

This was published 7 years ago

Andrew Forrest donated his daughter Sophia's inheritance and she couldn't be happier

By Jenna Clarke

"Can my clothes not be made by slaves?" Sophia Forrest says as she takes a sip of her iced almond milk latte. It's not a question. It's a demand for her Sunday Life photo shoot.

And it's one that isn't surprising considering she's the daughter of billionaire Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest, Australia's most generous philanthropist and staunch humanitarian. A pastoralist and mining magnate worth more than $5.2 billion, according to Forbes magazine's most recent count, Forrest recently donated $400 million of his wealth to charity, the single largest donation by a living person in Australian history. He's not done yet, either, insisting that the majority of his fortune will be given away and not left to Sophia and her siblings.

Sophia Forrest, the daughter of Nicola and Andrew Forrest, is on track to becoming one of the country's leading actors thanks to her break-out role on Love Child.

Sophia Forrest, the daughter of Nicola and Andrew Forrest, is on track to becoming one of the country's leading actors thanks to her break-out role on Love Child.Credit: Hugh Stewart

"Inheritance has never really made sense to me," Sophia says. "You watch it tear families apart and it baffles me. You're not entitled to that money, you haven't earned it, you haven't worked for it – I don't see why you think it should be yours. So we all agreed to give it all away.

"It's a relief to know it's not my problem. It's going to better things. I don't need it. I'm going to work and make it on my own," she says between sips of her $6 coffee.

"Growing up, I shied away from being associated with 'Twiggy'. Not my dad – I'm so proud of him, but 'Twiggy' is a media construct. [Because of it] people just tended to make assumptions and think the worst of you, in a way.

"But my family are super close. My best memories come from travelling with them. When I was nine, I was pulled out of school for a year and we went travelling all around the world. It was the most phenomenal experience. We ate everything in France and hiked Machu Picchu. I was very fortunate as a kid. A big part of the travelling when we were younger was about going to see what we could do to help."

Sophia, who has an older sister, Grace, 23, and younger brother, Sydney, 17, is not only the middle child of Andrew and Nicola Forrest. At just 22, she's also tipped to be the next big thing in Australian television and film thanks to her starring role as pregnant schoolgirl Debbie Hampshire in Nine's drama series Love Child. She landed the gig just weeks after graduating from acting school.

Sophia's request for ethical fashion for our shoot is not one of a pampered diva or spoilt little rich girl having a Veruca Salt moment; it's a Forrest family commandment.


"Our whole family are like that," she says. "Saying it loud and proud has an impact. I also only want ethically sourced coffee. I want ethically sourced chocolate. Same with tuna – only responsibly sourced seafood. Taking a stand, no matter how small, makes a difference."

This strength of character is jarring when first meeting Sophia, who is slight and willowy. She's wearing vintage black and gold sneakers, a white collared shirt from Zara over black Zoe Karssen jeans, and a woollen sweater emblazoned with the phrase "Original gangsta" – a gift from her mother, an avid arts lover and patron.

Ellery 'Clef'€ top, $1450.

Ellery 'Clef'€ top, $1450.Credit: Hugh Stewart

I catch up with Sophia at a cafe in trendy Surry Hills, where she first lived after moving to Sydney from her parents' grand estate in the wealthy Perth suburb of Cottesloe in January. She now calls Sydney's inner-city Chippendale home.

"I walked past a terrace house for sale in Surry Hills the other day and the real estate's number was on the sign, so I called and asked how much it was to buy. It was $3.4 million. I choked and hung up," she says, adding she is happily single for now, house-sharing with a "family friend" while finding her feet on the eastern seaboard.

Inner-city living is a new experience for the actor, who grew up spending most of her spare time on the family's 230,000-hectare cattle station, Minderoo, more than a thousand kilometres north of Perth. She attended St Hilda's, a prestigious Perth private girls' school, but spent most of her holidays helping muster more than 50,000 head of cattle on horseback.

It was a natural fit for the gifted rider, who was also on the state equestrian team. Her skill with horses is a trait she inherited from her grandmother – Andrew's mother – who at 86, is still riding and breaking in steeds on her property in Bowral, in the NSW southern highlands.

"We call her the galloping granny," Sophia says. "My family say, 'You have to fall off a horse 72 times before you can call yourself a rider', which I've easily done. The important thing is that you get back on the horse. The worst accident I had was when I was 11 and my foot got stuck in the stirrup, the horse trod on my back, cracked my ribs and popped my lung," she says with a nonchalant shrug. "That was the only time I had to wait to get back on."

Minderoo, an Aboriginal word meaning permanent and clean water, was established in 1878 by her greatgreat-grandfather and his brothers, who included WA's first premier, John Forrest. Her grandfather was forced to sell in 1998 but Andrew, who grew up on the Pilbara property, bought it back in 2009, reportedly for $12 million.

"It's very big and it's why I sometimes get very claustrophobic in the city as I don't feel like I can spread out. But I love the hustle and bustle of Sydney, the art and food culture. And I love my avocado on toast, so if I can never put down a mortgage on a house, that's definitely the reason!"

Anna Quan 'Reese' shirt, $470, and Laetia€ pants, $420.

Anna Quan 'Reese' shirt, $470, and Laetia€ pants, $420.Credit: Hugh Stewart

Up close, Sophia is the personification of her home town: vibrant, optimistic, warm and radiating joie de vivre. She uses the word "phenomenal" the way most millennials punctuate their sentences with "like", and her eyes sparkle like the Indian Ocean on a summer's day when talking about her career.

"I love acting," she says. "I love telling Australian stories. It's an industry I've always had an interest in. You can change people's lives through story-telling."

But she was shocked by the speed with which she landed her first TV job after graduating from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) last year. She attended the Perth institution, where Hugh Jackman and Tim Minchin also honed their craft, after being rejected from the National Institute of Dramatic Arts. "NIDA were like, 'keep moving'," she says, sweeping her hands towards the door.

Sophia found an agent, auditioned for the role of Debbie in season four of Love Child, and landed it just two weeks after graduating. Since filming wrapped earlier this year, she has also auditioned for a pilot in the US and filmed a local indie feature film. "If [Love Child goes] for a season five, they have the option to bring me back," she says.

The series is set in the 1970s – the era of Gough Whitlam, funk music and free university education – and her character Debbie is a whip-smart, mischievous and misunderstood society princess who is pregnant to her older, married lover.

"While Debbie's circumstances aren't overly relatable to us girls nowadays, how she feels, how she's treated and how she treats others is," Sophia says.

Sophia endured five hair-styling and colouring sessions before executives were happy with her blonde locks and blunt fringe and it was this fastidiousness and attention to detail that attracted Sophia to the show. "It's not cheap writing. It's not like, 'Oh, pretty blonde girl walks in to the bar.' The characters are fleshed-out, imperfect humans.

"I was really fortunate as Sarah Smith [Love Child's executive producer] called us all and ran each of us through our entire season. Usually you only get the next two episodes a few weeks before you start shooting, but she gave us our time-lines – which helps you with your trajectory and how you play it."

Sophia was especially appreciative of the heads-up so she could prepare for her character's dramatic arc, which involved giving birth and self-harm.

"It was something that I was nervous about undertaking," she says, "especially considering how prevalent self-harm is in Australia and around the world; it is so topical right now with [controversial Netflix teen drama] 13 Reasons Why. It's really important that we as a society say, 'Don't be scared to express how you feel.' "

Playing a feisty woman during the sexual revolution has inspired her to seek out other roles that push the boundaries. "Women can do more than just giggle and cry," she says. "We feel more, we can do more, we're natural multitaskers." She hopes to work more closely with female writers and directors. She'll do this in December, when she takes to the stage as a vampire in the Black Swan State Theatre Company's production of the Swedish horror-romance Let the Right One In.

"My mum is an incredible patron of the arts in WA, so I can't wait to get back there and work with [director] Clare Watson," says Sophia. "It's always very exciting working with female directors as it's not as prevalent as it should be, but it's getting there.

"My family are all very strong feminists. My mum, my dad, my sister, my younger brother, we all fight for equal pay and equal opportunity. Mum and Dad always tell me, 'You need to study really, really hard and you have to put your best foot forward because as a woman, in this industry, in any industry, you have to start on a base level.' "

Lonely the Label 'Outlaw' cami, $245, and pants, $385

Lonely the Label 'Outlaw' cami, $245, and pants, $385Credit: Hugh Stewart

After high school, she spent 2013 abroad working for Donnie Darko producer Hunt Lowry's screen-writing firm in Los Angeles where, during breaks, she would sneak onto the sets of The Big Bang Theory and Ellen. She then headed to London and "crashed on my cousin's couch" before studying creative writing at Oxford. Sophia got in on the ground floor of showbiz in 2014 when she was cast alongside, and directed by, Russell Crowe in the post-World War I drama The Water Diviner, a project that coincided with the completion of her self-funded gap year.

Crowe predicts big things from Sophia, who calls the Oscar-winning actor her mentor. "Sophia is thoroughly grounded, she has an undeniable screen presence, a steely determination and a desire to excel," he tells Sunday Life. "Add to that her beauty and a natural sense of fun, it's a compelling combination."

For now, Sophia is "constantly working, looking for work" – a phrase Crowe taught her. She is using this downtime early in her career to navigate the way she will walk the tightrope between her public and private life.

"It's been tricky juggling that mentality, going into the acting industry where your image is public and you work with the media, when my gut reaction has always been, Don't," she says.

"But I can use it to create change, spread awareness and talk about positive things rather than go down that vapid fame path, which I have no interest in at all. I couldn't think of anything worse."

The season finale of Love Child airs on Tuesday at 8.40pm on Nine.

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