

This was published 11 years ago

Still having fun: Cyndi Lauper keeps it real

By Lissa Christopher

Cyndi Lauper's speaking voice is one part helium to three parts Queens (as in the working-class borough of New York). It's very appealing. That's just as well, because Lauper likes to talk. In long, digressive, streams of consciousness. In fact, for much of our scheduled 10-minute phone interview - which turns into a 30-minute monologue - I have no idea what she's talking about. It's still a pleasure, however. Listening to Lauper is like looking into a bowl full of fabulous, brightly coloured, unmatched beads.

Here's a sample of her style. Read it in your best Queens accent.

Lauper starts talking about how busy she has been, particularly with work on the Broadway musical Kinky Boots, which won her the gong for Best Score at this year's Tony Awards.

''I had always wanted to work with him [Harvey Fierstein, who wrote the book for Kinky Boots],'' she begins. ''And you never know when they are actually gonna call and you know I was meeting with him, I wanted to do this and I wanted to do that. And honestly, in Italian, niente niente, which means nothing, nothing right? So then all of a sudden I came off a, really, like, one of those tours again where you have to prove yourself. Those f---ed-up tours where you are gonna ride on the balls of your ass and prove you can do it, with no production, no nothing. I'm so sick of that shit … Everyone who saw me says, 'Cynd' you don't need anything you can just stand there and sing.' Yeah, with a flashlight. I could stand there and do all my little magic tricks with a f---in' flashlight, with nothing.''

A life in song: Lauper wrote the score for the Broadway hit Kinky Boots.

A life in song: Lauper wrote the score for the Broadway hit Kinky Boots.

It seems hard to believe but Lauper - forever associated with the boppy 1983 earworm Girls Just Want to Have Fun - turned 60 in June. She has survived the test of time better than a lot of other performers who are still riding tired acts from the '80s.

A few years ago, she says, she did a tour of US casinos and was unsettled by some of the big-in-the-'80s bands she saw perform. (Her observations on ageing popstars are interrupted by a lengthy aside about how native Americans were ''hoodwinked'' thanks to ''the white man being the f---ing devil'' and her desire to ''pay back a little'' by touring only native American-owned casinos.)

''[The '80s bands] all looked really old,'' she says. ''I thought to myself, 'Oh my god!, is that what I'm gonna be?' I didn't work this hard to get here to do that … So then I decided, OK, f--- that, what project am I gonna do? So I strove to do something valid. I didn't want to live off my past. I wanted to live off my present, which is a very Buddhist thing.'' (This followed by another lengthy, unpunctuated series of digressions about Nixon, capitalism, September 11, 2001, idealism, the environment and the importance of being a good parent.)

The in-the-present project she wound up doing was Kinky Boots, a musical adaptation of a 2005 film about a shoe-making family who revive their failing business by making fabulous footwear for drag queens. It was a popular hit and won the awards for best musical as well as best score at the Tonys. It was a major coup for Lauper who is clearly still thrilled and surprised by it all. ''Who knew? Who f---in' knew? I mean you can work really hard like that and nothing happens. Ironically and gratefully, Kinky


Boots was a big success. And it makes a lot of people happy.''

She has not, however, completely left behind the '80s. This year marks 30 years since the release of her first solo album, She's So Unusual, the chart-topping, career-making marvel that featured Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Time After Time and Money Changes Everything. Lauper is performing the album on an anniversary tour of the US and Australia.

The concerts are challenging, she says, because she has to tell stories as well as sing, but she is determined to do it ''wholeheartedly'' and encourage people to ''remember who they were [in the '80s] … because I am remembering who I was, too. And this is a wonderful show. It makes people so happy. Honestly.''

In a review of one of Lauper's New York performances, the city's Daily News praised her unfailing ability to ''belt notes to the sky'' and the ''wit and sincerity'' of her storytelling. (That ''many of her monologues rambled for minutes on end'' was also noted.)

I didn't want to live off my past. I wanted to live off my present.

Lauper's career has seen quiet periods, but none recently. In 2010 she appeared on Celebrity Apprentice and released her 11th studio album, Memphis Blues. It went to No.1 on the blues charts and Lauper toured it through Asia, the Americas, Australia and Europe with 143 shows in all. Kinky Boots was four years in the making and opened in 2012. Lauper's aptly digressive memoir - in which she writes that as children she and her sister ''lived most of our lives dodging paedophiles and the crazy folks'', many of them relatives - was also published in 2012. This year, a reality documentary TV series - Cyndi Lauper: She's Still So Unusual - has been launched on the women's cable channel WEtv. Lauper has also appeared on American Idol and The Voice, and campaigned for gay, lesbian and bisexual rights, something she's been committed to for decades. On top of all this, her son, Declyn, is still in the high-maintenance years. He's 15.

How does she keep up her energy in the face of so many demands? It's the only question I manage to squeeze in during the interview. ''Oh hon', I don't know,'' she says. ''I just truly really try. I don't want to give up. You know? Do you understand?''

She's Still So Unusual, the documentary series, is marketed as an opportunity for viewers to relate to another ''mom'', albeit a super famous one, juggling the competing demands of work and family. While the reality component of reality TV is often questionable, Lauper does often seem very tired and torn and guilty - sometimes to the point of tears - about missing out on so much of Declyn's childhood in the rush from one professional commitment to the next.

At one point, she examines a pair of his shoes, marvels at how big his feet have grown since last she looked and insists he put them on to prove they fit.

Lauper's general shtick might be all wacky, kooky colour, but she's quite the stickler when it comes to her voice and her music. Again in the TV series, she is filmed rehearsing with the band ahead of her appearance on The Voice. She corrects them again and again, politely, but in a tone that implies she's weary of working with idiots.

As Kinky Boots proves, Lauper is a talented composer and she resents that a lot of the people don't realise that, musically, she knows what she's doing. She launches into a sudden tirade about the problem in the middle of the interview.

''The insults that I put up with to write with people who never look at the credits. Like you go and write with somebody from Europe and they never read the credits so they don't know I actually co-produced and arranged a lot of the shit that you ever listen to that I did. So those are my f---ing arrangements. But instead, they try and tell you how to sing. And I actually lived through that and I actually said, 'Pal, not for nothin'. I could actually teach you how to sing but if you want to teach me how to sing like a drum because obviously you are a great drum programmer, be my guest, go ahead.'''

As a child, Lauper taught herself to sing by listening to her mother's Broadway musical records. She sang everyone's part - Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins, South Pacific's nurse Nellie Forbush, as well as its dame-hungry sailors. It helped develop her range. These days she takes a more formal approach: a voice coach.

Lauper says that while she was writing Kinky Boots, she was forever leaping out of bed in the middle of the night ''to sing in secret'', disturbing her husband. ''God bless David, he is great,'' she says. Lauper is quite unusual within her milieu for staying married for a long time. The actor David Thornton, who played Lionel Granger on Law & Order, got down on bended knee (with a selection of three different rings from which Lauper could choose) and proposed more than 20 years ago.

The couple appear together in She's Still So Unusual and seem to share a genuine, appealingly un-idyllic rapport. After 22 years of marriage, with Thornton apparently the rather neglected stay-at-home parent and Lauper the famous, globe-trotting pop star worker bee, why should it be otherwise?

Lauper and Thornton come from quite different worlds. In a British newspaper interview published the year after they were married, Lauper was typically funny and self-deprecating in her attempts to explain the cultural differences between her own family - working-class Sicilian-Americans living in Queens - and his more middle-class tribe, and how that played out at the wedding.

''David's father is one for serious knowledge. He taught English at Harvard. I saw him twitching during the ceremony because I murdered vowels all over the place. At one moment he had a tear in his eye and I took him by the arm and said, 'Dad, don't cry. You're not losing a son, you're gaining somebody who don't speak English too good.'''

Cyndi Lauper is not one to pretend she is what she ain't.

Cyndi Lauper plays the Enmore Theatre on September 6 and 7 and the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, on September 14.

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