

This was published 6 years ago

A Quiet Place review: A classy alien tale but cast too good for gimmicky story

By Sandra Hall

(M) 90 minutes

Even though it's produced by Michael Bay, A Quiet Place is pitched at the classier end of the creature feature market.

Emily Blunt must go about her business in silence in A Quiet Place.

Emily Blunt must go about her business in silence in A Quiet Place.Credit: Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Writer-director John Krasinski​ is thinking more Jaws than Transformers. For a start, some of the film's twitchiest scenes take place in silence.

It's another dystopian storyline. This time, Earth has been devastated by an invading race of aliens with hypersensitive hearing. "If they hear you, they hunt you," runs one of the film's punchiest selling lines, so the Abbott family – Lee (Krasinski), his wife Evelyn (Emily Blunt) and their children Regan (Millicent Simmonds) and Marcus (Noah Jupe​) – are turning their backs on the modus operandi of most American movie families and learning to exist in absolute quiet.

We meet them in an abandoned supermarket, where they're stocking up with supplies, creeping through the aisles as stealthily as possible. It's a scene humming with tension, but all we know is that it's day 89 of some unnamed global crisis.

It's not until they are on their way back to their farmhouse that we get our first glimpse of what they are up against. It's just a flash, but it's enough for us to see that the creature's designers at Industrial Light and Magic have taken what is now the traditional route. Their creation is yet another close relative of H.R. Giger's​ Alien in its adult form.

But the film's strengths are not in its other-worldly aspects. They lie within the family and the ingenuity they exercise in their efforts to stay alive.

The supernatural is new ground for Krasinski and Blunt, who are married but have never co-starred before. Both got early career boosts through their work in comedy – he was a hit in the US version of The Office, while she made her mark with the chilly wit she displayed as Meryl Streep's assistant in The Devil Wears Prada – but he's moved into writing, producing and directing and she's taken on a broad range of roles. Her performance here offers further proof that the unlikeliest scenarios can be anchored to reality with the right actors in charge.

In the Abbott household, conversations are necessarily conducted in sign language, in which they're already fluent because Regan is deaf (like Simmonds herself). This means subtitles but much of the time, the expressiveness of the performances says it all.


There is little in the way of exposition. We know that nine months have passed since the tragedy of the opening sequence and we can glean a bit about the make-up of the aliens from the news clippings pinned up in Lee's basement workshop, but the main focus is on the family's day-to-day routines – the sand pads they lay on the ground to muffle their footsteps, the painted squares marking squeaking floorboards, the soundproof room they're preparing for Evelyn and the baby she's expecting.

The action doesn't accelerate until Lee decides to take Marcus on an expedition to a nearby river with the aim of teaching him more survival skills, which is tantamount to announcing that hostilities are about to begin.

It's all adroitly managed. Events conspire to separate the family so they're attacked on all fronts, and there's a cleverly choreographed sequence in a corn silo which is terrifying because of the simplicity with which its successive calamities unfold.

Jupe is poignantly convincing – a perpetually worried middle-aged man in a child's body – while Simmonds' Regan is so formidable in her adolescent rebelliousness that it all seems wasted on a mere alien.

In the end, that's the problem. It's a film in which cast and director are too good for their material. Unlike this year's Oscar contender Get Out, this is not a horror film with political import.

Unless you really want to journey into fantasy land and construct your own allegory about free speech and totalitarianism, it's a film about aliens with a gimmick. And no matter how much pathos Krasinski tries to inject into the Abbott family dynamic, that's the way it remains.

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