

This was published 22 years ago

Last post for GPO

It was Sydney's most ambitious food outlet, a multi-million dollar venture in stately surrounds. So what went wrong at GPO?

Stan Sarris is angry and rattled. He has lost GPO, the big, bold and beautiful food hall, restaurant and bar operation in Martin Place that has been his obsession for the past six years.

He's being pursued over millions of dollars in debts run up by Eaternity, the company that ran GPO. And he feels let down by the man he thought would be his saviour, Peter Petroulas. "I have never been in such a predicament," says Sarris.

GPO was to be the high point, not the nadir, of Sarris's 15-year career setting up and running some of Sydney's most innovative and stylish food outlets.

In the basement of the stately stone building in Martin Place, Sarris created a space so chic that the Italian king of style, Santo Versace, waved his hands in wonderment when he went through earlier this year.


When GPO opened it was a sort of temple of food where people could sit on $500 Spanish stools, worship at solid marble counters or, as one commentator said, pray to be locked into the divine cheese room.

There were three restaurants (the upmarket steakhouse, Prime, the stylish bistro, Post, and the sushi train, Sosumi) and the since renamed Tank bar. But it was GPO Produce, a joint venture with provedore Simon Johnson, that was its primary reason for being. "My vision, along with Stan's, was that we would make the greatest food hall in the country," says Johnson.

Backed by former FAI Insurances chief Rodney Adler, Sarris spent three years planning GPO, travelling to New York, London and Paris for inspiration. By the time it opened in September 1999, costs had run up to about $4.5 million, excluding the landlord's hefty contribution. Sarris wasn't wrong when he said at the time: "We've all got our necks on the block. There is a lot of hurt money."

He had some major hurdles. The underground space was disconnected from the street level, with no signage. Despite all the talk about a move towards city living, there was a big question mark over whether enough CBD workers would want to lug all that fine food and wine home. Then there were the rats, described by one former staffer as being the size of "beavers" that came out of the Tank Stream underneath the building and developed a taste for turkish delight.

The rats were eradicated. Other problems weren't. There was no flock of faithful foodies. Turnover was much less than the partners hoped and the business bled money. Everyone, including Adler's mum Bobby, had an opinion on what worked and what didn't. Serious doubts crept in about the merits of devoting a third of the costly space to GPO Produce. Changes were made, others proposed, and when the business needed more working capital within months of opening, Johnson wanted out.

"A food court was not the vision that I had," says Johnson, who lost about $500,000 on the experiment.

It doesn't take much in the hospitality industry to bring you unstuck. The break-up of the partnership left the original dream in tatters and, according to some involved, no clear strategy from Sarris in its place.

"There was constant change from then on - the place was evolving every single day - phase two became phase 40," says one staffer. One week fruit and vegetables would be displayed in baskets around the produce halls, the next week they would be in the cheese room.

The constant state of flux confused staff and customers and cost money. Sarris concedes the changes could have been confusing but he says a business as complex as GPO had to evolve constantly. But time ran out before Sarris could prove his theory of evolution.

Trading was terrible towards the end of last year and the bills were mounting. GPO needed more capital just as Adler wanted out. It was hardly a great time to sell a business but Sarris had little choice. Days before Adler's December 31 deadline Sarris struck a deal with Peter Petroulas, a former executive of Air Niugini, and recent arrival on the local hospitality scene.

Petroulas was to buy GPO for about $3 million. Sarris would use that money to clear the bulk of Eaternity debts for outstanding workers compensation, rent and suppliers.

On December 28, Petroulas put down the first $1 million as a loan. By way of security, he took a charge over a company called GPO No 1 Martin Place, which owns GPO's 30-year lease.

The idea was that he would familiarise himself with the operation while Sarris sorted out the finances including negotiating a substantial reduction in the $30,000-a-week rent. Also afoot was a plan to open a cafe at the George Street end of the building that would have tables in the historic Martin Place colonnade and a direct link to the GPO operations downstairs.

The pair agreed to a May settlement, when Petroulas would hand over the rest of the money and take over. Sarris would exit gracefully to concentrate on his blue-ribbon Banc restaurant and Wine Banc bar a bit further up Martin Place. But it all fell apart within nine weeks.

Sarris says that 24 hours after he failed to make an interest payment, Petroulas pulled the plug saying Sarris was in breach of their loan agreement. Petroulas took over the lease by taking control of the leaseholder, GPO No 1 Martin Place. He then sacked several key staffers, installed his own team including brother Spiro, and told suppliers and other creditors of Eaternity to talk to Sarris about their debts.

Petroulas set up his new GPO operating company, G.P.O. Restaurants & Bars on February 6. On March 1 Sarris was gone. By the following Monday, March 4, Petroulas was in business through his new G.P.O. company. Petroulas denies his actions were premeditated. Eaternity was in crisis, he says. "From what I have seen there was zero cash available to pay staff their wages the coming week, there was a court case pending over workers' compensation and a line of suppliers, whose bills were outstanding for months, demanding cash on delivery."

He says the warning bells rang from the day he arrived on January 1. "Stan did owe a lot of money to a lot of people. I was given representations that it was profitable and everything was OK."

On February 12, Valiant Office Furniture repossessed a dozen office chairs, tables and partitions over a bill for $4000 that was months overdue.

Sarris says he did not mislead Petroulas but confirms the unpaid bills, which he blames on his back office. "There's an issue, in fact, that the accounting process was in a bit of disarray."

As a director of Eaternity, Sarris is in the firing line for the millions of dollars of debts and any legal action that might ensue.

Petroulas, on the other hand, says he has no legal responsibility for those debts. "I was not in any way, shape or form an officer or an employee of Eaternity. I was here to understand how my initial funds were being managed."

Petroulas might own the lease and be running the operation but he doesn't own the other GPO assets. At some stage there will have to be a formal wind-up of Eaternity, when all those Spanish stools and other fittings, are put up for sale. But Petroulas is likely to offer more than anyone else because they are worth more in situ at GPO.

Apart from their Greek backgrounds and ages, Sarris, 43, and Petroulas, 42, are chalk and cheese. While Sarris dropped out of a commerce degree, Petroulas is a chartered accountant with a masters degree in marketing from UNSW. The closest Petroulas has come to the food industry is aviation catering.

During the 1980s Sarris spent four years with McDonald's in marketing and opening new golden arches. His sense of style became evident with his first solo project, in 1991, Bar Paradiso in Macquarie Place.

In 1998, as Sarris was being dubbed the "urbane prince of Sydney's cafe-restaurant haute monde" for his glamorous refit of an art deco bank into the Banc restaurant, Petroulas was being hired by the PNG Government-controlled bank to run the financially strapped Air Niugini, where he had previously been finance director.

He ended up doing other financial troubleshooting for the PNG Government. In 1999 he bought a $1.03 million apartment in the Toaster building at East Circular Quay. He then headed to London to work in adventure travel.

Last year he appeared on the Sydney hospitality scene with his brother Spiro, who has been involved mainly in Greek restaurants.

Civic Hotel owner Jim Kospetas has known Spiro Petroulas for about 20 years. Like Sarris, Kospetas and his brother John had been in partnership with Adler. Unlike Sarris, the pair were able to buy Adler out of their multi-million dollar Civic business without finding new partners.

Last October, not long after the Kospetas brothers became full owners, Spiro and Peter Petroulas signed on as operations manager and financial controller. There was also talk of buying into the Civic. But the two sets of brothers soon parted company.

"They were here for three months to get experience in hospitality. There were discussions that were not advantageous to Civic and we have not had any further communication," says Jim Kospetas.

Sarris met Petroulas through Gonasekharan Moodley, or GM as he is known. Moodley worked for Sarris at McDonald's. Last year he returned to work for Sarris at GPO after a stint at the Civic. Now he works for Petroulas at GPO.

The other person in common with Civic and GPO, Adler, doesn't want to talk about GPO while he is under so much scrutiny over the fallout from the HIH insurance collapse. Despite the big losses, Adler reportedly still thinks GPO could be a gold mine. So does Petroulas. He believes he can make a profit from the $180,000-$200,000 a week in sales GPO was ringing up when he took control. But he reckons turnover could double.

He thinks the answer lies in being less wedded to the vision thing and more pragmatic about what customers want. It might be as basic as: if you want the bums on seats, provide more seats. He's bought 80 and ordered a further 100 of the expensive Spanish stools, almost trebling the seats in the open spaces. By the time he's finished it won't be the "calamity of chairs and trays" that landlord Daniel Grollo, of Grocon, so adamantly wanted to avoid, but it will be unashamedly a food court.

Prices have come down at Prime, a cocktail bar will go in near Post, a wood-fired pizza oven will replace the fresh seafood counter and there will be more beers on tap in the bar.

One of the last vestiges of the original GPO Produce, the solid marble counters, have been ripped out. In June the glass walls on the biggest cheese room in the Southern Hemisphere will come down. Petroulas thinks the chilly 12- to 14-degree cheese room is symptomatic of what was wrong. "It was designed for the cheese not the people."

The kindest critics think Sarris is a visionary who came unstuck because Sydney is too small to support a multi-million dollar venture at the high end of the food chain.

John Wilson, who runs Amaro (formerly Osteria Moana) restaurant in Potts Point, and who helped set up GPO, thinks the concept is "terrific" and Sarris the right person to lead it. But "as much as we like to think Sydney is a cosmopolitan world-class city . . . the reality is different".

"It's not New York, it's not London. Why it came unstuck is why everything comes unstuck - bums on seats."

Others are much more critical, arguing GPO was all about ego and image with a flawed business plan, unsuitable location and poor back-office organisation.

One former employee says: "It looked great but it just did not function because of lack of management and systems."

As for Sarris, he is back at Banc, which he says is "kicking", and likens his GPO experience to obtaining a Harvard business degree.

He still has the "utmost faith" in his vision for GPO and the business proposition. He thinks it needs someone with passion who will do more than "just fill it with bloody chairs".

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