

This was published 9 years ago

ABC will be cut by $50m a year, costing 500 jobs by Christmas, as Turnbull defends Abbott on Q&A

By Neil McMahon

The axe is coming to the national broadcaster this week, with the ABC breaking the details of its own looming amputations on Monday night: $50 million a year in new cuts will mean the loss of up to 500 jobs by Christmas, the death of state-based current affairs, a tighter budget for Lateline

On Media Watch, these and other cuts were flagged as a near 6 per cent hack from the ABC budget. Later on Q&A, Malcolm Turnbull put the figure at around 5 per cent but refused to offer much more detail. "It'll average over five years about 5 per cent off the top," the Communications Minister said. "I'll have a lot more to say about it later in the week." The cuts closely reflect the figures first reported by Fairfax Media last week.

Media Watch said that taking in the loss of the Australia Network contract and other special funding, the actual figure was more like 9 per cent, with managing director Mark Scott likely to tell staff the full scale of the cuts on Thursday.

Some departments can breathe more easily than others, host Paul Barry reported. ABC2 and ABC3 survive; Radio National is cut by only 2 per cent, thanks to ABC board intervention; regional radio has been mostly left alone. But the predicted demise of the Friday night state-based 7.30 programs is going ahead, and Lateline "will be cut back" but will stay on ABC1, Barry said. Twenty jobs will go as foreign bureaus are squeezed in Tokyo, Bangkok, New Delhi and New Zealand. And ABC radio will lose $6 million.

Malcolm Turnbull: insists the cuts are a savings measure.

Malcolm Turnbull: insists the cuts are a savings measure.Credit: ABC

On Q&A, Mr Turnbull denied the cuts were driven by ideology.

"The savings measures … are not punitive measures at all. They are relatively modest savings relative to the budget of the ABC and SBS. They are part of a government savings exercise because we've got a problem with the budget. There's no reason for the ABC to be exempt from that."

Mr Turnbull repeated his claim that ABC management had tried to shift the blame for "programming changes [made] for its own programming reasons" to the government. "That is simply not right," he said, suggesting as an example that it was ABC management that had considered dumping Lateline in favour of a "Lateline-type show" on the 24-hour news channel.

Mr Turnbull faced repeated questioning from the Q&A audience and sustained criticism of the government from other panellists. But he was at pains to defend Prime Minister Tony Abbott on all fronts, including from attacks on his speech to world leaders at the G20 summit in which he focused on domestic policy issues.

Mark Scott: set to the reveal the cuts on Thursday.

Mark Scott: set to the reveal the cuts on Thursday.Credit: Mal Fairclough

"I'd just say this in defence of Tony," Mr Turnbull said. "All politics is local. That is the nitty-gritty of politics and the nitty-gritty of government. I think the other leaders would have appreciated getting an insight into the challenges of government."

The minister also repeated his criticism of a satirical report on the Abbott-Putin shirtfront controversy that aired on 7.30 last week. He said satire on a serious news program needed to be clearly labelled and the audience attuned to expect it.


Host Tony Jones then said to another panellist, senior News Corporation editor Sarrah Le Marquand: "You've got Andrew Bolt, you don't label him as 'satire'."

Jones apologised for the remark shortly afterwards. At one point, under questioning from comedian Ben Elton, Mr Turnbull said the program was becoming a "Tony Abbott hate-fest".

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