By Michael Lallo
A top-rating radio station has defended a stunt in which a 14-year-old girl was strapped to a lie detector before revealing ? live on air ? that she had been raped.
A psychologist described the incident as ??bordering on child abuse?? and listeners demanded that hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O be sacked.
Shocked jocks ... Sydney radio hosts Kyle and Jackie-O.
The segment was broadcast yesterday morning on Sydney?s 2Day FM, which has more listeners aged between 10 and 17 than any other station.
The teenager, who had been brought in by her mother to be asked about her drug and sex experiences, told Sandilands, ??I?m scared ? it?s not fair.??
Jackie O also asked the mother if she knew whether her child was a virgin. After grilling her daughter about her school attendance, the mother said: ??Have you ever had sex???
The girl replied: ??I?ve already told you the story about this ? and don?t look at me and smile because it?s not funny.?? After a pause, she shouted: ??Oh OK ? I got raped when I was 12.??
Sandilands responded: ??Right. And is that the only experience you?ve had???
The mother then admitted she knew of the rape and Jackie O offered the girl counselling. Sandilands added, ??thanks for coming in, darl, sorry about that??, and ended the segment.
The controversial announcer defended the stunt when contacted by The Age last night. ??We?re not on a time delay, but even if we were, I wouldn?t have dumped the segment,?? he said. ??There was no breach of any radio code. What I?m most annoyed about is that some of the press have jumped on this and made it out to be a stunt and a ratings ploy.??
When asked whether it was appropriate for a 14-year-old girl to be questioned about her sexual activity on air, he said: ??Our show is a real-life show, not some Punch and Judy pre-scripted show. We deal with a lot of real situations, and sexuality is one them. I would never have asked the girl those questions myself. It was her mother who asked those questions.??
Austereo head of content Guy Dobson said the hosts were not to blame. ??If someone rings in and drops a bombshell, is it necessarily our fault??? he said.
??Look mate, the internal line on this ? and it?s not spin ? is that we?ve done this segment for years, as hundreds and hundreds of stations around the world have. We probably do better due diligence on that segment than most people ? We had our checks and balances up front. We wrapped the thing up and we offered counselling.??
He also defended Sandilands? initial response as ??a dumb struck comment??.
But adolescent psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg blasted the hosts and the girl?s mother, and said the station should have its broadcasting licence revoked.
??It was unbelievably exploitative,?? he said. ??What would they do if she went ahead and tried to hurt herself? This is a new low for FM radio.??
Dr Carr-Gregg said the stunt could trigger a variety of psychological problems in the girl. He said of the mother: ??To me, this borders on child abuse.??
Welfare authorities are investigating the girl?s comments.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority said complaints had to first be made directly to 2Day FM, and could be acted on by ACMA if listeners felt the station had not dealt with it properly. By 7pm yesterday, hundreds of people had demanded the sacking of the hosts on Twitter.
The pair are no strangers to criticism. Recently, they drew fire for a stunt in which a man was asked to identify his girlfriend?s vagina from a line-up of four women.