

This was published 8 years ago

The Drover's Wife review: Leah Purcell magnificent in bleak but hopeful drama

By Jason Blake

Belvoir, September 21. Until October 16


Like the revisionist Hollywood westerns of the 1970s, Leah Purcell's adapted, expanded version of Henry Lawson's short story offers a violent, politically charged rebuttal of the sentimental view of life on the Australian frontier.

Leah Purcell as the heavily pregnant Molly in <i>The Drover's Wife</i>.

Leah Purcell as the heavily pregnant Molly in The Drover's Wife.Credit: Brett Boardman

We're in alpine country, the year is 1893, and the heavily pregnant Molly (Purcell) is dealing with an unwelcome guest on the property, a wounded Aboriginal man with an iron collar around his neck.

With her husband away droving, Molly knows that any trouble is simply a magnet for more. It arrives almost immediately in the form of an itinerant, who sees nothing but opportunity in the situation.

Molly and the fugitive, Yadaka, are forced into an uneasy partnership. Its evolution reveals that they have much in common and as much to fear from agents of white justice and entitlement.

Twisting out of the grip of Lawson's original in surprising ways, The Drover's Wife is a potent piece of storytelling made enthralling by a cinematically complete package of a production directed Leticia Caceres.

Will McDonald and Mark Coles Smith in The Drover's Wife.

Will McDonald and Mark Coles Smith in The Drover's Wife.Credit: Brett Boardman

Stephen Curtis' stage design offers an evocative sketch of frontier life in wood, dirt and canvas, centred on an ominous axe stump. Verity Hampson's lighting and a tension-ratcheting sound design from the Sweats (aka Pete Goodwin) are expertly deployed. Costume designer Tess Schofield equips everyone in the cast with a painstakingly detailed life story in layers of wool and greasy leather.

Purcell has written a great role for herself and performs it magnificently. All manner of brutality is inflicted on Molly in the course of the 100 minutes and some of it is not easy to watch, but Purcell makes it impossible to look away.


Mark Coles Smith shines quietly as Yadaka, the sole man of principle in the story who becomes a hero to Molly's son Danny (Will McDonald).


Tony Cogin steeps his portraits of a swaggie and a local stockman in distilled malevolence. Benedict Hardie turns in a brilliant cameo as a peddler who turns viciously on Molly and Yadaka after they take the trouble to relieve him of a rotten tooth.

The Drover's Wife is unblinkingly bleak at times, but a strong sense of mission and hope emerges in the final scene as Molly and Danny set out to find and take back what has been stolen. Seldom do you see a play so deserving of a sequel.

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