

This was published 13 years ago

iPhone 4S - enough to fight off the Android hordes?


With the growing Android threat, can Apple afford to merely play catch up?

It’s a sense of déjà vu this morning for iPhone fans, who’ve woken to news of an underwhelming incremental upgrade rather than a major redesign. Yep, it’s the iPhone 3G S all over again. Faster processor and graphics, a sharper camera and new voice commands that will probably be denied to owners of previous iPhones when they update to iOS5.

If you’re generally satisfied with the iPhone 4, you’re unlikely to ditch it for the 4S - especially if it would involve breaking a contract. iPhone 3G S owners who’ve held out for two years will obviously be keen to upgrade, although perhaps a little disappointed they’re not getting the mythical iPhone 5.

Of course if previous iOS upgrades are anything to go by, iOS5 will all but brick the iPhone 3G S anyway. Even the iPhone 4 will probably run like a dog for a while - just long enough to encourage people to throw in the towel and upgrade to the new model.

Apple's iPhone 4S.

Apple's iPhone 4S.

The biggest difference between the unveiling of the iPhone 3G S and the iPhone 4S is that this time Apple can’t afford to be complacent. The launch of the iPhone 3G S two years ago was into a very different environment. It was before the rise of Android superphones such as the HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S. It was even before the release of Android 2.0 “Eclair”. Back then Apple’s Jesusphone was in a class of its own. But not any more.


Today Android is such a significant threat to Apple that Cupertino is relying on lawyers rather than designers in order to hold off the competition. Meanwhile even the new Windows Phone 7 is going from strength to strength, with the recent Mango update addressing many of its shortcomings. Only the most delusional Apple fanboy would believe that the iPhone is still untouchable. Now is the time for Apple to forge ahead, not merely play catch up in the megahertz and megapixel wars.

What do you think? Has Apple done enough with the iPhone 4S to counter the Android threat?

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