

This was published 6 years ago

Dicey Topics: comedian Shaun Micallef on sex, religion and politics

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private. This week, he talks with Shaun Micallef: the 55-year-old started out as a lawyer but switched to comedy in the early 1990s. Now an actor, writer and comedian, he’s best known as host of Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell.


What do you wish the teenage version of you knew about sex?

Oh, you shouldn't know anything about sex at 13. From 13 to 18, the age of consent. Or is the age of consent 16?

It's generally 16.

Is it? Wow. It shouldn't be.

You're a father of three teenage sons. Is that where this is coming from?

[Laughs] No. I'm going on my own fear and ineptitude when I was a teenager.

What did you know about sex when you were growing up?

My parents wouldn't broach such a subject; it was too frightening. The more common children would raise the subject. [Laughs] My father took me to one particular lesson at school – a Marist school, all boys – where we would see a film.

Actor, comedian and writer, Shaun Patrick Micallef.

Actor, comedian and writer, Shaun Patrick Micallef.Credit: James Brickwood.

How old were you?

Primary school. I might have been 12; the cusp of being a teenager.

What do you remember?

It was an animated film. Single-cell animation, ironically, showing the ovum being fertilised by the spermatozoa. I remember thinking, "Gee, that's not very good animation."

By the time you were an adult yourself, did you feel equipped for the sexual world?

It was never a particularly big deal, to be honest. I don't recall suffering enormous angst. It was more about whether people liked me or not. I was one of these pathetically needy children who required validation from strangers in the form of laughter and applause after performing. It was disgraceful! Maybe if I had a healthier balance in terms of not needing that empty validation, maybe I'd be more interested in sex! [Laughs]

You don't need applause after sex?

No. Standing ovation.


You've played a politician in The Ex-PM and you host a show about politics. What is it that fascinates you about politicians and politics?

Ah, you assume I'm fascinated and not revolted by it. We'd done a show called Newstopia, which was about world news. Our shtick was to take extraordinarily important things and to treat them flippantly and lightly – a parody of a world news program. Then we were given the opportunity to do something that, on the surface, looked similar for the ABC [Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell], but about Australia. We looked at Australia and thought, "Australia's pretty dull." The trick was to take these things that didn't matter and make them really important.

Australian politics always seemed to be inherently … comical?
Comical! Because it was so meaningless. There’s a distinct lack of grandeur. There’s no gravitas at all. That’s a generalisation; there are important things that are obviously dealt with from time to time, but I would say they’re dealt with quite cackhandedly, as politicians increasingly play the short game rather than the long time.

Have you heard what politicians think of either Mad as Hell or The Ex-PM?

I don't tend to court their opinion.

Have you heard anything on the grapevine?

I did get a call once from a senator complaining about the way he was portrayed. And Mathias Cormann's staff corrected my pronunciation of his name. Apparently I – for two years – had been calling him "Math-eye-us". Shows how informed I am politically.

Any politicians you admire, here or abroad?

I had a lot of time for Gough Whitlam. I don't necessarily venerate him because he flew a particular flag, but I am grateful to him because, without the policy Labor had for tertiary education back in those days, I wouldn't have had a university education. We couldn't afford it. So I managed to get through that window that was closed very slowly, then painted over, by successive Labor and Liberal governments.


Do you believe in God?

I'm very envious of people who seem to have that worked out. I did a three-part series for SBS about faith [Shaun Micallef's Stairway to Heaven] and met people who have faith. I was really interested to hear how they got to that place of certainty

Obviously you're fascinated by, interested in and engaged with the idea of faith. Where does that come from?

It's that question we ask of ourselves: why are we here and is there any sort of purpose to the whole thing? I thought religion was a man-made thing to control people, and maybe you could possibly tease out faith from that, but I found I couldn't. Dogma and tradition seemed to be a large part of why people thought in a certain way. But I'd never say anything to take away the consolation that people receive from it.

Are there any labels out there that gel with where you sit with faith? Atheist, agnostic, anything like that?

No, because often those labels you apply to yourself have, implicit in them, some sort of judgment about other people who don't have those labels. And I'm not really a club joiner anyway.

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