

This was published 11 years ago

Are your Apple iMessages secure?

By Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

This post was originally published on Mashable.

To distance itself from allegations of collaborating with the secret surveillance program PRISM, Apple issued a statement on the weekend that denies it granted the National Security Agency (NSA) direct access to its servers. The company went one step further: Apple claimed it couldn't turn over certain data to the US government, even if it wanted to.



"Conversations which take place over iMessage and FaceTime are protected by end-to-end encryption so no one but the sender and receiver can see or read them," the statement reads. "Apple cannot decrypt that data."

Apple's announcement comes on the heels of denials from Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo!. But Apple was more specific, stating that iMessages are encrypted; only the two iMessage participants can read any given conversation.

If this is true, are iMessages beyond the grasp of the NSA and the FBI? In the past, security experts doubted Apple's claims regarding iMessage encryption. Only Apple knows those details.

"What Apple is saying is true," said a former Apple employee familiar with the iMessage encryption. The employee agreed to talk on the condition of anonymity, since he is bound by a non-disclosure agreement preventing him from discussing details of his job at Apple. The former Apple employee said that a set of cryptographic keys – similar to a password used to scramble messages – is created and stored on each device. Those keys "never leave [the device] under any circumstances," he said.

Law enforcement officials have taken issue with this lately. In April, a leaked document revealed the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) had complained that it wasn't able to eavesdrop on iMessage conversations.

Despite these claims, however, security and cryptography experts still aren't convinced. In fact, as the former Apple employee himself admitted, the set of cryptographic keys only rules out the possibility of real-time interception. They don't prevent Apple from accessing the iMessages and turning them over at a later time to the NSA, DEA or other law enforcement agency.


iMessages are automatically stored in Apple's backup system iCloud. As Ars Technica reported last year, Apple holds the keys to any data stored there.

"The conversation history that you've had, the messages that you've received and have been decrypted by that device, are part of its normal data backup," the former Apple employee said. "If you were to do a restore onto a new phone from say your iCloud backup or a backup you own, you get those messages back that way. That's historical data – that's saved."

This doesn't necessarily mean Apple is spying on your iMessages. But technically, once your messages are backed up, Apple could retrieve them.

Last year, cryptography researcher and professor Matthew Green explained the issue in a blog post, with a simple thought experiment called the mud puddle test. The test consists of three steps:

1. First, drop your device(s) in a mud puddle.
2. Next, slip in said puddle and crack yourself on the head. When you regain consciousness you'll be perfectly fine, but won't for the life of you be able to recall your device passwords or keys.
3. Now try to get your cloud data back.

If you successfully retrieve the iCloud data, then Apple can gain access to it – as can the government and any rogue employee who "knows their way around your provider's internal policy checks", Green wrote.

There is a technical possibility that iCloud data may still be encrypted and unreadable even to Apple, but Green's view is widely shared among security researchers. "iMessages may not be interceptable from a suspect's cell carrier, but Apple has to be capable of handing them over when the authorities come knocking with a warrant," civil liberties and technology research fellow at the Cato Institute, Julian Sanchez, wrote in a blog post commenting on the DEA's complaint.

Apple did not answer multiple requests for comment for this story, and they have never revealed details behind their encryption scheme – for neither iMessage nor iCloud.

"If Apple can restore messages or data to your device, and if they are able to do this even after you've forgotten your password and they've reset it, it means they almost certainly have some technical way to view that data," said security researcher Tom Ritter. "It's just extremely unlikely that Apple is able to provide a restore functionality and doesn't have those messages in a readable format somewhere."

We can't know anything for certain until Apple releases information on its crypto scheme. Until then, it may be best to assume your iMessages – like your emails and phone calls – are not safe from prying eyes.

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