

This was published 17 years ago

Mary Kostakidis walks out on SBS.

By Susan Wellings

Iconic SBS TV newsreader Mary Kostakidis has walked out on the network after nearly 20 years of presenting its prime time evening news bulletin.

She is understood to have stormed out of the newsroom a week and a half ago and hasn't turned up for work since.

She is said to be furious at changes to the news bulletin, which she believes undermine SBS standards.

Since late January this year, she has been co-hosting the show - extended from 30 minutes to one hour with new commercial breaks - with former Seven Network and CNN star Stan Grant.

Friends are now urging her to take legal action against SBS for breach of contract, saying network bosses are trying to nudge her out to make way for a greater commercialisation of the station and a lowering of standards.


Kostakidis, 52, who joined SBS in 1980 as a member of the management team that originally set up the network, declined to comment today from her Sydney home.

It is understood she is only halfway through a three-year contract.

But friends say she is privately enraged at the way the 6.30pm World News Australia program has been changed, and is now being run.

"Management assured her that they wouldn't be running a news show where the man does the hard news and the woman does the soft stuff," said one former colleague, who asked not to be named.

"But instead she feels it's not even The Stan and Mary Show - it's The Stan Grant Show. She's personally offended by the money-grubbing commercialisation of the show, and feels management are abandoning the kind of principles with which SBS was set up, and she personally helped devise."

Supporters are now urging her to sue SBS for breach of contract, since they allege SBS has denigrated that contract, and the charter of the network, with a drop in standards.

They say the new one-hour bulletin has merely resulted in the old half-hour of news being stretched over 60 minutes, with plenty of time for commercial breaks.

There has been speculation over the direction of SBS since the arrival of former New Zealand TV boss Shaun Brown at SBS in 2003 and his subsequent promotion to the network's top job as head of television.

He was joined by his old TVNZ colleague Paul Cutler - who worked with Grant at CNN - to head SBS news and current affairs.

Brown was accused in New Zealand by Prime Minister Helen Clark of being shamelessly ratings driven, and critics believe a battle is now being fought at the broadcaster between its values as a public service broadcaster and revenue and ratings.

In New Zealand, when Brown was in charge, a popular news presenter was brought in to replace a veteran newsreader and, after an outcry from the public and falling ratings, the veteran was reinstated and the newcomer dismissed and paid $NZ6 million in compensation.

"It's exactly the same situation here," said the Kostakidis supporter.

Several months ago, when Kostakidis took six weeks off work to look after her ailing parents, SBS took the unprecedented step of announcing she wouldn't be on air to avoid any speculation she might be unhappy at the network.

A spokeswoman for SBS denied Kostakidis had left the network.

"Mary is unwell and currently on leave,'' she said. "She was ill last week, and SBS is not expecting her back this week. I'm not aware of the nature of the ailment.

"SBS have been in contact with her over the last week - she advised that a doctor advised her not to return to work this week."

- with Arjun Ramachandran

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