

This was published 12 years ago

Cereal offender

From "ill-informed buffoon" to "exceptional journalist", it seems everyone has an opinion about Karl Stefanovic. the (sydney) magazine's Stephanie Wood talks to friends, colleagues and the man himself to work out who's right and who's wrong.

By Stephanie Wood

Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, August 2004, and Karl Stefanovic is sweetening up his sources. He's slapped down Kerry Packer's plastic and picked up slabs of Red Stripe Jamaican lager, snags, bread rolls. The venue's not much to write home about – a stinking-hot military barracks – but it's not denting Stefanovic's enthusiasm for his transplanted Aussie sausage sizzle. Hatched with his cameraman, it's a plan to schmooze his new mates – a US army captain and a handful of military police and personnel.

"One of the strangest experiences of my life," says Stefanovic of the days he spent at Guantánamo Bay with 20 or so other journalists waiting for David Hicks to appear before a US military court, all the while trying to prise information out of his military minders. There had been a shivery flight down from Andrews air force base on a Hercules, tours of Camp Alpha and Camp X-Ray, and night swims — dude, night swims! — during
a Filipino guest workers' karaoke beach party. "It was bizarre, like walking into the twilight zone," says Stefanovic, who jumped into a floodlit patch of ocean with his colleagues. "I remember thinking, 'We're all in this ocean and probably two kays away, David Hicks would have been in his two-by-two-metre cell.' "

Stefanovic . . . "people need to lighten up a bit".

Stefanovic . . . "people need to lighten up a bit".Credit: Gary Heery

ABC TV's 7.30 host Leigh Sales, who was also in the group of journalists, remembers warm Caribbean waters, the night sky. She also remembers the sausage sizzle a few nights later and Stefanovic, then a Nine Network US correspondent, as the life of the party. "After that, we were just sweet; everyone looked after us," says Sales.

A sausage sizzle at Gitmo? Why not? For Stefanovic, it was completely in character. As his followers know, the larrikin in him is irrepressible. But do they know that the increasingly visible Today host is a man torn? After seven years of daily 3.15am alarms followed by 3½ mammoth hours of live television, Stefanovic, 37, is ready to step away from the breakfast grind. He wants to stay up past his eight o'clock bedtime and linger over glasses of shiraz with his wife, Cassandra, 40, at their new home, a $2.3-million California bungalow in Lindfield. Above all, he wants to be taken more seriously — he wants to be an intrepid reporter again.

Karl Stefanovic

Karl StefanovicCredit: Gary Heery

But in the extraordinarily important and profitable breakfast-television market, the stakes are about to get higher. As Ten prepares to roll out its three-hour show Breakfast in the new year and the Seven Network weighs up two master plans to revitalise its ratings-winning Sunrise, Nine execs might be considering cuffing their boyish host to his studio desk. Right now might not be the time to change drivers.

On the record, Stefanovic says he's in "no rush" to change jobs, that he's loving the "rich tapestry" of the breakfast gig and occasional 60 Minutes stories. But Today sports presenter Ben "Fordo" Fordham suggests otherwise. "The general routine is, Karl says that this'll be his last year and everyone says, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah', and then you get to the end of the year and then everyone twists his arm and he agrees to go round once more."

As a kid in Brisbane's sleepy south-eastern suburb of Capalaba, Stefanovic watched George Negus's 60 Minutes swagger and dreamt of being a foreign correspondent. "It was the most exotic thing, an amazing job to be able to go around the world and tell these stories," says Stefanovic, who carries a satchel hung with press passes – "Royal Wedding MEDIA", "Inauguration 2009 Barack Obama", "Anzac Day 2008 Villers-Bretonneux" – alongside trinkets from his daughter. "The danger they put themselves under sort of resonated with me … I guess it was boy's own adventure more than anything else."

Stefanovic sampled the exotic while based in Los Angeles during his 14-month US posting. But when he returned to Australia in 2005, on the promise of a 60 Minutes role, Nine CEO David Gyngell told him he would be replacing Steve Liebmann on Today instead. "There weren't too many positive ways of looking at it back then," he says. What followed were two wretched years of poor ratings, sniping criticism and a revolving door of co-hosts – Tracy Grimshaw, Jessica Rowe and Sarah Murdoch, before Lisa Wilkinson's polished arrival in 2007.

Karl Stefanovic

Karl StefanovicCredit: Gary Heery

In the years since, Today has regained significant ground and, in the past couple of years, has started to nip at the heels of Sunrise, with an average audience over the ratings year of 336,000 a day, behind Sunrise's 380,000. So what happened?

The young Stefanovic might well have been enthralled by George Negus in danger zones. But he was also dazzled by the likes of Mike Munro's 1986 interview with Dolly Parton. "Here's this guy from Australia and he's having a big flirt with one of the biggest stars in the world and asking her cheeky questions about her bust size. [I thought], 'That is very cool.' "

Karl Stefanovic

Karl StefanovicCredit: Gary Heery

In Stefanovic the breakfast-show host, a smutty schoolboy sense of humour is never far away. Nor is an antic to match. He'll tie on a bib and go head to head with Fordo in a "pizza slapping" competition, hoon around the Nine executive car park driving "the world's fastest vinyl couch", and preside over an on-air discussion that starts out about home security and finishes in a swamp of double entendre. (More than a million people have watched the YouTube clip about "long, stabby things" that concludes with Stefanovic and Fordham temporarily exiting the set in fits of giggles.)

And there's more: after 30 minutes interviewing the Dalai Lama about Tibet and world peace, he can't help trying out a bad joke about pizzas on His Holiness. ("It was just a bit of fun … people need to lighten up a little bit.") On stage to accept a Logie this year, he thanks his colleagues, his mum and his wife — who's "got the best arse I've ever seen". Launching Nine colleague Richard Wilkins's memoir in August in front of the entertainment reporter's friends, fiancée and children, Stefanovic starts with the line, "I know three things about Richard Wilkins: great bloke, big hair, massive cock", before describing him as the "Don Bradman of rooting".

After seven years of daily 3.15am alarms followed by 3½ mammoth hours of live television, Stefanovic, 37, is ready to step away from the breakfast grind.

Legions accuse him of plain tackiness. After each prank comes an outcry. But rather than turning viewers off, the "Karl Stefanovic has done it again" refrain seems to have contributed toToday's resurgence. "The more he cocks things up, the more people like him," says one high-profile observer. Another reckons that after Stefanovic did the show the morning after the 2009 Logies allegedly drunk, the criticism he copped was seen as "un-Australian". But a key insider at a rival network says playing the fool has "potentially undermined his brand".

Has Stefanovic got the gravitas to graduate to his dream job? Whatever, right now it's brand Today that matters. The boy's own adventures he craves might yet be a way away.

The intrepid reporter checks his seatbelt. Flight QF516 scoops through an orange-pink sunset as it begins its descent into Mascot. "Landing is the most crucial time to have your seatbelt on," says Stefanovic, finishing a jaunty business-class shiraz and confessing to a former fear of flying. "Always check your seatbelt when landing." The delivery is deadpan. (As it was when he was slapping Fordo's face with a three-day-old pizza slice. "Do you moisturise?" he asked.)

Stefanovic has spent the day on the Sunshine Coast interviewing the father of murdered teenager Daniel Morcombe. Contrary to what some might expect of the tabloid television reporter, he has elected not to interview Daniel's mother, Denise. She's far more fragile than father Bruce, he says. "Viewers don't need to see her crying; it doesn't add anything to the story knowing that she's shattered."

Stefanovic is clearly affected by the family's tragedy but that sense of humour can't stay down. "You've got great hair for a band," he tells a police officer manning a barrier at the site where Daniel's bones have been dug up. Turns out, the mop-headed copper is the drummer in a successful local outfit. "You wear a singlet as well, I guess?" Stefanovic asks. "Yeah, Jackie Howe," the officer replies. "Hard core," says Stefanovic, who goes on to coax more information about the investigation from the officer.

Online, and over bowls of cereal in homes across the nation, Stefanovic has been called everything from a "robot" to an "annoying douche", an "ill-informed buffoon", a "moronic twat" and a "sexist tool". In some circles, there's a perception that he's an ambitious climber and networker, that he cynically uses the acting skills he deployed when he delivered a Shakespeare soliloquy for a NIDA audition years ago to play whatever role the situation requires – a caring father, a goofball comedian, a foul-mouthed lad.

His best role is the really decent bloke. In person, Karlos, as all and sundry call him, is engaging and funny. Members of his sizeable cheer squad also note his generosity – professionally and personally. Fordo, co-host Lisa Wilkinson and Today executive producer Tom Malone all say that, as a broadcaster, Stefanovic is incredibly generous. "He is a driving force behind the energy and the pace of the show," says Malone. "There are things he does on set which the viewer wouldn't even know about that make the work of his co-hosts easier; he's not the one always wanting to deliver the line … He'll throw it up for someone else to smack it out of the park."

ABC's Leigh Sales describes him as "very funny, very charming". Meanwhile, Wendy Squires, a former Nine publicity director, sees no trace of a cynical networker in Stefanovic. "He just generally likes people – when you talk to him he gives you all the time in the world; he's not looking over your shoulder in case there's somebody better to talk to."

"He's very good at looking out for people," says Fordham, who admits to a full-blown bromance with his colleague. "I'm not easily led; I'm a pretty strong personality. But Karl could say to me, 'Mate, we're going to host the entire show underwater', and I'd say, 'Right, when's it on?' "

It is characteristics such as these that evidently have beguiled the rich and powerful friends Stefanovic has acquired as his star has risen, most notably James and Erica Packer, Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch, Mark Waugh, Alan Jones. He bumped into James Packer at a G'Day USA function when he was based in Los Angeles. Packer told him that he'd been following his work and clearly they hit it off – Karl and wife Cass were invited to the Packers' $15-million wedding on the French Riviera in 2007. With Packer, says Stefanovic, he talks about "anything from cricket to the economy in India to … his businesses – he tells me nothing and I just nod my head".

He met Lachlan Murdoch when Sarah was his Today co-host and they took the show to Tamworth. "We all went to the pub," says Stefanovic, who popped in to Lachlan's 40th birthday party on the Spanish Mediterranean island of Formentera in September.

Alan Jones put in a call to Stefanovic after he'd been on Today for a while to say that he'd been doing a great job. "He's been a very, very supportive person, not just professionally, but privately," says Stefanovic, who has had weekends away with Jones and other buddies and, in 2005, borrowed $100,000 from the 2GB broadcaster as bridging finance for a home loan.

"Irrespective of what people think of his political views, as a radio exponent he is extraordinary; he is an extraordinary broadcaster," Stefanovic continues. "Fitzy [Peter FitzSimons] is in the press almost every week banging on about Alan Jones, I don't know why. You know, Fitzy's a great bloke, he's a class act, but, you know, I don't know why he keeps banging on about Alan Jones. Dude, just let it go."

(Stefanovic's own politics are trickier to work out: he believes in gay marriage and God but hates "queue jumpers". He says when he did a piece on Pauline Hanson, he came to respect her attempts to articulate the views of a section of society who felt "they weren't being represented". His Serbian grandfather, who worked for BHP in Newcastle after migrating to Australia, was a strong trade unionist.)

Ben Fordham says he can understand the connection between Jones and Stefanovic. "They've both worked really bloody hard, they both love their sport and they're both phenomenal broadcasters." Beyond that, though, there's something deeper. "One thing Karl doesn't spend a lot of time talking about is his family background and he's by no means had an easy run. I think there's some similarities there … They're both Queensland boys, and neither of them were born with silver spoons in their mouths."

Karl Stefanovic would be the first to say that his childhood was a dream compared to so many others. He had loving parents, three jolly siblings, creek-paddling, tree-climbing freedom and a solid education. But even the smallest cuts can leave a scar. Money was always tight – "Dad used to sneak us into the drive-in in the back of the Torana GTR so we didn't have to pay for it" – and the family lived in a caravan while their modest house was being built on Capalaba acreage.

In high school, Stefanovic discovered how cruel kids can be. His father, a financial adviser, scraped together the money to send him to the snotty Churchie (Anglican Church Grammar School) but the fit wasn't great. "I was always the wog and had the wog name; I always felt a bit conscious of the fact these kids had flash cars and big houses and we were struggling."

Stefanovic, who reportedly earns about $600,000 a year these days, recalls believing that he'd never be as privileged as his schoolmates. "I always remember thinking, 'I've just got to work harder – not to be as wealthy as those people but I've just got to work harder at what I do.' "

When he was in his late teens, the family moved to Cairns (Stefanovic finished high school at St Augustine's College) and it was there that things unravelled. His father had got himself in over his head; the house in Brisbane and a new one in Cairns were lost and his parents' marriage fell apart.

"When they split up, it was pretty hard," says Stefanovic, who is extremely tight with his family – dad Alex, mum Jenny, elder sister Elisa (a hair and make-up artist in Brisbane) and younger brothers Peter (the Nine Network's Europe correspondent) and Tom (a Nine cameraman). "Probably for a couple of years I had a fair bit of angst. I wasn't young but still … it was a big thing."

Ben Fordham says his friend tends to cast a rose-coloured hue on his childhood — backyard cricket, happy days — but it's not a true image. "For Karl, his mum and dad going their separate ways was a game changer."

When Today travelled to London earlier this year for the royal wedding, the pair sat up late one night in their hotel boozing and talking. "Karl loves to connect," says Fordham. "It's a big thing for him and he'll actually say it – 'We need to connect a bit on this trip.' And it's like, 'Mate, what are you talking about? What do you mean? We're best mates, what are you talking about?' And he's like, 'No, no, no … deeper, deeper, I've got some stuff.' " Stefanovic is, his friend says, very deep, very sensitive and very emotional. "After knowing him for years and years, he finally spilt the beans about his demons … It wasn't a picture-perfect family history."

Stefanovic reckons his mother can be thanked for his sensitive-new-age-guy side. "Mum was always a very sensitive soul. She always said, 'Make sure, just because you're a bloke you don't hide that.' " But he's no sop. "There is a very steely resolve underneath Karl," says Tom Malone. That resolve was front and centre when he played schoolboy cricket for Queensland. "If I needed to learn something,
I would just practise and practise and practise for hours — cricket, tennis, golf, anything," Stefanovic says.

In year 9, he decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot. But all the resolve in the world couldn't help him solve the riddle of algebra. The idea of television journalism took hold after that but when he didn't get the marks to get a spot in Queensland University of Technology's journalism program, he opted for early-childhood education. "I'd just watched Kindergarten Cop and thought it'd be a bit of a gag."

After switching to journalism in 1993, his second year, he became the first of his peers to get work experience. While his mates worried about where their next drink was coming from, he was climbing a mountain three days a week — Mount Coot-tha, home to Brisbane's television industry — to work at Ten. "Don't worry, he was driven," says his QUT mate Ben Davis, now a sports reporter at Seven in Brisbane. "When opportunities presented themselves, he knew how to grab them." He had, says Davis, "more front than Myer".

Davis remembers "a good-looking rooster", a charmer. "All the girls loved him … it all came pretty naturally to him, yeah, [but] he wasn't stuck up, he didn't trade off it. He was cheeky. I tell you what he was: what you see now, on air, is what he's like. That's him." After big nights out at St Paul's Tavern in Spring Hill or at City Rowers, Stefanovic would crash at Davis's folks' place in Corinda. In the early hours they'd heat up frozen pies before top-and-tailing in Davis's queen-size bed in the garage under the house.

Alex Stefanovic had moved back to Brisbane but his finances hadn't improved and he and Karl moved around a bit, living in friends' garages and shifting between rental properties. "I never ever wanted for anything … but I was painfully aware that we were struggling."

The struggle continued when he graduated at the end of 1994. Stefanovic couldn't find a job. "How could they ignore me after all the work I've done?" he raged after knockbacks from the commercial networks in Brisbane, the ABC and, worse still, regional television stations. He decided to give "this acting thing a go". He can't be certain but thinks it might have been a passage from The Merchant of Venice that he delivered for his NIDA audition. He knows for sure, though, that he couldn't act to save his life. "I knew the words but all I had was front. Nothing was in the shop."

Stefanovic met his first girlfriend at a Melrose Place party in Rockhampton in 1995. They're still together. Cassandra Thorburn was a Mildura girl four years his senior working on local ABC radio. Stefanovic, who finally had scored a job covering weather, cows and car crashes for Rocky television, heard Thorburn read the 7am news and thought she had a bloody nice voice.

In the years since, they've had three kids – Jackson, 12, Ava, 6, and River, 5 – and Stefanovic is devoted to them. "Look, all I'm going to say is that it is for my children," he says of a mysterious tattoo known to be on his left upper arm. "It's a tribute to my kids … It's personal between us."

Thorburn, meanwhile, has been a kitchen-table counsellor throughout Stefanovic's career – from Rockhampton, TVNZ in Auckland and Ten in Brisbane, to Nine in Brisbane, Sydney and LA. "He talks to me about everything to do with his job," she says. "I guess it helps that I understand the industry."

"There's no question that Cass is a crucial ingredient in Karl's success," says Ben Fordham. "I think she's ambitious for him … because she wants the best for Karl and she knows how talented he is." It's rare, Fordham adds, for a morning to go by on the Today set without Stefanovic passing on an observation from his wife or repeating something she has said. "I'd probably go as far as saying that Karl gets all of his great ideas from Cass and he doesn't hide that at all."

Be that as it may, Stefanovic's skills as a broadcast journalist are his own. Beyond that ability to ferret out information – Leigh Sales says that when they were covering the same stories in the US she had to watch he didn't scoop her – he has a rare capacity to anchor running coverage.

Some might sneer at "Disaster Karl", who, in the past year, has earnestly bobbed up in Cairns during Cyclone Yasi, in flooded Brisbane, in Japan after the tsunami and in Christchurch surrounded by earthquake rubble. They might point out that the Gold Logie he grabbed in May was not so much about the quality of his work on those front lines but Nine's solid ad campaign urging viewers to vote for him.

Colleagues, though, give him top marks for his work. Sales sent Stefanovic a text message after his coverage of the Christchurch earthquake to congratulate him. It is, she says, an extraordinarily difficult thing to keep speaking, to keep interviewing, to keep filling time, all unscripted, hour after hour, especially in traumatic situations. "He's a very good television communicator," she says.

Not surprisingly, Tom Malone's estimation of his presenter is even higher. "There are elements to Karl of being the funny man and quick-witted but there are also elements of Karl being the exceptional journalist and exceptional broadcaster." You can't have dull people on telly, says Malone. "You've got to have people you like watching, you warm to, you relate to, and who also give you that element of danger – that anything could happen here."

The consensus is that Stefanovic is walking the fine line between serious and silly without ill-effect. "He sails close to the edge every morning," says his mate Fordham. "[But]somehow he's managed to create this niche for himself where he gets away with it and five minutes later he can be conducting himself in a completely professional manner interviewing the prime minister." (Even if he has been known to start an interview with a prime minister with the question, "Are you grumpy this morning, Prime Minister?")

Stefanovic the journalist says it's all about "the yarn" – that next great story, that next Gitmo-style boy's own adventure. Stefanovic the lad, though, is a hard beast to tame. "He's a real sort of Aussie bloke," says Lisa Wilkinson. "He's just a hard-working good bloke who likes a laugh, likes a beer, loves what he does for a living."

If he offends a few people along the way, well, that's a price he's happy to pay. "When you're doing something serious, you do it properly, but jeez, come on, this country has a great history of laughing. And I don't mind if people are laughing at me, as long as they're having a laugh. People need to chill out."


Karl Stefanovic says he has a half-second gap between thought and speech - enough time to weigh up whether he should say something or not and censor himself if necessary. "Sometimes I will say it because I think it needs to be said - I've made the assessment very quickly and I've decided to go with it anyway." He believes that, these days, people are craving honesty. "There's so much out there that is spin, not just from politicians but from marketing and all facets of life, and you can lose sight of what's real."

The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop ...

What happened: After a 30-minute interview with the Dalai Lama in June about serious matters, Stefanovic risked telling him a joke: "So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop. And he says, 'Can you make me one with everything?' " When it became clear that the Dalai Lama had no idea what he was talking about, Stefanovic tried to explain the punchline, which made matters worse. Far worse.

Karl says: "It wasn't live so it could have been cut, but we included it. I thought it was a funny moment. Even if I am hideously uncomfortable, I think moments like that are what draw people to TV."

Others say: "You know what, Karl, I give you like an A-plus for trying something different." - Gretchen Carlson, Fox News.

"Apologies, world! Karl Stefanovic is a moronic twat that the majority of Australians cringe to be associated by nationality with ... most of us are NOT like him!!! - "Jamsanger", YouTube comment.

The secret life of Dicky

What happened: In August, Stefanovic launched colleague Richard Wilkins's memoir before an audience that included Wilkins's children and fiancée. In his speech, among other things, he said, "I know three things about Richard Wilkins: great bloke, big hair, massive cock." Stefanovic had come from a long lunch at Beppi's with his boss David Gyngell.

Karl says: "Contrary to popular opinion, I was not drunk. I did not slur a single word. I thought everyone was pretty excited, the room was pretty pumped and I thought, 'Oh well, this is for Dicky.' "

Others say: "That's just Karl.

He's a larrikin. I think Karl is a guy who really enjoys life and he will never, ever die wondering."

- Lisa Wilkinson, Today co-host.

"Maybe he missed his calling and should have been a footballer?"

- "Kim", commenting on Mia Freedman's Mamamia website.


What happened: Accepting the Logie for Most Popular TV Presenter, Stefanovic thanked his wife, Cassandra, and said she had "the best arse I've ever seen". (Later that night, he collected the Gold Logie.)

Karl says: "I wanted to make her feel good about herself. I'm not a sexist guy, I never will be a sexist guy; it was something between her and I - and the rest of Australia."

Others say: "Am I chuffed that my husband also finds me attractive enough to tell the country, you betcha!" - Cassandra Stefanovic, commenting on the Mamamia website.

"It felt like a sportsman's night from 20 years ago ... They don't do that kind of gag any more - like smacking your lips when a girl gives you a trophy." - Johanna Griggs, Better Homes & Gardens.

Leave Steve alone

What happened: In September 2006, soon after Steve Irwin's death, Stefanovic interviewed Germaine Greer on A Current Affair after she had written that Irwin was a "self-deluded animal tormentor" and an "embarrassment" to Australia. Stefanovic shook his head in disgust as she made her points, accused her of "making it up" and concluded with, "Germaine Greer there with her bitter and warped view of Steve Irwin."

Karl says: "I interviewed Steve on many occasions and had a good relationship with him. Her comments were poorly timed and in bad taste, and I won't apologise for standing up for someone if I think they are being given a rough ride. It was cheap."

Others say: "Karl Stefanovic's confrontation with Germaine Greer regarding Steve Irwin was an embarrassment to the Nine Network ... He accused her of being 'un-Australian', yet his own behaviour showed no respect for objectivity and free speech." - Letter writer to The Age, September 2006.

the (sydney) magazine is out today with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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