

This was published 13 years ago

Aussie tech price 'rip-offs' go under the microscope

By Asher Moses

Technology companies are under pressure to reduce the yawning gaps in prices between Australia and the US, as the government has asked treasury officials and the Productivity Commission to investigate the issue.

Price discrimination around gadgets, software and media is increasingly catching the ire of politicians, businesses and consumers as the Australian dollar has been valued above the US dollar for some time yet prices haven't dropped to reflect this.

Federal Labor MP Ed Husic at home with his MacBook.

Federal Labor MP Ed Husic at home with his MacBook.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Australians pay hundreds of dollars more for laptops, phones and other gadgets while software, which is now often delivered over the internet, is commonly 60-80 per cent more expensive in Australia despite companies facing no significant additional costs to distribute it here.

Labor MP Ed Husic, the member for Chifley, has raised the issue in parliament several times, claiming Australians are being "ripped off".

In a speech last night Husic gave an example of high-end editing software that costs $12,000 more in Australia than in the US. He also quoted an IT retailer who said companies like Canon and HP in Australia refuse to respond to concerns about price discrimination and that many Australian retailers were scared to speak out as they feared being cut out or penalised by the big companies.

Husic has been lobbying the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, David Bradbury, who has confirmed the Productivity Commission is now conducting a further investigation.

The Productivity Commission has been examining the Australian retail industry and has already identified significant price differentials between Australia and overseas as one of the key reasons for consumers increasingly shopping via foreign websites.

"Treasury officials have met with the commission to discuss issues related to price discrimination. I am advised that the commission's preparation of the final report is underway and that the issue of price discrimination will be examined further in that report," Bradbury wrote in a letter to Husic.

The commission has said previously that company excuses for why price discrimination occurs – such as Australia being a small market – "in most cases are not persuasive".


Bradbury is encouraging Australians to contact the commission with their examples at The final report will be sent to the government in November.

Whatever the commission finds, it's not clear what, if anything, the government could do to regulate prices. Husic said the public pressure might be enough to resolve the issue.

Bradbury said the internet meant international price discrimination was now more apparent as it was easier to "shop around" and access overseas pricing information. But he said consumers now had the power to drive prices down, effectively by bypassing the Australian market

"Now price comparisons can be made at the click of a button and we have greater access to the international marketplace," Bradbury wrote.

But shopping overseas has been made more difficult by the fact that many US stores for instance don't ship to Australia. A number of US services have popped up - such as - which receive packages on behalf of Australians and forward them on for a small fee.

In a further comment, Bradbury's spokesman told Fairfax Media that the commission would be conducting a closer examination of "digital content and IT equipment pricing" in its inquiry. It is not clear if any other types of goods will be covered even though price discrimination occurs across a broad range of product categories.

Husic welcomed the move by government to draw more attention to the issue and said Australian consumers and businesses were shouldering an "unfair pricing burden". Tech company justifications had been either non-existent or flaky.

Sony Australia managing director Carl Rose recently pointed to higher logistics costs, taxes and staff wages, as well as the need to make minor modifications to products for the Australian market, as reasons for the price differentials.

But Husic - and the Productivity Commission - aren't buying these justifications and Husic argues the price differences are hurting Australia commercially.

"This is especially so for businesses competing against overseas firms, firms that get a massive head-start because they get their hardware and software much cheaper than we do," said Husic.

"On top of this - with the huge investment we're putting in as a government into the NBN - I think IT costs could act as a barrier to consumers, businesses and families wanting to access a new broadband platform.


"I'm urging consumers and businesses to have their say, provide their examples and ensure the Productivity Commission gets a clear picture of how the issue impacts peple here in Australia."

This reporter is on Twitter: @ashermoses

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