

This was published 9 years ago

Jeremy Clarkson's road to ruin on Top Gear

By Angus Holland

Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear have for years traded on sneering at "political correctness", tacitly supported by the BBC. However Clarkson's antics put the station in an increasingly difficult situation in recent years.


  • Top Gear damages a tree in Somerset by ramming a truck into it. Then a few months later reportedly causes ecological damage in Scotland with a four-wheel-drive.


  • Clarkson makes a Nazi salute on the show, joking that the BMW-owned Mini could have indicators that operated like a Hitler salute. It's one of what would be many anti-German slurs.


  • Clarkson describes a car as "a bit gay". The BBC agrees the remark should not have been broadcast.


  • Top Gear is accused of damaging environmentally sensitive wilderness areas in Botswana.


  • Clarkson drives a truck and makes the comment: "What matters to lorry drivers? Murdering prostitutes?"

Jeremy Clarkson has long paved a contentious path as a host on <i>Top Gear</i>.

Jeremy Clarkson has long paved a contentious path as a host on Top Gear.


  • Clarkson calls former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has vision in only one eye, a "one-eyed Scottish idiot".


  • Motoring enthusiast and former Top Gear guest Steve Coogan (above) writes he has "had enough" of the show and accuses the BBC of tolerating the show's "casual racism".
  • Clarkson complains about a 24-hour public sector workers' strike, saying they should be "executed in front of their families". The BBC apologises for him.

  • Clarkson says people who throw themselves under trains are "selfish" and refers to them as "Johnny Suicide". His comments are branded "extraordinarily tasteless" by mental health charities.

  • Clarkson makes a joke at the expense of singer George Michael (above), saying a Jaguar "will get its tail out more readily than George Michael". George Michael responds on Twitter that Clarkson is a "pig-ugly homophobic tw*t".
  • Top Gear offends the Mexican ambassador when all three presenters make offensive comments about his country. James May describes Mexican food as "like sick with cheese on it". The BBC apologises.

  • The Indian High Commission demands an apology after Top Gear makes a special in India, where Clarkson says: "everyone who comes here gets the trots".


  • Clarkson tweets out numberplates of motorists who annoy him on the road.
  • Clarkson calls Britain "a nation of 62 million complete and utter bastards" after he tweets that his dog has died and people responded unkindly in a "non-stop tirade of abuse".
  • Clarkson insults "short people"... "When you've finished using a car, put the f---ing seat back, so humans can use it afterwards." August 23, 2012


Animal rights group Peta calls Clarkson "ignorant and unfeeling" after he posts this photo on Twitter:


  • Clarkson uses the racist term "slope" in an episode shot in Thailand. Looking at a bridge (above) that the presenters built, he says: "This is a proud moment but there is a slope on it." The BBC later claims that the presenters knew the word was "used to refer to people of Asian origin" but thought it was "mere slang".
  • Clarkson names his dog "Didier Dogba" after the former Chelsea footballer who originates from the Ivory Coast.
  • The Daily Mirror reveals unaired footage in which Clarkson apparently uses the "N" word while reciting the rhyme "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe…". Clarkson denies he used the word but admits in his weekly newspaper column: "I've been told by the BBC that if I make one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time, I will be sacked." It is later revealed he narrowly avoided disciplinary action that could have sent him packing over the incident.
  • Top Gear is involved in a fracas in Argentina after locals take offence at Clarkson's numberplate, which reads H982 FKL, which some claim is a provocative reference to the 1982 Falklands war.


  • The BBC finds that Clarkson assaulted a Top Gear producer and suspends him and the show. It then moves to sack him.

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