

This was published 9 years ago

Jeremy Clarkson's BBC contract as Top Gear presenter will not be renewed

By Michael Idato

The controversial Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has been sacked by the BBC.

The sacking ends a week of uncertainty following a "fracas" between Clarkson and one of the producers of the top-rating show, Oisin Tymon.

Speculation has been mounting for days that Clarkson, who was already on his last warning from BBC bosses, would be sacked as a result of the incident.

The BBC's director-general Tony Hall issued a statement to media, saying it was "with great regret that I have told Jeremy Clarkson today that the BBC will not be renewing his contract."

Polarising figure ... British television presenter Jeremy Clarkson leaves his London home on Tuesday. Nearly 450,000 fans from around the world have backed a petition calling for Clarkson to be reinstated to his job hosting Top Gear.

Polarising figure ... British television presenter Jeremy Clarkson leaves his London home on Tuesday. Nearly 450,000 fans from around the world have backed a petition calling for Clarkson to be reinstated to his job hosting Top Gear. Credit: Reuters

"It is not a decision I have taken lightly," Hall added. "I have done so only after a very careful consideration of the facts and after personally meeting both Jeremy and Oisin Tymon."

The decision effectively abandons the show's 22nd season which had three episodes remaining.

Because of Clarkson's suspension, the production was unable to film the show's studio links for the program, forcing them to postpone the episodes.


Clarkson's two co-hosts, Richard Hammond and James May, had indicated they would not film the programs without him.

Will get new colleague ... Top Gear co-presenter James May poses for a photograph outside his home on Wednesday in Hammersmith, London, England.

Will get new colleague ... Top Gear co-presenter James May poses for a photograph outside his home on Wednesday in Hammersmith, London, England. Credit: Getty Images

The "fracas" with one of the show's producers, Oisin Tymon, erupted after Clarkson was unable to get hot food after a day's filming.

After a string of mishaps, Clarkson was given a "final warning" by the BBC last year. Clarkson told UK media at the time he would be sacked if he made "one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time".

Jeremy Clarkson, centre, with the Top Gear team in Sydney in 2013.

Jeremy Clarkson, centre, with the Top Gear team in Sydney in 2013.Credit: Getty Images

Hall said that the BBC's strength was in its diversity, but that "they cannot come at any price".

"Common to all at the BBC have to be standards of decency and respect," he said. "I cannot condone what has happened on this occasion."

Jeremy Clarkson's BBC contract has not been renewed.

Jeremy Clarkson's BBC contract has not been renewed.Credit: Reuters

Hall revealed that during the incident on March 4, "a member of staff, who is a completely innocent party, took himself to [hospital] after a physical altercation accompanied by sustained and prolonged verbal abuse of an extreme nature."

Hall said that incident marked a line "crossed".

"There cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another dictated by either rank, or public relations and commercial considerations," he said.

Hall also said the BBC attached no blame to Tymon, who he described as "a completely innocent party".

"He has behaved with huge integrity throughout," Hall said. "As a senior producer at the BBC he will continue to have an important role within the organisation in the future."

The director of BBC Scotland, Ken MacQuarrie, was appointed to lead a formal investigation of the incident.

Hall today praised Ken MacQuarrie "for the thorough way he has conducted an investigation of the incident."

"Given the obvious and very genuine public interest in this I am publishing the findings of his report," Hall said.

"I take no pleasure in doing so. I am only making them public so people can better understand the background.

"I know how popular the program is and I also know that this decision will divide opinion. The main facts are not disputed by those involved."

In a generous gesture, Hall also paid tribute to Clarkson's contribution to the BBC, and his work on Top Gear.

"I have always personally been a great fan of his work and Top Gear," Hall said.

"Jeremy is a huge talent. He may be leaving the BBC but I am sure he will continue to entertain, challenge and amuse audiences for many years to come."

Hall said the broadcaster was now focused on rebuilding the show for 2016, and would look to replace Clarkson.

"This will be a big challenge and there is no point in pretending otherwise," he said.

"I have asked [BBC2 controller] Kim Shillinglaw to look at how best we might take this forward over the coming months," he said.

Hall added he had also asked Shillinglaw to ascertain whether the last three programs of the current season could be salvaged.

Clarkson, 54, has a history of controversy, though usually because of inappropriate or racist language, or bad behaviour.

Speaking last year after his final warning, Clarkson noted: "Even the angel Gabriel would struggle to survive with that hanging over his head."

It is with great regret that I have told Jeremy Clarkson today that the BBC will not be renewing his contract. It is not a decision I have taken lightly. I have done so only after a very careful consideration of the facts and after personally meeting both Jeremy and Oisin Tymon.

I am grateful to Ken MacQuarrie for the thorough way he has conducted an investigation of the incident on 4 March. Given the obvious and very genuine public interest in this I am publishing the findings of his report. I take no pleasure in doing so. I am only making them public so people can better understand the background. I know how popular the programme is and I know that this decision will divide opinion. The main facts are not disputed by those involved.

I want to make three points.

First - The BBC is a broad church. Our strength in many ways lies in that diversity. We need distinctive and different voices but they cannot come at any price. Common to all at the BBC have to be standards of decency and respect. I cannot condone what has happened on this occasion. A member of staff - who is a completely innocent party - took himself to Accident and Emergency after a physical altercation accompanied by sustained and prolonged verbal abuse of an extreme nature. For me a line has been crossed. There cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another dictated by either rank, or public relations and commercial considerations.

Second - This has obviously been difficult for everyone involved but in particular for Oisin. I want to make clear that no blame attaches to him for this incident. He has behaved with huge integrity throughout. As a senior producer at the BBC he will continue to have an important role within the organisation in the future.

Third - Obviously none of us wanted to find ourselves in this position. This decision should in no way detract from the extraordinary contribution that Jeremy Clarkson has made to the BBC. I have always personally been a great fan of his work and Top Gear. Jeremy is a huge talent. He may be leaving the BBC but I am sure he will continue to entertain, challenge and amuse audiences for many years to come.

The BBC must now look to renew Top Gear for 2016. This will be a big challenge and there is no point in pretending otherwise. I have asked Kim Shillinglaw [Controller of BBC Two] to look at how best we might take this forward over the coming months. I have also asked her to look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series.

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