By Robyn Doreian
Occupation Comedian and actor. Age 53. Relationship Status Married. Best Known For The Trip movies. Currently Touring his I Am Standing Up live show.
I grew up in Baglan, a village next to Port Talbot in south Wales. We lived in a manor house owned by my maternal grandparents, Margaret and Robert, after whom I was named. Tenants occupied the upper floors, while Nan and Grandpa had one side of the ground floor and my family had the other.
I have lovely memories of my nan. She was very warm and maternal, everything you'd want a grandmother to be. I was very lucky in that way.
My parents, Howard and Joy, met in a cafe in 1961 – Dad worked at the garage next door. At the time, Mum had just finished her O-levels [year 10]. She was 19 or 20 when she had me, which today is very young but back then was considered normal.
Mum's passions were her children, my younger brother Peter and me. But when I was a boy she went to university as a mature-age student, earned a degree, and taught English as a foreign language. One year, she invited a huge group of her foreign students to our house for Christmas.
I attended Dumbarton House, a private co-ed school, until I was 14. Catherine Zeta-Jones also went there. I was aware of her, but we weren't friends – she's younger than me. But even at that age she was a gifted girl who did shows. She was vivacious and stood out. I recall her as a girl who was precociously talented.
It's embarrassing to admit it now, but as a boy I liked the stuff that typically appealed to girls: Donny Osmond, the Bay City Rollers. I was also a huge fan of the Wombles. They had a female character, Madame Cholet, but I don't think I had carnal feelings for her.
When I reached my teens, I found Kate Bush exotic and exciting. She was smart and talented, gifted and artistic, which made her attractive as well.
It's interesting to look back at that time, because when you saw a girl or woman you liked, it came from a place of innocence and naivety. I had no experience with girls, so as a teenager I didn't really know what it was I was drawn to.
While my school friends had girlfriends, I never did. I've always put it down to not drinking alcohol, and therefore not having the Dutch courage to go for the kiss.
My first kiss happened at Dumbarton when a girl kissed me. But my first proper kiss was with Jacqueline at drama school. I had seen her in an Alan Bennett play and thought her the most naturally funny cast member. She became my first proper girlfriend and we were together for two years.
The first time I saw my wife, Claire, was across a room at the Savoy Hotel in London. I was immediately taken with her. Physical attraction was the first thing but, as we spoke, I found her personality equally attractive. At that time she worked as a producer on The South Bank Show.
I already had three children from my first marriage when we met, and I think Claire liked the relationship I had with them. There are people you just click with and Claire and I share the same values.
The Trip movies evolved from the 2010 BBC TV series. My co-star, the comedian Steve Coogan, is a great bloke and as talented as hell. When women tell me they find him attractive, it is always a particular type of woman. It's always, shall we say, the slightly more risqué, perhaps broad-minded – "bohemian" would be a nice word.
I have always loved Joan Rivers and thought she was wonderful. I admired the speed of her thought and the way she could insult without offending, which is something I do in my live show. Her jokes were very strong as well.
My fan letters tend to say, "I like your work" and "It makes me happy". There's the occasional saucy one from a woman but, I have to say, it's disappointingly occasional. No one wants to apply the word "rare" here, but it would be the most appropriate.
The qualities I find attractive in a woman is warmth of spirit, empathy, compassion and humour – all the usual stuff. I've got nothing revolutionary I can offer up, unfortunately. Women are still a bit of a mystery to me, just less so.
Rob Brydon's I Am Standing Up tour of Australia begins on March 12.
This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale February 24.