

This was published 5 years ago

‘A brutal, dark time’: Real-life heartache behind Harry Potter play

While writing the script for Cursed Child, Jack Thorne endured a private agony. 'Every aspect of the show,' he says, 'is infected by that.'

By Michael Lallo

Sean Rees-Wemyss as Albus Potter and William McKenna as Scorpius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Sean Rees-Wemyss as Albus Potter and William McKenna as Scorpius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

While Jack Thorne was writing the script for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, he and his wife went through seven rounds of IVF.

"We had a very brutal, dark time," says the acclaimed English playwright. "Every aspect of the show is infected by that."

The blockbuster play, which debuted at Melbourne's Princess Theatre in February, does not address fertility issues directly. Rather, it examines the subterranean familial forces that shape who we are; the parental mistakes and childhood wounds that are painful to acknowledge – but devastating to ignore.

Thorne has long been intrigued by such societal blind spots. Why do we talk about some things but not others? How do we decide which hardships warrant our sympathy?

Jack Thorne at lunch at Melbourne's Becco restaurant.

Jack Thorne at lunch at Melbourne's Becco restaurant.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

A child's death is universally acknowledged as a tragedy. But if someone can't have children – through circumstance, biology or miscarriage – we often minimise their grief.


"My wife couldn't be happy when someone else fell pregnant," Thorne says. "Even with her best friend, it was really hard."

Thorne met comedy agent Rachel Mason on a train to the Cornwall Film Festival. He was too shy to approach her himself (and would have changed seats if she'd approached him) but luckily, they ran into a mutual friend who introduced them.

They married in 2014 and began IVF later that year. In 2016, they welcomed their son, Elliott. Now, Mason counsels others trying IVF.


"She says the difference between the genders is ridiculous," Thorne says. "Men will say, 'We need to do this many rounds on these specific dates, and it will all be fine.' Whereas women will say, 'I had my heart broken on that day, and again on that day, and I cried myself to sleep on that day.'"

He wouldn't wish their struggles upon anyone, but there has been an upside. "We've never really had a dark moment since Elliott was born. It was as though we'd already been through that and when he turned up, we just felt ridiculously lucky."

We're at a windowside table in Becco, overlooking the old-fashioned barber shops and espresso bars on Crossley Street. Like most restaurants near the Princess Theatre, it benefits from Cursed Child's two-part structure; those who see both instalments in one day usually fill the gap with dinner.


Thorne orders the Chicken Maryland with fregola, pancetta and buttermilk; I have the duck breast with roasted carrots and a grappa jus.

Duck breast with roasted carrots and a grappa jus at Becco.

Duck breast with roasted carrots and a grappa jus at Becco.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Though it's his first time in Australia, he finds Melbourne "weirdly familiar".

"I think it's because Brits and Australians have a similar sensibility," he says. "In America, self-deprecation is met with a frown but in Australia and the UK, you don't sell yourself too loudly."

When Cursed Child director John Tiffany asked him to write the script, Thorne fell into the gutter. (This isn't a metaphor; he really did stagger off the pavement in shock.) Tiffany's offer was unprecedented: though others have adapted J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books to film, Thorne would be the first to write an entirely new Potter story.

"It's like that scene in Armageddon," he laughs. "Owen Wilson's character says, 'I'm 98 per cent excited, 2 per cent scared – or maybe 98 per cent scared and 2 per cent excited – but that's what makes it so intense.' I'm not sure I'll do my credibility any good by quoting Armageddon, but that's how I felt."

Thorne expected to be nervous in his first meeting with Rowling. But within five minutes of shaking hands, the pair were divulging childhood embarrassments to each other. For Rowling, it was a haircut she got on a weekend, unaware that a more popular girl would turn up with the same style on Monday. By the law of the playground, she was guilty of two crimes: imitating an actual cool person and thinking she deserved a trendy haircut in the first place.


In Thorne's case, it was a winter coat, identical to one owned by a better-looking classmate. "People don't quite remember how bad it was when they were 10," he says. "It's an under-appreciated age of fear."

Chicken Maryland with fregola, pancetta and buttermilk.

Chicken Maryland with fregola, pancetta and buttermilk.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

In Cursed Child, the now-adult Harry is bewildered by the prickly defensiveness of his teenage son, Albus. He tries to talk some sense into the boy – and when that fails, he shouts something that sucks the air out of the room.

"One of the notes I got given was, 'Make sure Harry is still likeable', so I cut that scene entirely," Thorne says. "Then John goes, 'Where the hell is this scene?' and he put it back in … I think it's a scene parents really relate to."

Naturally, Harry isn't pleased when Draco Malfoy's son Scorpius befriends Albus. Ironically, the burden of their famous surnames helps cement the boys' bond.

After sketching out the central plot with Rowling and Tiffany, Thorne began writing the script. "Adapting someone else's work is hard because the author already has an idea of how the story should be told," he says. "I did the [film script] for Tim Winton's Dirt Music and I know there are parts he didn't like, and he's completely entitled to feel that. But Jo [Rowling] was like the fairy godmother you only ever hope for; just a dream collaborator."

When he finished a draft, he'd save it to a USB stick and summon a guard to take it to Rowling's house. Email correspondence was forbidden, lest hackers try to steal a copy. What Thorne's colleagues didn't know is that he wrote much of the script on a laptop in Islington Central Library. (He and his wife were renting a bedsit at the time, with no room for a desk.)


"Anyone could have leaned over and looked at what I was doing," he says. "But they probably assumed it was nothing interesting because I was writing it in public."

The Australian cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

The Australian cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Credit: Matt Murphy

When Thorne was 21, he became bedbound by a skin condition called cholinergic urticaria. Any heat, natural or artificial, left him covered in painful red welts; even lying next to an open window, in the depths of an English winter, offered little relief. Friends who sent postcards got nine-page letters in reply and when they wrote back, another nine pages would follow. "Eventually, I scared them away through sheer exhaustion," he told one newspaper.

I have a relationship with my body that’s not the same as other people’s.

Jack Thorne

At 23, Thorne attended an open day at Graeae Theatre Company, composed of artists and writers with disabilities. He felt like a fraud. A "real" disability, he believed, required a wheelchair or a blue parking permit.

"Then a woman [at the open day] said to me, 'Of course you're disabled' – and it was a huge coming out moment. I have a relationship with my body that's not the same as other people's, and here were these people who also have a different relationship with their bodies. Suddenly, I had this community I fit into."

Improved treatments allow him to do things once deemed impossible. The day before our lunch, for instance, he took a dip at St Kilda Beach.


After Cursed Child's 2016 London debut, some critics accused the show of "queerbaiting" by hinting at – but never confirming – a romance between Albus and Scorpius. In response, Tiffany pointed out the characters are only 11 when we meet them on stage.

"For me, Scorpius and Albus love each other," Thorne says. "They will probably be the most significant person in each other's lives, whatever happens. If they end up together, that's one possible reality and if they don't, that's another possibility. I don't think either of them is ready to know that yet, because they're both immature kids in a lot of ways."

From the outset, Thorne knew his work would draw strong opinions.

"But even if people are criticising me, they're passionate. And in a world where cynicism can be overwhelming, there's something quite lovely about seeing that passion."

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is playing at The Princess Theatre. Tickets:

The bill, please: Lunch at Becco with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child scriptwriter, Jack Thorne.

The bill, please: Lunch at Becco with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child scriptwriter, Jack Thorne.Credit: Michael Lallo

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