

This was published 12 years ago

Mix masters: the art of noise

These people have one of the best jobs in the world - choosing the music you listen to, writes Michael Lallo.

By Michael Lallo

It's a fair bet that no one in Melbourne has a cooler job title than Shaun Gough, Triple M's head of rock.

''It's a piss-take term,'' Gough says. ''When my mates get an email from me, they write back and say, 'How do I get your job?' I even had one friend, a meat trader, change his title to 'head of meat'.''

Fox FM music directors Mathew Eggleston and Michael Christian, with Triple M directors Mike Fitzpatrick and Shaun Gough.

Fox FM music directors Mathew Eggleston and Michael Christian, with Triple M directors Mike Fitzpatrick and Shaun Gough.Credit: Simon Schluter

At any other station, Gough would be known as the music director - the person who decides which songs get played (and which ones don't). And while YouTube, iTunes and music TV channels have broken radio's monopoly, most of us still turn to FM for new music, according to a study last year. Which means these directors, more than anyone else, control the music Melbourne listens to.

Naturally, misconceptions about the job abound. ''People imagine that if we're not in the jacuzzi with the Foo Fighters, we're partying at the big gigs or being wined and dined by the record companies,'' says Mike ''Fitzy'' Fitzpatrick, Triple M's content director. ''But the record companies are facing lean times, so being 'taken to lunch' these days is having a hamburger from Grill'd in our boardroom.

Mix 101.1 music director Toni Tenaglia.

Mix 101.1 music director Toni Tenaglia.Credit: Simon Schluter

''Having said that, it's still a great job. We're not digging ditches in 40-degree heat or working in the cold. And a bad day for us is not the same as a bad day for a policeman.''

In fact, a typical week involves dozens of tasks, including extensive research. Sometimes, listeners are played song snippets over the phone and asked to rate them; other times, they're invited into the boardroom to opine on the playlist. But only a fool would take the results as gospel.

''If you simply program by numbers, you end up sounding safe and dull,'' Nova's program director, Mike Cass, says. ''Because new songs are unfamiliar, they don't always rate well. Sometimes, you have to go, 'This is what I want the station to sound like' or 'I think this particular song could work', and then you go with your gut.''

All research should be taken with a grain of salt, Cass adds, because many listeners say what they think the questioner wants to hear. ''Their opinion is being recorded so they're conscious of being judged,'' he says.

Nova FM music directors Estelle Peterson and Mike Cass.

Nova FM music directors Estelle Peterson and Mike Cass.Credit: Simon Schluter

''They might want to look cooler or smarter or have broader tastes than they actually do.''

He recalls a test he did in Britain in the mid-1990s, in which 100 listeners were given a dial to rate songs. When a Michael Jackson tune started, they cranked their dials to the max but after a few seconds, they cranked them down, which isn't surprising given the sexual abuse allegations against Jackson two years earlier.

''We were left wondering, 'Which part of the rating do we believe?''' Cass says. ''Do we go with the part where they went, 'Wow, I love this song' - suggesting they probably would have turned it up if they were in the car by themselves - or do we go with the part where they seemed to say, 'Oh, it's Michael Jackson, I can't be seen to be liking him'?''

Likewise, Nova's music director, Estelle Paterson, believes her job is equal parts art and science. The first time she heard Adele's Someone Like You, for instance, she didn't really like it. A plaintive ballad, it was very different to the upbeat dance pop Nova favours. Still, it had a whiff of ''next big thing''. Paterson took a gamble and played it and the listeners adored it, prompting Fox and Mix to follow suit.

''It's not about what I want to hear,'' Paterson says. ''I have to play what I think the listeners want. Besides, Someone Like You became so popular, I couldn't escape it. I'd wake up with it stuck in my head and, eventually, I grew to like it.''

Having helped launch Nova in Sydney in 2001, Paterson switched to Melbourne several years ago. She's lost count of the times she's seen an international pop star walk past her office.

''I spotted one guy who was wearing thick glasses and I recognised him as one of the Proclaimers,'' she says. Another time, she found herself in a lift with the Village People (though, sadly, not in costume).

''I can't believe you!'' Cass cries, slapping his forehead. ''Of all the cool musicians you've met, of the 1000 times you've met Kylie, you nominate the Proclaimers and the Village People as your highlights.''

Not that these retro acts are banned from Nova. Although it's a ''contemporary hit'' station, as it's called in the industry, Nova occasionally plays classic tunes, from Radiohead's Creep to Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby.

''Our listeners told us they wanted songs that brought back memories,'' Cass says. ''Now, we play them every day in a feature we call Old School.''

When rapper Heavy D died last month, Nova played his 1991 classic Now That We Found Love. ''I admitted I played it as a new release in the UK,'' Cass says, ''and then one of the DJs goes, 'I wasn't even born when that song came out'. It shows that while mid-'90s Britpop brings back memories from my youth, for our younger listeners, the same could happen with a song that's just a few years old.''

Which is why keeping the music fresh is so important. Most Melbourne stations have up to several hundred songs on their playlist at any given time. For top-40 stations, such as Nova and Fox, the bulk are new-release pop singles, with the remainder just two or three years old. Anything of greater vintage is considered a ''gold'' track, to be played only rarely, but a new single from Pink, Rihanna or Lady Gaga will be put on high rotation and played every three hours.

Naturally, critics accuse these stations of being too repetitious. Yet such accusations don't bother Fox, given it's the only Australian station that draws more than 1 million listeners a week. (It rarely wins the overall ratings, however, because a station's audience share also reflects how long its listeners stay tuned.)

''Our listeners tune in for a good time, not a long time,'' music director Mathew ''Eggo'' Eggleston says. ''The idea is that they will hear their favourite songs whenever they switch us on, even if it's just for 15 minutes on the way to the shops.''

Choosing which songs to play, however, is merely the first step. Just as important is the order in which they are played. Variety is key: each block of music should feature different tempos and styles so if a listener isn't keen on one genre, chances are they'll like the next. Time of day is also important. Fox, for instance, will not play Someone Like You during breakfast because it does not want listeners sobbing over their cornflakes while recalling the crushing pain of heartbreak.

''The alarm's gone off and you're thinking, 'Shit, another day in the office,''' Fox's assistant music director, Michael ''MC'' Christian, says. ''That's when you want something with a bit of energy; something a bit bright and alive to get you moving.''

Yet, as Cass points out, sad songs are defined more by tempo and melody than lyrics - simply because most pop songs are about unrequited love, broken hearts and revenge.

''In any 90-minute period,'' he says, ''we might play Someone Like You, which is about heartbreak; Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know, about a relationship that ended badly; and Ed Sheeran's The A Team, about a prostitute on drugs. If the audience actually sat down and listened to the lyrics, we'd have them swinging from bridges all over Melbourne.''

Triple J's assistant music director, Nick Findlay, who is based in Sydney, also scrutinises his playlist to get the order right.

''All stations have scheduling software,'' he explains. ''You just press F10 to get a full day's playlist and it puts them in order based on genre. But you have to go through every minute to make sure each song is perfect; that they sound good next to each other and that, overall, it has 'the Triple J sound'.''

Of course, this software does not alert him to new artists. For that, Findlay spends hours scouring music blogs, attending gigs, meeting record companies, monitoring Twitter and Facebook and keeping an ear on the digital-only station Triple J Unearthed.

As a single mum with three children, Mix's assistant content director, Toni Tenaglia, doesn't go to gigs as often as she used to. Then again, she doesn't need to, having worked in radio for 27 years - including stints at Fox, Triple M and Nova - and always with a focus on music.

Her office in Mix's Richmond headquarters is immaculate. The only sign it belongs to a music director is the small cupboard of CDs in the corner - nothing compared with the mountains of discs that used to clutter her desk. But that was before the record companies switched to online streaming systems.

''I used to get sent every CD under the sun,'' Tenaglia says, ''not to mention all the promotional stuff that came with it - booze and gifts and all sorts of things.''

Not that these enticements ever prompted her to add a song. While Sony BMG was fined $10 million in 2005 for paying US radio stations to play their artists, such bribes are unheard of here.

''I'm completely honest with the record companies,'' Tenaglia says. ''If I don't think a song will work on Mix, I tell them why. That way, neither of us wastes our time.''

Personal taste, however, is not the deciding factor.

''I love dance music and I'd turn this place into a nightclub if I could,'' she says. ''But it's about getting the right sound for the station.''

Having lurched from one music format to the next over the past few years, Mix hired Tenaglia to bring some consistency to its playlist. Her experience with various top-40 and adult contemporary formats makes her well-suited to the station, which plays a blend of new pop and classics from the '80s and '90s.

Not only is Tenaglia responsible for finding new music, she must also choose when to move hit songs to a low-rotation cycle, hopefully before the listeners get sick of them.

''I can't stand Katy Perry's Last Friday Night,'' she laughs, ''yet the research shows our audience loves this song, so I have to keep playing it, even though I'm just waiting for it to die.

''There's a science behind what I do and at the end of the day, it is still a job. But then I sit there and go, 'If I spent all afternoon listening to music in any other workplace, I'd get the sack.'

''I actually do have one of the best jobs in the world.''

The most-played songs on Melbourne radio this year


1. Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO

2. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

3. Moves Like Jagger, Maroon 5

4. Last Friday Night, Katy Perry

5. Inescapable, Jess Mauboy


1. Moves Like Jagger, Maroon 5

2. Give Me Everything, Pitbull

3. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

4. Rolling in the Deep, Adele

5. Bounce, Calvin Harris


1. Every Time You Go, 3 Doors Down

2. Rope, Foo Fighters

3. Walk, Foo Fighters

4. Last Night, Good Charlotte

5. She's Like a Comet, Jebediah


1. Happiness, Alexis Jordan

2. For Your Entertainment, Adam Lambert

3. Perfect, Pink

4. Just the Way You Are, Bruno Mars

5. Raise Your Glass, Pink


1. Treehouse, Gold Fields

2. Rapunzel, Drapht

3. Helena Beat, Foster the People

4. Just Got Started, 360

5. Embody, Sebastian

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