

This was published 7 years ago

Festival outrage: Why the shaming of Lionel Shriver leads to a literary ghetto

By Anson Cameron

American novelist Lionel Shriver gave the keynote address at the Brisbane Writers Festival this year. You'll have heard by now of the brouhaha she caused. How Yassmin Abdel-Magied walked out of the auditorium mid-speech and then wrote a breathless account of that brave walk in The Guardian. Her heart was racing, the faces in the crowd blurred around her…

She wrote of Shriver's speech: "The attitude drips of racial supremacy, and the implication is clear: 'I don't care what you deem is important or sacred. I want to do with it what I will. Your experience is simply a tool for me to use, because you are less human than me. You are less than human'…"

Strong stuff, but Yassmin narrowly lost the Not Quite Rosa Parks Award for Self-Aggrandisement dressed up as Civil Disobedience to Maxine Beneba Clarke, who wrote a denunciation of Shriver for The Saturday Paper. In the heroic crescendo of this column she and Melissa Lucashenko front Shriver in the green room at the festival and one of them calls her a racist before Clarke calls her a disgrace. (While mentioning the "blondeness" of Shriver's skin twice in one sentence.)

This Lionel Shriver, she must be an Aryan hatemonger kitted out in brownshirt and jackboots, yeah? Except… right here and now I want you to go online and read her speech to see what raised these people to a level of outrage so pure it's laughably akin to holiness. Read it and see if you get within cooee of their holy rage.

Lionel Shriver defends fiction's right to share the human experience, to write in other voices, to try to understand the other.

Lionel Shriver defends fiction's right to share the human experience, to write in other voices, to try to understand the other.Credit: Suki Dhanda

Shriver defends fiction's right to share the human experience, to write in other voices, to try to understand the other. She denounces the cry of cultural appropriation.

"Taken to their logical conclusion, ideologies recently come into vogue challenge our right to write fiction at all. Meanwhile, the kind of fiction we are 'allowed' to write is in danger of becoming so hedged, so circumscribed, so tippy-toe, that we'd indeed be better off not writing the anodyne drivel to begin with."

Abdel-Magied and Clarke, in their responses to her, are demanding the ghettoization of literature. Only the blind may write of the blind, only the black may … you get the picture.

Yet, in a keynote address of her own at the Melbourne Writers Festival, Clarke complained Australian children who weren't white and middle class were nigh invisible in children's books. That kids in wheelchairs or headscarves, or who were being raised by single or gay parents, or had brown skin, seldom saw themselves in books. This had a profound impact on their sense of themselves and their place in Australia, she said.


"Books render them invisible, their stories are not important. It is the right of every child to see themselves in story." OK, point taken, Maxine. Every kid in a wheelchair has a right to see himself or herself in a story… as long as it's written by someone in a wheelchair, apparently. What a defeatist and cowardly denial of art.


Abdel-Magied would have been surprised at the comments that trailed her Guardian column, I think. Here's one I liked by happyki11: "…It's entitled, narcissistic, hyperbolic and melodramatic nonsense that denies the complexity of humanity; it denies that persons from minorities have identity beyond their group; it denies that a writer may use empathy and imagination to create something that exists beyond the scope of their own experience; it denies that individual human beings may have opinions on, and interests in, cultures beyond their own. It's a horrible article; her viewpoint is almost anti-human, almost psychopathic, in the way that it sees human beings as nothing more than abstractions, as cultural signifiers with no agency of their own." I fondly hope that comment was written by an intersex Nigerian.

The type of pre-emptive book burning championed by Clarke and Abdel-Magied has a logical conclusion. Once you've ghettoized existing writers you must turn your censor's eye to existing books, books written by bygone writers who, steeped in Shriver's racism and disgrace, strayed off-reservation into the broader parkland of shared humanity. I'd like to see a list of the books to be burnt in their holy fire. I guess they'd start the blaze with Huck Finn, then throw on Othello, The Merchant of Venice, To Kill a Mockingbird, Black Like Me, Bonfire of the Vanities, Bleak House, before chucking on a DVD of The Wire … settle back and warm your toes at their eternal flame.

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