

This was published 19 years ago

Jack's back

On screen, Jack Thompson is the quintessential Aussie bloke - he's played shearers, soldiers and ordinary dads. Off screen, he's not that different, preferring the hinterland to the trappings of Hollywood. Here, he tells Tim Elliott about his abandoned childhood and the joys of connecting with his own kids.

In 1969, Jack Thompson walked into his local bank to inquire about a home loan. He was 29 years old, just out of the army and had a deposit of $250 that he intended to put down on a 440-hectare cattle property he'd found near Coffs Harbour on the NSW North Coast. The property cost $8500. "When they asked me what my profession was, I told them I was an actor and they laughed," recalls Thompson. "They just cracked up. The bank manager looked at me and said,

'I'm sorry but we don't lend money to actors.'"

Borrowing the money from friends, Thompson managed to buy the property shortly after, paying it off within 18 months. Thirty-five years later, he still owns it. And the bank manager? Today, Thompson says simply that his response "would be different".

Thompson is driving as he talks, easing his mud-spattered F350 Ford pick-up along a narrow dirt track, past banana plantations and into the shimmering hills behind Coffs Harbour. He's not taking me to his farm - that's not for show - but deep into the rainforest. The further we go, the cooler it becomes. Thompson is wrapped in a checked shirt, jeans and an all-weather jacket, together with a sandy beard that is spread like bracken over his grizzled cheeks. At 64, he cuts a formidable figure, with a barrel-belly, paws for hands and a slow baritone so smoky and deep it's as if he's gargling lava.


While today he looks like the kind of guy you'd avoid in a country pub, he's actually rather gentle, not to mention pathologically talkative. Actor Michael Caton, who's known him for 38 years, says that without conversation, "Jack would curl up and die" and sure enough, before long, Thompson is expanding on everything from the demise of the Australian film Eucalyptus ("it wasn't Russell Crowe's fault") to sales techniques ("let the customer touch the merchandise; it gives them a sense of ownership") and the worst film sets he's ever worked on ("Flesh & Blood, with Paul Verhoeven ... one big yelling match from beginning to end").

But it's when he gets onto his latest film release, The Assassination Of Richard Nixon, that he hits the mother lode. "God, I love that movie!" he says. "The writing, the cast, the characters - everything." Directed by American Niels Mueller, Assassination is based on the true story of Sam Bicke (Sean Penn), an unemployed salesman who, separated from his wife (Naomi Watts) and estranged from his family, set out in 1974 to hijack an aeroplane and crash it into the White House. (According to Mueller, the script was written years before September 11.)

As Jack Jones, furniture salesman and boss to Bicke, Thompson is crass and manipulative, with an admiration for US President Nixon and a casual flair for humiliating people. Having forced Bicke to shave off his beloved moustache, he tells him, "That's so much better! You looked like you had a pussy on your face!"

Thompson believes Assassination is some of his best work ("You have to be good if you're going to be playing scenes with Sean Penn"). He makes a memorable bad guy but off screen, you won't hear a bad word about him.

"I adore him," says Russell Crowe. Journalist George Negus, who first met the actor in the early '80s, describes him as "a deeply empathetic figure". Says Mueller, "There's not a false moment in the guy."

So how does a saint play such a bastard? "Mate," he laughs, "I just remembered all the bastards I've dealt with in my life."

While international success has largely eluded him, Thompson remains a central figure in Australian cinema, not only because he defined the archetypal Aussie larrikin but because his rise in the 1970s paralleled the revival of the local film industry. His role, says Crowe, "can never be overestimated or repeated. More than any other actor alive or dead, I owe my career to Jack. He made it possible to earn a living doing this job in Australia."

"Jack was a born actor," says film reviewer Peter Thompson, who first met his adopted brother when they were six-year-olds in the playground of Lake House, a school in Narrabeen on Sydney's northern beaches. "He was the king of the kids. They were all drawn to him and he loved to make up stories and read to them."

Born John Hadley Payne in 1940, Thompson had been sent to board at Lake House with his younger brother, David, by their aunt, Beverly Dorfman, in whose care they had been left after the death of their mother when Jack was four. (Their father, Harold, was away, serving in the merchant navy.) There, Jack met Peter Thompson and the two became inseparable. They shared similar interests, principally drama, which Lake House actively encouraged. "The first play we did was in 1947, when we were seven," says Peter, who reviews films for Channel Nine's Sunday program. "We did a performance of Sleeping Beauty, with Jack as the Lord High Chancellor and me as Prince Charming. I remember Jack walked on stage and said sombrely, 'One hundred years has passed.'"

As Harold had, by this time, started another family and moved to WA, most of Jack's weekends and holidays were spent at Peter's house in Sydney's Paddington with John Thompson, a feature writer and producer for ABC Radio, and his wife, Pat. By the time it came to leave Lake House, the two boys had grown so close that Peter's parents decided to formally adopt Jack, at the age of 10, changing his name from Payne to Thompson. (David continued living at Lake House until, at 14, he became an army apprentice.) "Jack always had a strong inner imaginary life," says Peter, "but what set him apart when he started to act was his early life experiences, particularly in the bush."

Leaving Sydney Boys High at 14 to become a jackaroo in the Northern Territory, Thompson worked during his late teens in western NSW, building bridges, shearing sheep and labouring on the railways, before wangling a job as an assistant in an agricultural laboratory in Trangie. "I loved the collaborative atmosphere," he says, "everybody working toward a common goal, which is also what I like most about film."

At 20, he joined the army to get a science degree, spending six years in the medical corps before leaving in 1966 to study arts at Queensland University. "At high school, I'd done plays but at uni, acting began to take over my life," he says. "I was in the drama society, doing experimental theatre and working with an amateur group, the Pagiante Players, plus running classes at the Twelfth Night Theatre. I remember thinking, 'This acting thing either has to be full-on or I have to knock it back.'"

Things came to a head on a visit to Sydney.

"I was driving with my father, John Thompson, to the Journalists' Club for a beer when he asked me whether I'd thought of pursing acting professionally.

I said, 'Well, maybe...' And he just looked at me and said, 'Remember, Johnny, lilies that fester stink worse than weeds.' It was his way of saying, 'Don't waste your talent.'"

Securing an agent in Sydney, Thompson started going to auditions - 28 in all - for TV shows such as Whiplash and Homicide, all the while labouring and cleaning rooms at the Menzies Hotel. On his 29th audition, he scored his first professional part, as a chemist in Motel, a five-part daytime soap for Channel Seven. "It was a great place to learn," says Thompson. "I had all these problems working with microphones - because I had no breath control - so every episode it sounded like I was wearing a respirator." He went to voice coach Florence Taylor but left after she demanded he stop smoking. "I said to her, 'Look, Floey, in the end I want to sound more like Humphrey Bogart than [Italian operatic tenor] Caruso so we'll have to part company.'"

The Assassination Of Richard Nixon is Thompson's 72nd screen role in a career spanning 37 years. He's been the voice of Buncle in The Magic Pudding (2000), Reverend Neville in The Chant Of Jimmie Blacksmith (1978), Group Captain Hicksley in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (1983) and ordinary dad Harry Mitchell in The Sum Of Us (1994). There have been disasters (1979's The Journalist was widely panned) and triumphs (as Foley, the gun shearer, in 1975's Sunday Too Far Away).

In all his films, Thompson is a presence - in more ways than one. On the set of Burke And Wills in 1986, he presented co-star Greta Scacchi with flowers and a verse that read, "It's only when I see you that/I recall the simple fact/that Thespia is a goddess, not a god." Asked if they were ever lovers, he says, "No, but not for want of wishing."

Thompson was never afraid of being Australian, says Crowe. "He played men that as Australians we knew - or wanted to know. In the midst of all the London-trained BBC aspirants of the actors' pool in the late '60s, he delivered performances steeped in our culture, in our reality." The late Ken Hannam, director of Sunday Too Far Away, once told how when it came to shooting the shearing-shed scene, Thompson eschewed fake sweat; instead, he did press-ups on the roof struts "until he was gleaming".

"I remember in [1980's] Breaker Morant, he had to do a very difficult five-minute speech," says director Bruce Beresford, who also worked with Thompson on The Club and Last Dance. "It was the summing-up speech in the court room, which we had to film without cuts, mainly because we'd run out of time and money. He was unfazed when I told him it was essential. And it came out word-perfect, totally in character and immensely moving."

Breaker Morant made Thompson's name. Nominated for an Academy Award, the film won him Best Supporting Actor at Cannes, after which it was generally thought he would waltz into Hollywood. But that didn't happen. He turned down the lead in John Carpenter's remake of The Thing (it ended up going to Kurt Russell), opting instead to do a television adaptation of the Somerset Maugham play The Letter, a decision Beresford later described as "a terrible mistake".

"I don't think he cares for the whole Hollywood thing," says actor Kerry Armstrong, who worked with Thompson on Oyster Farmer, a romantic drama about a young man who escapes up an isolated Australian river and works with oyster farmers. Released on June 30, the film sees Thompson playing Skippy, a disaffected Vietnam vet living among the mangroves. "Jack hasn't pursued Hollywood because he's more interested in getting the balance of lifestyle and work right," says Armstrong. "Besides, he doesn't live in the land of bullshit."

"I think had I gone to live in America, I may well have had a larger American film career," says Thompson. "But quite early in the piece, I decided I'd rather live here, for a number of reasons, not least of which I felt I was a part of a rebirth of the film industry in Australia. Later, you become involved with a whole lot of things locally. For example, I have a boy [Billy, 16] at high school; I'm not going to uproot him and take him elsewhere. I'm too involved living my life in Australia to want to live somewhere else."

Peter Thompson concedes that his brother's star could have shone brighter but that "there just weren't a lot of good-quality scripts around when he was younger. He was leading-man material but those roles didn't exist."

Sometimes, opportunities were heartbreakingly close. Thompson came within a whisker of landing the lead in Steven Spielberg's 1993 Oscar winner Schindler's List. "Missing out on roles doesn't get to me," he says. "It's just part of the business. But Schindler's List, that was different." He had spent months researching the role; he read a small library of material, worked on his accent with Austrian actor Max Schell and even shot short pieces to camera at Spielberg's request. Then, just when he was sure he had it in the bag, the part went to Liam Neeson.

"I walked away not feeling anything much because you can't afford to. It was only some months later, back at the farm, when I was out in the paddock that it came up in my mind. I went over how close it was and just went, 'Oh, faaaaarrrrkkkk!'"

Today, however, his life is full - with film roles and family. He's just finished working on a psychological thriller called Feed, with his eldest son, Patrick, who is 36. In Feed, Jack shares minimal screen time with his son, in many ways mirroring their real-life relationship. "Patrick and I didn't get as much time together as I would have wanted; in many ways it's like my own childhood. His mother [Dorothy Hall] and I got married in 1963 but we separated five years later. Patrick and I only spent one year full-time together."

Last year, Patrick told the ABC that the two only got to know each other "as father and son" when Patrick was at high school "but it was sort of a bit late", he said. "So we're now best of friends."

The situation with Billy, however, has been different. Billy is Jack's second son, with his partner of 35 years, Leona King, sister of Bunkie (the three of them famously shared a 15-year menage a trois in the 1970s and '80s. "Know how difficult it is living with the woman you love?" Thompson is fond of saying. "Try doubling it").

Billy lives with his parents on the property and goes to school in Coffs Harbour. "With Billy, I've been able to slow down and be there more," says Thompson. "It's a function of getting older."

Indeed, ageing seems to agree with Thompson. There's more time to spend on the farm; in the past decade, he's planted some 23,000 trees - blackbutt, tallowwood, hoop pine. "I've often thought of logging off for the full 12 months, just to see the full cycle of the seasons up here."

There's "something simpler and less driven about my life now", he explains. "Everything's opened up. When you're younger, you're always rushing in this or that direction. Now it's like I'm getting to be more of a passenger in the car. The driver sees nothing, only the highway. But me, I'm soaking it all up."

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