

This was published 6 years ago

I'm a Celebrity: Past contestants talk food, fear and friction

By Michael Lallo

It's the reality show that pushes famous people to the edge.

Ahead of the new season of I'm a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!, we ask past contestants to reveal all.

Steve Price

The producers presumed that putting a young Muslim comic [Nazeem Hussain] in the jungle with me, an old Christian shock jock, would cause fireworks. But I went in determined to be the person I am off-air, not the person you sometimes see on-air. In my roles on radio and The Project, I am there to be the agent provocateur and create interesting debate. I'm not a bully, and I'm not Islamaphobic or homophobic – so I probably disappointed the producers on those levels.

'They've put us in here to bang heads': Nazeem Hussain (left) on being cast with Steve Price.

'They've put us in here to bang heads': Nazeem Hussain (left) on being cast with Steve Price.Credit: Nigel Wright

Steve Price

Steve PriceCredit: Ten

Nazeem and I had some spirited conversations about Islam, where we completely disagreed on a range of issues. But there was no viciousness. I came out with the impression that Nazeem is an intelligent, smart, modern face of the Islamic religion in Australia – and a good guy to know. I've been out to lunch with him a couple of times since.

Physically, the toughest part was the disgusting stuff we were forced to eat [such as maggot sushi]. People at home want to see us not coping. But I just whacked it in my mouth without screaming – and the viewers only voted me into one more food challenge. It wasn't a bad tactic.

Boredom was the hardest thing. Someone said it was like being in jail – but in jail, people get proper food, TV, the internet and a gym. We had nothing.


Nazeem Hussain

[Hosts] Julia Morris and Chris Brown tried to gross us out in the tucker trials by describing the food in detail. It wasn't just the taste; it was the texture – sometimes slimy, sometimes crunchy. I have a very sensitive gag reflex, so viewers kept voting me into the tucker trials. Clearly, the Australian public liked seeing me throw up.

Nazeem Hussain on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!

Nazeem Hussain on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!Credit: TEN

As soon as I saw Steve Price, I thought, "They've put us in here to bang heads." We actually did have some big arguments but when you have to live with people, you find a way to get along and see the humanity in each other. It sounds cheesy but that's what happened.

Before I went into the jungle, I'd see people arguing on the show and I'd be like, "Don't they know there are cameras there?" But after a week, I didn't have the energy to fake it any more. As a psychological experiment, it's brilliant. Your whole world becomes smaller, and suddenly you're having a passionate fight about who stole Tziporah Malkah's red sock.

The show is live. But when they announced Natalie Bassingthwaighte as the third-place winner, it was prerecorded to give her time to get to the live jungle studio. Everyone else knew not to say anything, because they're not idiots. But I accidentally revealed the result, on live TV. Julia was frantically trying to recontextualise what I said and as soon as we cut, Steve goes, "You moron!" The whole series was leading to this one episode, and I stuffed it up. I felt like I broke the show.

Casey Donovan

I won Australian Idol when I was 16 and by the time I was on Celebrity, I was in my late 20s – and it was completely different. The most unexpected thing was all the downtime, and having to deal with your own thoughts. You can't analyse things too much or it all comes crashing down on you.

Casey Donovan signs "thank you" over her I'm A Celebrity win.

Casey Donovan signs "thank you" over her I'm A Celebrity win.Credit: Ten

I've been a smoker for 13 years, so going cold turkey was tough. In the camp, the fire burns 24 hours a day, so everything is smokey.

The show made me look at life and know it's OK to be scared – but to give something a go anyway. I still have anxiety, which is shit, but it's easier to say to myself, "Just keep going, pet."

I was most looking forward to seeing my cat when I got home – and some other things I probably can't tell a newspaper.

Lisa Curry

Putting my head in a bowl of spiders was just horrible. Seeing them was bad enough, but I could actually feel their little claws digging in to my skin.

It's 'Spiders of the Caribbean' for Lisa Curry during the 'Sunday Fright at the Movies' tucker trial.

It's 'Spiders of the Caribbean' for Lisa Curry during the 'Sunday Fright at the Movies' tucker trial.Credit: Nigel Wright/Network Ten

Most celebrities are control freaks, so not being in control is the hardest part. But not using my phone felt like freedom after a while, because my brain wasn't overloaded.

It was easier than I expected to deal with the hunger. I could feel myself getting lighter, my skin was clear and my nails were growing. I had no more headaches or bloating – and almost no poo. No food equals no poo.

I changed my mind most about Keira Maguire [portrayed as a villainous contestant in a past season of The Bachelor]. It's funny how you can judge someone so quickly and then end up being good friends. One day, she said to me, "I don't want to come across as stupid or a princess." So I said, "Well, don't act that way! How you come across is up to you." She's one of the sweetest girls and I love her so much.

Joel Creasey

I'm not a team player. As a stand-up comedian, I'm on stage on my own – and I live by myself. In the jungle, I was a guinea pig in a pen and it freaked me out.

Horrific: Joel Creasey is reuniting some of his <i>I'm A Celebrity...</i> alumni for his Halloween party.

Horrific: Joel Creasey is reuniting some of his I'm A Celebrity... alumni for his Halloween party.

I'm so glad I was on the Marcia Brady season [featuring former Brady Brunch star Maureen McCormick]. She's the one person everyone remembers. I feel like I owe her a lot of money, because she's given me so much stand-up material. She could annoy me and sometimes, she was on another planet – but I fell in love with her. We've caught up since, in LA.

Chrissie Swan and I became so desperate for coffee, we offered to pay $10,000 of our own money – literally – for one jar of Moccona. We framed it to the producers as, "You guys will get better TV because we'll have more energy, and you can donate the money to a charity." But they obviously had a "we don't negotiate with terrorists" policy.

I'm really pushing for a Corby to be in the jungle this year – either Mercedes or Schapelle, I don't care. Or any form of drug smuggler; maybe they can break Cocaine Cassie out of jail and put her in.


Note: Transcripts have been edited for clarity.

WHAT: I'm a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!
WHEN: Ten, Sunday, January 28, 7.30pm

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