

This was published 5 years ago

HSC subject hierarchy can lower students' horizons, says study

By Jordan Baker

The state's most advantaged students have better access to high-status, high-scaling HSC subjects, new research has found – raising concerns that limited, low-status curriculum offerings are causing poorer students to lower their aspirations.

Disadvantaged students in NSW were increasingly studying vocational courses, and those who did seek high-status 'classics' such as extension maths, English and music were often put off by the difficulty in accessing them, the study said.

There are concerns that the so-called HSC subject hierarchy is lowering the aspirations of disadvantaged students.

There are concerns that the so-called HSC subject hierarchy is lowering the aspirations of disadvantaged students.Credit: Louie Douvis

"[The school curriculum] operates as a system to reinforce social status," the study by the Centre for Sustainable Communities found. "We need to ensure all students have access to higher-status powerful subjects or ensure all subjects are valued equally."

The study comes as the NSW Curriculum Review interim report calls for an end to the "artificial and unhelpful" separation between academic and vocational subjects in the HSC – saying the number of courses should be cut, and the remainder be made more rigorous and to merge theory with skill.

The study's author, University of Canberra Associate Professor in Curriculum Inquiry Philip Roberts, said the HSC operated as a hierarchy: with the high-status subjects being more traditional, more theoretical, and linked to high ATARs.

Lower status subjects were considered to be the newer, more practical ones such as Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, which were regarded as having less or no value in relation to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

High-scaling subjects studied by advantaged students include chemistry, economics and Latin, while low-scaling subjects studied by more disadvantaged students include food technology, English standard, and community and family studies.

"It is evident that overall [VET subjects] are studied by students of lesser average socio-economic status," the report said. The exceptions were those with "certain social cache" such as entertainment or tourism.


A hierarchy was also evident within subjects. Advanced English was studied by more advantaged students, and "it has a higher ATAR scaling rate," Dr Roberts said. "[English] standard is studied by less advantaged students.

"What we can see is that all those subjects that are traditional academic disciplines, and they hold a place in the social hierarchy of what we value in education, those classics. The study of those classics is rewarded.

"What we are not doing is making those accessible at a great rate to students who don't have [advantaged] backgrounds. We are also not making more applied subjects more meaningful to kids who come from advantaged backgrounds.

"We are reinforcing the social perception of what is important."

Most schools make decisions about their subject offerings based on what students say they want to study, but need to have at least a dozen students, if not more, to make a class viable.

If a student wanted to study chemistry but their school did not offer it, they could move schools or take classes at another school. They could also enrol in distance education – which can be the only option for rural students – but some do not like studying online.

Dr Roberts said school systems needed to become better at making subjects accessible. Options could include expert teachers shared by schools, schools working in clusters, or earmarking funding for small HSC classes in disadvantaged schools.

Director of the Gonski Institute for Education Adrian Piccoli said he was concerned that limited subject offerings "lower the horizons" of students living in disadvantaged and regional areas.


"Some of the problem in the regions is low aspirations, low horizons," he said. "Do these subjects reinforce these low horizons? You can interpret a Shakespeare play, or you can strip down a diesel engine. We have historically valued one over the other in that academic hierarchy, but should we?"

A spokesman for the NSW Department of Education said students had a range of options if their school did not offer a subject, including joining that class at a nearby school, using distance eduction, or, in regional areas, attending Aurora College, an online school for high-performing students.

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