

This was published 8 years ago

Is Harrison Ford too old to play big screen adventurer Indiana Jones?

By Michael Idato

Had the noted writer William Shakespeare been the author of the Indiana Jones saga, he might have offered this on the news that the iconic character is returning for a fifth instalment: once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

But can Harrison Ford, who will be turning a sprightly 77 when the proposed fifth Indiana Jones film is released in July 2019, properly rekindle the magic which surrounds a character he created for Raiders of the Lost Ark, when he was just 39 years old?

Or will he have to wield his whip in one hand and a walking stick in the other?

Like the original 1977 Star Wars film, Indiana Jones feels like an untouchable property. Even those who are credited with its creation must handle it carefully. Look at Star Wars creator George Lucas, who is still regularly punished for three broadly disliked prequels.

The crusade continues ... Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the <i>The Last Crusade</i> in 1989.

The crusade continues ... Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the The Last Crusade in 1989.

In that sense, Star Wars and Indiana Jones share some lineage. Their shared history is knitted to a generation of children who sat, wide-eyed as big screen storytelling evolved in a way that would forever change cinema.

To them, Indiana's crusades mattered. The Ark of the Covenant. The Holy Grail. His finest moments were themselves bound to iconography which seemed to almost reach out and touch something intangible.

The search for the Holy Grail, as Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliott) told Indiana in 1989's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, "is the search for the divine in all of us."


Consider this: there are only four Indiana Jones movies.

Harrison Ford in Sydney for the launch of <i>Star Wars: The Force Awakens</i> last year.

Harrison Ford in Sydney for the launch of Star Wars: The Force Awakens last year.Credit: Steven Siewert

That's astonishing when you consider how much money they made and how other Hollywood franchises have been run into the ground through over-use. Perhaps that's what makes them so precious.

Those in which Indiana pursued a real-world mythical object generally fared better than those in which he did not.

Harrison Ford in 2008's <i>Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull</i>.

Harrison Ford in 2008's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

And the first three, produced between 1981 and 1989, fared better in critical terms than the fourth, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, produced in 2008.

In total, the fourth films have raked in close to US$4 billion.

There is no doubt that the Indiana Jones franchise is one of the most valuable in cinema. The character was acquired by Disney in its $US4 billion Lucasfilm deal. A second deal, with Paramount, secured the film marketing and distribution rights.

Which means, as with Star Wars, Disney will be looking to turn that investment into revenue. The Force Awakens may have been the biggest film ever, but it will soon be followed by many more Star Wars films, cranked out annually.

In a curious footnote, the announcement of the reboot did not mention co-creator George Lucas. Perhaps, some might think, that's a good thing. (Jar-Jar Binks, anyone?)

But for the sake of future history, Indiana Jones could - perhaps should - have become a character like James Bond or Doctor Who, recast and recast again for each new generation.

Just as Daniel Craig's James Bond is as brilliant and meaningful as Pierce Brosnan's, or Sean Connery's. Just as David Tennant's Doctor Who is as special to those who love the show as Tom Baker's or Jon Pertwee's.

And just as Idris Elba would make a brilliant Bond. Or indeed Joanna Lumley an equally brilliant Doctor Who. To not give another actor a chance to breathe a new dimension into Indiana Jones feels almost like a lost opportunity.

We got a glimpse of what Brendan Fraser's Indiana Jones might have looked like in The Mummy. But remember, Jeff Bridges turned down the role. And Tom Selleck, during his moment in time, was a legitimate contender.

What might Karl Urban's Indiana Jones look like? Or Chris Pratt's? Or even Liam Hemsworth's?

With each successive film, baton change becomes a bigger challenge. Though to be fair, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull did give Indiana a son, Mutt, played by Shia LaBeouf.

No takers? Fair enough.


And so Hollywood, which hangs its hat on a big name above the title, won't let go, and Harrison Ford will return to the character despite being older than Sean Connery when he played Indiana's father in The Last Crusade.

Just cross your fingers there are no boulder chases. Not with Indiana's dicky hip.

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