

This was published 9 years ago

Ladies first: Australia's Bachelorette Sam Frost is ready to shine

Aussie boys have had their turn at the world's most popular reality dating format and, as Michael Lallo reports, now it's time for Sam Frost to show us what the girls can do.

By Michael Lallo

​Sam Frost was in kindergarten when someone first called her family "broken". It wasn't just a playground taunt. Grown-ups said it, too.

"I felt like telling them, 'You have no idea what we're dealing with'," says the scorned winner of last year's The Bachelor – now returning as titular heroine of The Bachelorette. "If you did, I guarantee you wouldn't say those things."

Bachelorette Sam Frost says she is no pushover.

Bachelorette Sam Frost says she is no pushover.

Frost's parents separated when she was three. Left with four young children, her mother, Debbie, took on two gruelling jobs. There was no spare cash. Yet she always found enough for her daughter's favourite treat: a custard tart from the bakery.

Broken? Frost says her mum is her hero and her siblings are her best friends. And Debbie's late husband, Paul, proved "family isn't defined by blood, but unconditional love". She corrects those who call his sons her half-brothers: "They're just my brothers."

<i>The Bachelorette</i>'s suitors.

The Bachelorette's suitors.

On social media, she defends others who endure unfair judgements, from asylum seekers and people with depression to gay couples who can't get married. "You're the first person to ever ask me about these things," Frost says. "It's nice to have a platform, but no one really listens to me."

Some may huff at a reality TV starlet wanting a voice. Yet we pay respectful attention to male celebrities speaking about social issues – from footballers and comedians to breakfast TV hosts – without fretting about whether they are "qualified".

Frost, 26, found fame last year on The Bachelor, Australia's guilty pleasure. Since its 2013 debut, its audience has swelled to an average of of 1.15 million viewers an episode, including east coast regions.

It's the show many of us watch through a haze of irony and Twitter jokes. Perhaps because The Bachelor is rumoured to ply its contestants with liquor, deprive them of sleep, tell them what to say, and unfairly edit the results. Indeed, the original US version inspired UnReal, a brilliantly dark satire in which producers manipulate a group of women into catfights and breakdowns. So when Blake Garvey proposed to Frost in last year's finale – then rescinded the offer amid a blaze of headlines to be with second runner-up Louise Pillidge – some smelled a stunt.

Ready to shine: Sam Frost.

Ready to shine: Sam Frost.

"Absolutely untrue," says Stephen Tate, head of Channel Ten's entertainment and factual programming. "If we did that, we wouldn't end up with lasting relationships." (Garvey and Pillidge are still together, as are Tim Robards and Anna Heinrich from season one.) Industry peers also scoff at the idea of such an elaborate ploy being executed without a single insider leaking it to the press.

Tate insists that alcohol is served responsibly, and the occasional tipsy contestant is a hindrance because he is compelled to edit him or her out.

Frost, meanwhile, says there is a benign truth to other allegations. For instance, producers often tell contestants what to discuss. "We'd be talking about what we bought at Target," she says. "And they'd be like, 'Can you talk about Jess' date?' That's as far as the 'scripting' goes."

Long hours are not a psychological ploy, she adds; shrinking budgets have forced most shows to film on tight schedules. And, of course, producers seize upon the juiciest moments. But ultimately, they can only broadcast what contestants give them.

I want to be with a man who knows who he is, and understands who I am.

Sam Frost

"I understand things might not have gone your way," she says, addressing disgruntled evictees in general. "But you don't have to drag down every single person. I get really defensive over it ... don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Her suitors are equally honest. The Bachelorette's narrative may be served by the idea of the 14 lovelorn men working up the courage to apply. Yet suave Englishman Alex, 35, and friendly plumber Dave, 30, cheerily admit they were approached by casting agents.

"You've got this internal awareness that anything you do could be on TV and get portrayed in a certain way," Alex says. "You've got to battle to get outside your comfort zone to get Sam's attention but at the same time, not make a tool of yourself."

This savvy awareness of the reality genre extends to viewers, Tate believes. Some have been reared on these programs and have grown weary of contestants claiming "selective editing" to excuse their mistakes and outbursts. When earnest think-pieces explain "so-called reality shows" are filmed in controlled and artificial environments, they respond: well, duh. Many even see the participants as characters.

"When you watch a series, it's easy to forget the people are real, and they're having real feelings," Tate says. "Sam really had her heart broken."

After her split with Garvey, Frost sobbed under a pillow for a week. "I cracked," she told Cleo. "I lost it."

I put a theory to her: during filming, Garvey relished his power. But when the show ended, he found himself on equal footing with his fiance, which came as a shock. "Absolutely," she says. "He had this idea he could say whatever he wanted and I would do it. He basically wanted me to move to [his hometown] Perth and be a Betty Homemaker."

There was one small problem. Frost had been giving serious thought to what she calls "the pressure to conform". She realised she was being nudged into mythical ideals of wifedom and motherhood. So she gave herself a mental slap. "Why on earth should I ever change?" she asked herself. "This is who I am!" Now, she embraces the term feminist.

Frost's appealing warmth, heart-on-sleeve honesty and no-nonsense manner sealed the deal for Tate. "She's not going to laugh something off that offends her," he says. "She's going to put the person in their place straight away, and it makes a great show."

Frost leaves no doubt about what she's after.

"I want to be with a man who knows who he is, and understands who I am. Who will be comfortable finding the balance and compromise in a relationship. Who loves the fact I'm not a pushover – and finds it kind of sexy that I have opinions."


The Bachelorette Australia


Wednesday, Ten, 7.30pm

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