This was published 12 years ago
Pig's trotter might fly
Cooking food in a bag? Not on Fergus Henderson's watch, writes Kerrie O'Brien.
FOOD, like fashion, is a fickle business. Fergus Henderson's St John restaurant in London was No.14 on Restaurant magazine's World's Best 50 Restaurants list in 2009, dropped to 43 in 2010, was 41 last year and this year no longer has a billing. This despite the fact Henderson says little has changed at St John. Not that he's too bothered; he's always delighted to receive awards - the restaurant has a Michelin star - but they've never been his aim. ''There's something notional going on,'' he says.
Regardless of its presence or otherwise on hot lists of the moment, the restaurant struck a chord when Henderson and his business partner opened it in 1994 - and continues to do so. St John was revolutionary, making offal the star and pioneering so-called nose-to-tail eating before they were buzzwords. The dining room was white and rather spartan, devoid of art, music or any other trimmings. ''It's a great backdrop,'' Henderson says. ''People arrive every day and they suck on bones and gnaw on birds and make their own music, make their own decorations." Asked how he came up with the idea, he frowns. "I didn't wake up and say, 'Aha!','' he says. ''It's not a great concept. To open a restaurant that's white, dark and dour, and to sell offal, it's not a brilliant idea. Only a nutter would do that. Maybe I am a nutter. A pig's trotter didn't fly and hit my head.''
Fergus Henderson at the European in Melbourne last week.Credit: Mal Fairclough
What he had was ''a perverse confidence'', and it's held him in good stead for nearly 20 years. His secret to longevity? ''Do what you love and do it properly. Know why you're doing it.''
Henderson's motivation was ''to provide a good lunch'' and the ''whole beast'' idea was prescient, coming as it did nearly a decade before it took hold in restaurants around the world. His oft-repeated catch cry on the subject: ''If you're going to kill the animal, it seems only polite to use the whole thing.''
Jason Lowe photograph from Henderson's upcoming book.
Like awards, he gives little stock to trends in food. ''Trends schmends,'' he laughs. Sceptical about the ubiquitous local/sustainable/organic/foraged movements, he wonders how on earth we cooked before. Then there's the emphasis on provenance, which he argues has become absurd. ''Menus now say, 'Frank the bull lived in the left-hand paddock and was only served the finest of oats, was hung for so long … and drank light frappuccinos.' Now, if you're a good chef, surely there will be an understanding, a trust between a good chef and a customer, that you will cook well and use the best [ingredients].''
In a recent magazine column, he recalled an awards ceremony in Sweden at which he was feted for ''common-sense cooking''. Walking to the podium, he wondered, is this really an award I want? ''It's not very glamour, is it?" he says now. ''But it all comes down to common sense. Enjoying the limitations of the season, using the whole beast.''
He doesn't understand the fascination with sous vide. ''Why do that to a piece of meat? Cook it at low temperatures, put it in a plastic bag so it can come out wobbly and floppy. And then blowtorch it to give it a little singe. What a bizarre idea."
So what of the suggestion by fellow Brit Heston Blumenthal (who has two restaurants in the top 50 this year) that we'll all be cooking sous vide at home soon? ''No, Heston! No! What are you talking about!''
The rise of the ''rock star'' chef and the public's obsession with cooking, Henderson says, make sense. Rather than seeing it as a fad, he suggests it will grow. ''Food is a very strange thing,'' he says. ''People are frightened by it. Not just cooking, but also the ritual of eating. They're slightly nervous and want to do the right thing all the time. If they make figurehead people celebrities, they feel reassured by it.''
Henderson agrees with the idea that the mood of the person behind the pans makes a difference to the end product. He worries that offal, in particular, makes people nervous. If you're a first-time offal cook, he suggests feigning confidence. ''Pull the kidney out of the shopping bag, hold it up in the air and say, 'Kidney, you will be mine tonight!''' (The way he says it brings to mind ravishing of a different kind.)
Confidence and instinct are concepts dear to his heart. Henderson argues we should all relax and be more intuitive; he uses a movie analogy to illustrate his point. ''In the first Star Wars, the good one, Luke Skywalker is flying along the valley and shooting … [makes shooting noises], then he hears a voice. 'Luke, lower your sights and feel the Force. Use the Force.''' Skywalker subsequently wins his battle, with ease. Henderson reckons we should all feel the Force - chefs and home cooks alike. "There's no Force in sous vide,'' he deadpans.
The food prepared at St John - and its stablemates St John Bread and Wine and St John Hotel - couldn't be more different from that served in many other top restaurants. It's almost as unadorned as the walls. One of Henderson's signature dishes is bone marrow and parsley salad - roasted bone marrow with a side of parsley, shallots, capers with a simple dressing, and toast. He speaks tenderly about ''Big John'', one of his chefs, preparing a dish using game bird: ''He rubs them, squeezes them, knows them, feels them, understands them. He uses his Jedi powers.''
In fact, he speaks fondly about all his lieutenants. Since his diagnosis with Parkinson's in 1996, he leaves the cooking to them (''sharp knives don't go with Parkinson's, sadly'') but he still refers to himself as captain, or rather, ''all-seeing chef''. Not cooking frees him up to travel more - he was at the Noosa Food and Wine Festival this month. Unlike many name chefs, he has released just two books in the past 15 years: Nose to Tail Eating: A Kind of British Cooking and Beyond Nose to Tail: A Kind of British Cooking: Part II. The New Yorker dubbed the US version of the latter ''The Odyssey of the whole Slow Food movement''.
Does the world have too many cookbooks? ''Definitely,'' he says. ''It's drowning in them. Soon it will be off-kilter - the weight of cookbooks will change the course of the sun.''
That said, he has another in him. Two, actually. The first, due for release this year and to be called The Complete Nose to Tail, brings together the two he's published, with new photographs and more recipes. Some of them corrected: ''A couple of recipes possibly didn't work, so we will put that right.''
The other he has planned is out of left field, although he drew a lot when training to be an architect. ''It's a weird book with illustrations,'' he says. ''It could easily be mistaken as autobiographical, but it's fiction. It's filled with weird theories and observations. And a redhead armpit. That's where I end up - the final musk is a redhead armpit.''
The Complete Nose to Tail, published by Bloomsbury, is out in November.