

This was published 7 years ago

Loving review: Touching film finds no needs to embellish the couple at its heart

By Sandra Hall

★★★★ PG, 123 minutes

Loving is the film about American race relations that was not nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.

Like Hidden Figures, which did make the cut, it's set in Virginia during the years when the state's desegregation reforms were still to be implemented and the story it tells – based on real events – is a perfect fit for the inspirational model so dear to Oscar's heart.

But it's a more modest film than Hidden Figures, with a more fastidious approach to history. There are no attempts to heighten the drama. Writer-director Jeff Nichols doesn't mess around with the chronology or the timelines. Nor does he invite his actors, Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton, to inject any histrionics into the personalities of his heroes, Mildred and Richard Loving. They're unassuming people, whose interracial marriage precipitates an unwanted and protracted civil rights battle, thrusting them reluctantly into history's spotlight.

Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton in the touching and honest film <i>Loving</i>.

Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton in the touching and honest film Loving.

After the early Oscar buzz named Edgerton as a long shot for a nomination, he soon lost traction, probably because his performance is so uncompromisingly true to life. From all accounts, the real Richard Loving camouflaged his courage and convictions with a shy and phlegmatic manner. Mildred spoke up while he backed her up, so Negga did score a nomination since Mildred possesses that quality so seductive to screenwriters – a character arc. By the time the Loving case reaches the Supreme Court, she's activated a fighting spirit she didn't know she had.

The pair grow up together in Central Point, a small rural town not far from Washington DC. It's an easy-going place where blacks, whites and native Americans have been neighbours and workmates for generations, although there are pockets of disapproval. Richard's mother grudgingly puts up with his romance with Mildred and somehow manages to maintain her silence about the amount of time he spends with her family. But the law remains implacable and when Mildred gets pregnant and she and Richard want to marry, they have to do it in Washington DC.

A few nights after their return, they police burst into their bedroom and arrest them both. He's soon bailed out but she has to spend five nights in the local jail before he's allowed to post her bail. The ensuing court case sees them exiled from the state for 25 years. They can return alone, but not together.

The next five years are spent in Washington – a period Nichols' script covers without flourishes. Richard works as a bricklayer, as he had in Central Point, and they have children. It's an ordinary life. But it's darkened by a quiet desperation fleetingly expressed in the wistfulness of Mildred's gaze as she regards the traffic outside the windows. Negga, who was born in Ethiopia and grew up in Ireland, goes gently into the role, awakening Mildred's political instincts by degrees, while Edgerton watches her, aware of what's happening but waiting for her to say what she wants from him.

Mildred and Richard Loving in 1965.

Mildred and Richard Loving in 1965. Credit: AP

It can't have been an easy part for him to play. And there's no glamour in it, coming as it does with a buzz-cut and yellowed teeth, yet he extracts eloquence from every silence. You can see he hates having to deal with lawyers, courts and the media. You can also see he's ready to do it because of his feelings for his wife.

It was Colin Firth who initiated the production after seeing an Emmy Award-winning documentary about the Lovings, made in 2011. Convinced that the story deserved a larger audience, he began work with the documentary-maker Nancy Biurski and they signed Nichols on the strength of Mud, an independent film he had just made in Arkansas with Matthew McConaughey.

Along with other archival footage, the documentary featured photographs taken by Life magazine's Grey Villet during a visit to the Lovings after they had left Washington and were hiding out in a Virginia farmhouse. The photographs are in this film, as well, with the unfailingly impressive Michael Shannon as Villet.

The denouement could have settled into the courtroom and remained there. Instead, Nichols takes his cues from the relaxed and affectionate mood of Villet's photographs and stays close to the couple.

It's a touching and honest film.

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