

This was published 15 years ago


By Reviewed by Paul Byrnes

BALIBO is tragic, dramatic and enraging. It tells the story of many deaths – not just the five journalists killed in Balibo – with cold, hard realism that makes you wince. It's long on factual fidelity, short on movie hyperbole and it spreads its attention wide, to capture the full horror of what happened to East Timor in late 1975. It's not perfect but it is incredibly moving and powerful, not least because of Anthony LaPaglia's great performance as Roger East, the forgotten sixth Australian journalist.

When the NSW Deputy State Coroner's report came out in 2007, the facts of the Balibo murders were finally made plain. Dorelle Pinch wrote: "They were not armed; they were dressed in civilian clothes; all of them at one time or another had their hands raised in the universally recognised gesture of surrender; they were not killed in the heat of battle; they were killed deliberately on orders given by the field commander, Captain Yunus Yosfiah." The then opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, said: "I believe this has to be taken through to its logical conclusion. I also believe that those responsible should be held to account."

Where does the buck stop? With Yunus, who led the Special Forces into Balibo on October 16, 1975? Pinch also found that there was "strong circumstantial evidence that those orders emanated from the head of Indonesian Special Forces, Major General Benny Moerdani, to Colonel Dading Kalbuadi, Special Forces Group Commander in Timor, and then to Captain Yunus."

Or should we blame Soeharto or the politicians who turned a blind eye in the US and Australia, or perhaps the Australian TV networks who sent the journalists into harm's way?


The film lines them all up, although it stops short of tipping a full bucket on the politicians. It gives Gough Whitlam and Soeharto a swipe, but concentrates more on the military commanders. Moerdani and Kalbuadi, both now dead, are shown but not named.

A character that the film's website identifies as Kalbuadi even kills one of the journalists personally. This is a step too far. The film's consulting historian, Dr Clinton Fernandes, acknowledges on the website that Kalbuadi was not in Balibo when the journalists were killed.

Watching the deaths is almost unbearable. In dramatic terms, we know little about these five men, save that they died horribly. The film gives us little of their characters because it has a lot of ground to cover. Channel Seven reporter Greg Shackleton (Damon Gameau) is shown as romantic, perhaps tragically so. Channel Nine's Malcolm Rennie (Nathan Phillips) is game and impetuous. Cameraman Gary Cunningham (Gyton Grantley) is an amiable professional, like Brian Peters (Thomas Wright). Mark Winter plays soundman Tony Stewart, the youngest of the five at 21.

In a crucial scene, we see an ABC TV reporter, Tony Maniaty (Simon Stone), warn Shackleton not to go to Balibo. He has just left there after being shelled by Indonesian guns. "Do you know where else we can film the invasion from?" Shackleton asks.

Telling the story through the relationship between the ageing reporter East (LaPaglia) and the emerging Fretilin diplomat Jose Ramos-Horta (Oscar Isaac) gives the film much more resonance. It adds suspense, because many people don't know the story of East, and amplitude, because both men know there is more at stake than the five journalists.

The director, Robert Connolly, who co-wrote the script with David Williamson, assembles the pieces with great methodical logic. It's much more ambitious than The Bank or Three Dollars, his earlier films – more forensic and committed, yet freer in its willingness to let us draw our own conclusions.

Connolly gives a strong sense of the tragedy and resilience of the East Timorese, as well as a clear account of one of the great crimes in our modern history.

The one person not in the film, to whom it is deeply indebted, is Jill Jolliffe, the journalist who has spent 34 years trying to tell the story. The film is based on her book Cover Up. In some respects, Balibo is her vindication.

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