

This was published 7 years ago

Jewish refugee music and theatre comes out of the shadows in Sydney

By Peter Munro

The music was hidden in attics, archives or family trusts, far from public view. Compositions created in catastrophic times were often overshadowed. Works forged while fleeing fascist persecution were lost to the past.

Jewish refugee artists seeking safe haven from the Nazi regime carried with them musical and theatrical works inspired by their experiences of exile, oppression and flight. Much of this material was forgotten or neglected as they rebuilt lives in foreign lands, far from home.

Chryssy Tintner with dancers rehearsing for a performance of <I>The Seven Deadly Sins</I>.

Chryssy Tintner with dancers rehearsing for a performance of The Seven Deadly Sins.Credit: Louise Kennerley

The festival Out of the Shadows: rediscovering Jewish music and theatre celebrates some of those works, created in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Some pieces were written by artists who escaped the Third Reich only to be interned in detention camps in Australia as "enemy aliens". Some refugees didn't make it that far.

Composer and conductor Georg Tintner was sacked on racial grounds from the Vienna Volksoper after the Nazi annexation of Austria, and was forced to flee to London and then Sydney, where he was refused entry by Australian officials after failing an arbitrary English test. He eventually found safe harbour in Auckland, where he briefly worked on a poultry farm before reviving his musical career, primarily as a conductor.

Composer and conductor Georg Tintner, in 1975.

Composer and conductor Georg Tintner, in 1975.Credit: Fairfax Media

His orchestral piece Trauermusik (or Musica Tragica), which he wrote en route to New Zealand, is featured in the festival's opening night gala on August 5. Out of the Shadows will be the first time his daughter Chryssy Tintner, a writer and director, has heard her father's work performed live.

"I have some little lullabies he wrote for me as a kid but I never really thought of him as a composer," she says. "That was all dashed to shreds because of the war."

The toll of that time weighed heavily on Georg, who committed suicide in 1999, aged 82.

"If there is a dictatorship and artists are silenced, then often when they are free afterwards they still don't speak," Tintner says. It's like abused children, they get yelled at so much that they believe some of it.


"I am just very sad my Dad didn't have the opportunity to live the life he could have lived. He was a tremendous, creative spirit."

Tintner will play her own role on the festival's opening night, by directing a performance of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht's "sung ballet" The Seven Deadly Sins. The festival will also include performances by the Goldner String Quartet, Sydney Symphony Orchestra Fellows, Sydney Philharmonia's VOX Choir and the Sydney Children's Choir.

The event is part of a three-year British Arts & Humanities Research Council project to uncover and revive hidden or lost works by Jewish refugees. Similar festivals have been held in the United States, England and the Czech Republic.

The Sydney festival's artistic director, Dr Joseph Toltz, says some of the works were found in the artists' personal or family archives and have never been performed.

Some Jewish artists never recovered after escaping the horrors of the Holocaust, he says. Others found solace of sorts in creating musical and theatrical works.

Many faced further hardship after arriving in Australia as refugees, he says. "Many were denied their livelihoods as trained musicians or composers … you can hear elements of loneliness and frustration in some of the music."

Dr Toltz draws parallels with the current treatment of people seeking asylum in Australia.

"People are fleeing for their lives from oppressive regimes and there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of empathy or desire to help them."

Georg Tintner didn't return to Australia until 1954, when he became the resident conductor of the Australian National Opera. He also worked in South Africa, Britain and Canada.

Four of his works will be performed during the festival, including the world premiere of his three part-songs for choir, written in 1957-58.

Chryssy Tintner hopes the performance of such pieces will help repair some of the damage suffered by generations of Jewish people. "We are giving all these silenced composers voices – performing things that weren't allowed to be performed and allowing them to say what they wanted to say," she says.

"I hope we may heal some people within the Jewish community who haven't had the opportunity to hear some of these things."

Out of the Shadows: rediscovering Jewish music and theatre, is at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the Seymour Centre, from August 5-13.

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