Everyone's favourite Foo Fighter is at it again, this time trolling the anti-gay American Westboro Church. And - this is where it gets good - they employed a little Rick Astley (you remember, Never Gonna Give You Up, short redhead, bouffy hair) to do it.
It all started when the Baptist church protested outside a Foo Fighters concert at Kansas City's Sprint Center on Friday (Saturday NZT), Billboard reported. The Foos struck back, driving past and drowning out the demonstrators with a blast of Astley's hit Never Gonna Give You Up, to the delight of onlookers.
The Foo Fighters trolled the Westboro Baptist Church who were protesting outside the band's gig in Kansas City.Credit: YouTube
They held up signs saying "You got Rick Roll'd" and "Keep It Clean". Rickrolling is an internet meme tricking people into watching Astley's 1980s music video.
It's not the first time the Foos have clashed with Westboro. In 2011, they videoed themselves singing a country song with lyrics like "Think I'm in the mood for some hot-man muffins" in front of another group of protesters.
Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters trolled the Westboro Baptist church protest outside their Kansas City gig.Credit: YouTube
"God bless America! It takes all kinds. I don't care if you're black or white or purple or green, whether you're Pennsylvanian or Transylvanian, Lady Gaga or Lady Antebellum, men loving women and women loving men and men loving men and women loving women -- you all know we like to watch that. But what I'd like to say is, God bless America, y'all!" Grohl said at the time.
Westboro's website says members have protested nearly 53,000 events including concerts and military soldier funerals.