven

As the teams enter the instant restaurant, the Police Academy theme plays because Monique and Sarah, by the way, are cops.

The teams take in the police-themed decor and quickly cotton on to the fact their hosts are insane. Zana says she will be "disappointed" if the food isn't of a high standard, which is a weird way to pronounce "euphoric". We get a quick montage explaining how Gianni and Zana are rich, materialistic and look after their bodies, in case we hadn't figured it out. Gianni is hoping to put Italian food on the map, which will be refreshing – Italian has really been flying under the radar.

Despite their age difference, Cheryl and Matt are a close team on and off the My Kitchen Rules set.

Despite their age difference, Cheryl and Matt are a close team on and off the My Kitchen Rules set.Credit: Network Seven

Next we meet Rosie and Paige, who like to sit on the couch in their pyjamas eating popcorn, and may give Gianni and Zana a stroke before the series is out. They are "big and bold", so prepare your mute button. And then there is Mitch and Laura, two siblings with a single hairstyle and a passion for eating brains.

But the bombshell comes from Cheryl and Matt, who reveal that even though she is 50 and he 26, they are – OH MY GOODNESS – dating! Can you even believe it? The table gasps at this affront to god and nature, but somehow they avoid losing consciousness. Cheryl and Matt have sex with each other – Cheryl is very keen that we understand this. Frankly, she will not stop talking about it. It could be a long night.

Taking a break from Cheryl's creepy mum jokes, we see Manu and Pete show up. "I just want some great food," says Manu, who has never seen this show before. Everyone is very excited about Manu and Pete's arrival, or at least they are excited about Manu's arrival. Nobody's really noticed that Pete is there, too occupied are they by their dampening gussets.

Monique and Sarah have written their menus in invisible ink because … wait … they're COPS? Zana reacts to the menu the way she reacts to everything: by sticking her lips out a metre in front of her face and looking like she's just been asked to bathe in urine. Zana thinks the menu is too simple. Zana thinks the human race is too simple. Zana is so sophisticated it's taking all her self-control to not spit on everyone at the table. Zana gets a look at the entrée and there is no vinegar on her rocket, which means "it's just lettuce", which means her mouth is now twisted into such a vicious sneer she's in danger of dislocating her jaw. Though why someone who doesn't know the difference between lettuce and rocket should act so superior I couldn't tell you.

The judges love the entrée, although Manu finds it a little difficult to eat, and Pete objects to the fact that rocket was not a staple of the Neanderthals.

Main course is fish and thrice-cooked chips. Why are the chips thrice-cooked? Because twice-cooked is so 2014. By 2020 most reality show contestants will be cooking everything eight times and nobody will ever get served. The policewomen's greatest challenge is crisping the fish skin. Well, their greatest challenge is violent crime, but in the field of seafood, it's crispy skin.

Zana is concerned about the sauce, and also about the existence of the poor.

Manu enters the kitchen in his usual rude manner. Then he leaves, having achieved nothing but bringing Monique into heat.

Main is served. Everyone gets a gigantic slab of salmon, and three chips. That's right. Three chips. Proceedings in the Court of Human Rights will no doubt follow. Manu is disappointed in the chips. Pete is as well, although I'd have thought he'd be happy having hardly any chips, since chips were unknown during the Jurassic period.

Zana is also no fan of the chips. She prefers her own chips. "Whose are better?" she asks Gianni, the threat of castration implied in her eyes. He agrees that his wife's chips are better than the strangers' chips, and Zana resumes sucking her invisible lemon with a look of triumph.

Dessert is sticky fig and date pudding, which will no doubt enrage Pete to the point of hurling the incredibly non-paleo dish across the room. Oh wait, no, he just eats it. Weird. Manu thinks the pudding has too much sauce, which is a really vicious bit of bait-and-switch from him. Pete agrees there is too much sauce, and not enough mastodon. Overall the pudding is a success, but Zana doesn't like it because it is working class.

It is time for the scores. Six is a popular score, both from those teams who liked the meal and those who hated it, proving that the scores on this show are, essentially, complete garbage. The judges give better scores, and they are professionals, so the other teams are morons. Monique and Sarah get a score of 68, which isn't a bad score but let's be honest isn't good enough either. We end with Laura apparently threatening to cook her own hair, and MKR is, definitively, off and running. What a relief.

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