

This was published 9 years ago

iPhone 6s review: he said, she said

By Ben Grubb and Hannah Francis

The iPhone 6s launch buzz has died down and Apple die-hards have most likely already snapped one up, but is it any good for the rest of us?

How does it compare to its Google Android competitors? Ben Grubb trialled the iPhone 6s Plus and Hannah Francis tested the smaller iPhone 6s.

Look and feel


There's no doubt about it: with a 5.5-inch (diagonal) display, the iPhone 6s Plus is big. If you have small hands and you want an iPhone I'd suggest you don't buy this model; get the smaller 6s instead. Now I don't have small hands, so I found the 6s Plus reasonably sized. I did, however, encounter having to reposition my hands quite a bit to try and reach apps at the top of the screen. But this issue was largely resolved thanks to a feature in iOS called "reachability" that brings apps closer to the middle of the screen after double tapping the home button.

The phone looks great. I chose the gold one. But I of course covered that up straightaway after putting a case on it to protect it. Yes the new iPhone is meant to be stronger and more durable than the previous version, but I've smashed a caseless-iPhone before and it cost me a few hundred dollars to repair. Not risking that again!


No surprises here. As it's an "S" year, most of the upgrades are on the inside. However Apple has used a new grade of aluminium to address the whole "bend-gate" thing. That's made the iPhone 6s 0.2mm fatter and longer, 0.1mm wider and 13g heavier … apparently. It's virtually imperceptible.

While I'm a fan of the new rose gold colour, I always use a case to protect my phone so that's not a huge draw card.




Generally speaking the iPhone 6s Plus is fast with little lag between opening an app and waiting for it to load. But as I type this review, it just froze on me for about 10 seconds.

The freeze occurred when I tried to bring down the notification panel to see the contents of a WhatsApp message someone sent me. This occasionally occurs and I'm not sure what to do to fix it.

The iPhone was a fresh one (I didn't restore a backup onto it), so I'm still trying to pinpoint if this is a dodgy app or an Apple issue. The Android phone I used prior to the iPhone 6s Plus would freeze a bit too, so I'm used to it. The freezing isn't a common issue, and so it didn't make me pull too much hair out.

Another issue I noticed was that sometimes when I wanted to go back to the previous web page in Safari it just kept refreshing the same page I was on. Not sure what's going on there.


I would never have said the iPhone 6 felt slow but this guy is noticeably faster, thanks to an upgraded chip, the A9.

Plenty of other sites have published performance tests which show the 6s knocks competitors and previous iPhones alike out of the water when browsing the web or performing other tasks.

I have however found it still freezes briefly when loading some in-house apps, such as Mail.

Battery life


If a long-lasting battery is what you're after, the first thing you're going to want to do is uninstall the Facebook app on your iPhone. After uninstalling the app, which has a known issue with it at the moment, I often ended up with 30 to 50 per cent battery left at about 11pm most days (after taking it off charge at about 8am). With the Facebook app installed, the 6s Plus died most nights at about 11pm (On Friday Facebook said it had released a partial fix).

To me battery life is really important. I've detailed before how I've been left lost in overseas cities late at night because my iPhone's battery has drained on me.

I'm not the typical user though, and so batteries on phones tend to drain fairly quickly for me. The reason I personally left the iPhone awhile ago now was because of its inability to last a day with my kind of use.

Prior to the new iPhone I was using a Sony Z3, which would often last two days. Before that I was using an iPhone 5. So when I tried out the iPhone 6s Plus it was obviously a step backwards when it came to battery life.

I just wish Apple and other phone manufacturers would quit their obsession with thinness and add extra battery capacity to our phones.


There's been a lot of noise made about how the 6s battery is worse than the 6's. It's difficult for me to comment on this accurately because after several months of use my iPhone 6 battery stopped performing so well.

Apparently if you leave your phone plugged in at full capacity for extended periods it wears down the battery life in the long term. Of this I am guilty because I like to be armed with a fully charged phone if called away from my desk.

Sure, I could be using a battery pack, but they're heavy and I always forget to charge them.

At the moment the battery in my brand new 6s is performing better than the one in my old 6 — but it's been a long time since that one was performing optimally.

3D Touch


3D Touch works exactly how Apple says it does but it feels a little undercooked in its implementation at the moment; Not all app developers are on board yet.

It's the unique feature in this year's iPhone. But I found it a little gimmicky. I often found it was easier to just open an app and navigate to the part of it that I wanted to access than it was to force touch the screen and then select what I wanted (like "new tweet" for Twitter or "new post" for Instagram). Who knows - maybe this will be the way we use our phones more in the future. But for me, as it makes you use the muscles in your fingers that aren't usually used, I just found it easier to avoid. Soft touching the screen still wins out for now for me.

The "peek" and "pop" feature of 3D Touch, where you softly touch to preview, say, an email seems like it could be useful for some. But again, I still found it way easier to just click an email to preview it and then press back to close. Where I found 3D Touch was more useful was with previewing larger versions of photos while looking at thumbnails of an album.

Once more developers implement 3D Touch into their apps I might find myself using it more.


3D Touch responds to different levels of screen pressure so you can "peek" into apps and content (e.g. a menu or message thread), or "pop" into full view.

I found this new feature so intuitive I wished it was integrated into more apps and functions — and I'm talking native Apple apps here, not third-party apps, which have yet to widely adopt it.

Why doesn't it work on a folder on the homescreen to give me a snap of which apps are inside? It's also missing from Settings — surely one of the iPhone's most frequently used features, which is a pain to navigate and could benefit from some extra shortcuts.

Left, centre: Only a handful of third-party apps have yet to take advantage of 3D Touch for shortcuts. Right: Apple could have added 3D Touch to the slide-up shortcuts menu. From here you can only switch Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on or off; why not add more options?

Left, centre: Only a handful of third-party apps have yet to take advantage of 3D Touch for shortcuts. Right: Apple could have added 3D Touch to the slide-up shortcuts menu. From here you can only switch Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on or off; why not add more options?Credit: Screenshot



The Snapchat generation are going to find the camera experience so much better. As Hannah will fill you in on below, the front-facing camera is so much better now for selfies.

The 6s Plus comes with a 12-megapixel back-facing camera and 5 megapixel front-facing camera and, unlike the smaller 6s, it also includes optical image stabilisation.

I was able to take great shots with it and it outperformed many other phones I tested it with.

The stabilisation was also pretty great when taking videos. It's no steadicam but it certainly does make videos noticeably smoother and less jittery.


The most significant upgrade is to the front-facing "selfie" camera, from 1.2MP up to 5MP. It's now got a flash as well (sort of). Rather than trying to fit another bulb into the hardware, Apple has used the entire screen, which flashes brightly and corrects for tint.

Front-facing camera shots. L-R: iPhone 6; iPhone 6s; iPhone 6s with flash.

Front-facing camera shots. L-R: iPhone 6; iPhone 6s; iPhone 6s with flash.Credit: Hannah Francis

You can clearly see the improved detail and tone in these iPhone 6 and 6s comparison selfies. The 6s photos are four times the size, we've just shrunk them down for practicality's sake.

As far as smartphone cameras go, the iPhone 6s's is generally stellar, but I still think the jury's out on low-light shots. The 6s has more definition than a Samsung Galaxy S6, but you need to lift the brightness to see any of it.

L-R: iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, Samsung Galaxy S6.

L-R: iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, Samsung Galaxy S6.Credit: Hannah Francis

An iPhone 6s photo, left, with brightness lifted. Right, a photo taken with Samsung Galaxy S6, undoctored.

An iPhone 6s photo, left, with brightness lifted. Right, a photo taken with Samsung Galaxy S6, undoctored.Credit: Hannah Francis

Apps, interface and security


The iPhone has full-disk encryption. Apple says it's "impossible" to unlock without the passcode.

My Android phone? By default it did not have full-disk encryption enabled, and often it was not updated by my manufacturer or telco until several months after Google put out an update.

Google's Marshmallow operating system makes full-disk encryption mandatory, but updates to the phone are still reliant on telcos and manufacturers pushing them out, which often leads to a long delay until you become fully patched.

The iPhone on the other hand gets updates instantly and there's no reliance on a telco to update them. This gives you some peace of mind in knowing that your phone is secure when the manufacturer (Apple) learns of a vulnerability.

As for apps, as I've written previously, it seems third party developers pay more attention to their iOS apps and update them faster than their Android apps. For this reason, I find it pays to be on an iPhone to get the latest and greatest features from app developers.

On the interface side of things I prefer Apple's iOS. Yes you can customise more on Android and add widgets to your screen, which can be handy, especially if you want to keep track of your data usage without opening an app. But I still find iOS easier to use.


Here's where I'm going to get all Android on your arse, because aside from 3D Touch there's little difference between the 6s and the 6 in terms of apps and interface, so long as both are running iOS 9.

Reviewing the 6s made me go back to the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, and remember what a beautiful phone it is. It performs great as far as I'm concerned, contrary to what some of those performance tests I mentioned earlier show.

I'm still a big fan of the customisable homescreen widgets on Android, and there are way more apps in the Google Play store, though that comes with the caveat of more potential malware.

Other new and improved features


I haven't used an iPhone as my primary smartphone for some time (the last one I had was an iPhone 5). So the fingerprint scanner was quite a new thing for me to get used to. It's really neat - and unlike other phones I've tried it seems to actually work most of the time. The enrolment process takes a bit longer than other phones I've used, requiring you to put your finger on the scanner several times at different angles.

The scanner is also much faster than the 6. There is one downside to this, however: Like others have noticed, I can't even click the home button to check the clock anymore without it automatically unlocking the phone. I now need to use my thumb's nail instead to avoid it unlocking.

Live Photos — those moving photos popularised by Nokia — are also interesting, but I turned them off to reduce the amount of space they chew up in memory. Kind of cool but a bit meh.


One thing I'm really happy about is the improved fingerprint scanner. On my iPhone 6 it stopped working so well after a few months, even when I re-taught it my print. Annoyingly I'd often be asked for my PIN after three failed attempts.

But the 6s reads my print and unlocks itself in a split second, faster than the previous model ever did. Here's hoping its performance doesn't also deteriorate.

The new Live Photos feature meanwhile, which records 1.5 seconds of motion either side of a snap, is perfect for today's GIF-drenched web. There are already some apps which convert them into shareable GIFs. They take up a bit more memory but not a heap, as they're apparently a lower image resolution and lower frame rate than video

Summary and rating

Ben 4/5 stars

If you're not a fan of the Android operating system and you've never had any experience with Blackberry or Windows Phones then this is the phone for you. The iPhone is the smartphone I usually recommend to anyone who asks me what phone they should get. Of course there are other phones like the Samsung Galaxy Edge that are worth a look as well, but if you want a simple to use, intuitive, good-looking phone then the iPhone is for you. Just be wary of being tethered to the charging cable if you're a heavy user. If you have an iPhone 6 then probably wait for the 7 unless you have the need for speed and want to try out 3D Touch and the better camera in the 6s.

Hannah 4/5 stars

It's a great phone, just like the iPhone 6 was a great phone. While speed and a better fingerprint scanner are noticeable pluses in my day-to-day use, there's not really anything "killer" that would force me to upgrade from the iPhone 6.

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