

This was published 10 years ago

Charles Blackman artworks up for sale to pay for his care

By Suzanne Carbone

If there was a James Bond movie to depict the life of revered Australian artist Charles Blackman, it would be The Man with the Golden Paint Brush.

The parallel between espionage and art is imperative because the 85-year-old beret-wearer spends his days watching 007 films, his mind and body ravaged by Korsakoff's syndrome – dementia brought on from alcoholism.

Artist Charles Blackman at Savill Galleries in Paddington, Sydney.

Artist Charles Blackman at Savill Galleries in Paddington, Sydney.Credit: Dallas Kilponen

The biopic of Blackman's life already has a sad ending because his remaining artwork has to be auctioned to keep him alive. Three carers providing 24-hour care for Blackman in his rented home in Double Bay, Sydney, have prolonged his life for the past 20 years.

The artist's friend and power-of-attorney, Tom Lowenstein, an accountant overseeing the Charles Blackman Trust, said it was a miracle that Blackman was still above ground after several life-threatening trips to hospital.

With little short-term memory, Blackman can remember bits of the past and is blessed that his hand can draw and paint watercolours. "Without those carers he would not be around," Mr Lowenstein said.

On April 1, Mossgreen Gallery managing director Paul Sumner will auction 400 drawings, paintings and tapestries, and for entry-level collectors, works worth an average of $2000 have an estimate of $500.

"There is no point being anything other than candid," Mr Sumner said. "This is a fire sale. It is highly regrettable that one of our most famous living artists should be in such a position that he needs to have an auction just to pay his medical expenses."

Collectors will find Blackman's renowned Schoolgirls and Alice in Wonder-land series from the 1950s and if the genteel way of saying "bargain" is "reasonably priced", an eight-page Alice folio usually worth $20,000 is a very reasonable $10,000-$15,000.

It's fortunate that the artist has the Blackman Hotel in St Kilda Road named after him because he would need separate rooms for a family reunion to accommodate three former wives and six children. Barbara, his first wife who is blind and was the muse for Alice, landed a large number of valuable paintings in the divorce.


Collectors including Lindsay Fox, Lachlan Murdoch and Kerry Stokes have hung Blackmans and numerous Toorak mansions decorate their expansive walls with them.

The painter's friend, Denis Savill, from Savill Galleries in Sydney, said Blackman and raconteur Barry Humphries bonded in London during the bohemian 1960s when Blackman exhibited Girl Playing (pictured right) at Matthiesen Gallery in 1961.

At a raucous party, Humphries recited the The Ballad of Charles Blackman, adding it was "written to be recited live at a drunken party in 1961". Therein you can trace the denouement of Blackman's story and he hasn't had a drink for 20 years, nor craved one.

Blackman's daughter, singer Bertie, said her father remained dignified as he declined. "What I love about my father is that when I visit, he's sitting at the dining-room table on a hard-backed chair with his beret on," she said.

Intrigue-loving Blackman has the entire James Bond collection and still relishes the female body when it's Pussy Galore's. Bertie is emotional that drawings of her and her siblings are being sold but her father would not view the auction as his death knell. Rather, "He would want it to be a celebration, whimsical and wonderful."

A telling point of Blackman's demise is tattooed on her arm. He wrote verbatim: "On a hill their was yow and me."

He signed it "Chales".

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