

This was published 10 years ago

In the future, internet search will give us super powers

Digital copies of the physical world may change the way we get information.

By Lia Timson

The days of internet searches being a matter of typing words into a box on a web page may be numbered.

Even the expressions "search it" and "Google it" could soon go out of fashion, just as "going online" is already passe because these days we're always connected.

AFR.  Portrait of Stephen Weitz senior director of Bing Search.  Pic by Nic Walker.  Date 14th November 2011.

AFR. Portrait of Stephen Weitz senior director of Bing Search. Pic by Nic Walker. Date 14th November 2011.

Steven Weitz, senior director of search for Microsoft's search engine Bing wants our physical and virtual worlds to merge to a point where we will be able to stand on a street corner and the answer to "where am I?" will bring up not only the street name but historic and tourist information, places to eat as recommended by our friends and the best public transport option to get to an appointment on time.

Never mind that Weitz doesn't yet know where you will see or hear that information – on your phone, wearable computer, hologram, a wall – he isn't concerned; it's not his job. His job, he says, is to oversee the construction of a digital replica of our known physical world.

Typing searches may be history.

Typing searches may be history.

His team's engineering project, Satori – loosely translated from Japanese as "enlightenment" or "understanding" – is designed to provide computers with a deeper understanding of the world not only as a collection of entities – people, places and things represented by blue links – but also the relationships between those entities.

The idea is that everything will be known and everyone will have answers to any question at any time, as if they were just asking another (knowledgeable) person.

"Forever search has been bound to a particular user interface. We're saying forget the interface and focus on the back-end infrastructure. Let someone else develop the interface," Weitz says.

Weitz's team is also concerned with making sure search can cope with as many human senses as possible. It already responds to sight (via typed commands), hearing (spoken queries) and touch depending on the device. Smell might be fun too one day, he says. But at the moment, search needs apps; it needs the user to tell it to search. He wants to skip that command step.


"Our vision of search is 'just ask'. Search is the ultimate human interface. It should be able to cope with any input."

By creating a digital copy of the physical world – complete with 3D maps and street views, photographs, videos, sounds and accurate databases for everything known to mankind – search will augment our personal knowledge exponentially, Weitz says.

"Search is now a deep dream. It's this thing that allows us to live in the real world but with super powers. It's not just a bunch of links".

In one example using a Windows 8.1 beta app called Symptom Checker, users can find possible answers to their headache by touching the forehead of the image on screen, ticking boxes for different symptoms and exploring questions a doctor would ask.

Bing is also looking to interface with personal health record databases so diagnoses will be tailored to patients.

A similar concept, minus the touch interface, is already available on the web from medical practitioners in the US.

The Local Scout app which uses 15 different parameters – including geo-location and social networking – to answer where you are, what is around you, what your friends recommend and where they have checked into nearby.

But Weitz doesn't want to have to "fire an app" to access this wealth of information; he wants it to "just happen".

Microsoft is not alone in doing this work. Results can already be seen in Google Now – the app that combines information from your calendar, contacts, emails, location and other sources such as live traffic, to display what it thinks you need to know, such as the travel time between your home and office.

Google Now is a mainstay of Google Glass, the smart glasses yet to hit retail stores.

Similar to Weitz's vision, any question asked after the words "OK, Glass" are answered by Google directly into your ear.

Bing and Google set out early to outdo each other on presenting relevant links to a query. Since then they have constantly tweaked their search algorithms to present the greatest number of trustworthy results in the shortest time.

Later iterations sought to anticipate your next query and deliver those answers before you even asked the question.

A search for "Paris", for example, now displays points of interest, weather, local time and maps. That's because most people who search for Paris then search for places to visit, the weather, and so on, so the search gurus anticipate that you will do the same.

More recently, however, the two companies have been taking search in slightly different directions.

Google is constantly tweaking its algorithm to deliver the most popular results from the most popular sources, rewarding the most trustworthy with extra traffic.

Its most recent update, Hummingbird, took place in September. While it did not cause the same outcry as the previous iteration, Caffeine, which penalised websites it deemed to be gaming search engine optimisation, it appears to have caused some less popular results to hide.

Google also owns a number of comparison shopping sites and free category-leading services it can refer people to, such as Google Maps. Advertising on its services remains its main source of revenue.

Microsoft, on the other hand, has chosen to use Bing primarily as an ingredient in its myriad services, devices and apps, rather than an advertising cash cow. The most recent example is the new Xbox One's reliance on the search engine.

Using the new generation Kinect controller – which interacts with voice, gestures and facial recognition – the Xbox console will do anything you ask based on what Bing finds on its hard drive and online.

Say "Xbox, play my favourite show" or "Xbox, call grandma", and it will oblige with a TV show or a Skype call.

"We're interested in how we stitch together the web's capabilities," says Weitz.

"Google is buying a lot of products. They are sending a lot of traffic to their own properties. We think you can't buy the world's innovation. You can't control the destination all the time.

"The web is just moving too quickly for one company to own it," Weitz says, not resisting a dig at its biggest competitor.

And as for that counter on the top of each search page that tells you how many millions of results were found?

"That's garbage," says Weitz. "It's an estimation."

We would never get to the end of those results anyway, he says, so that bit of information is useless.

The writer visited the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington, as a guest of the company.

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