

This was published 10 years ago

HFC can handle NBN: Hackett

By Adam Turner

Pay TV cables can offer a decent NBN service, says board member Simon Hackett. But only if it's done right.

Over the weekend Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, took umbrage with my coverage of the new plan to hook up a third of Australian premises to the Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) networks. Turnbull specifically singled out myself and Delimiter's Renai LeMay as some of the plan's harshest critics, recommending we spend more time reading the NBN strategic review which was released last week. The closer I look, the more concerned I am that the government's long-established "near enough is good enough" approach to the NBN won't deliver the HFC results which the strategic review dreams of.

NBN: Major cable cut.

NBN: Major cable cut.

The mostly metro-centric HFC networks were rolled out in the 1990s to offer pay TV and broadband internet. In the lead-up to this year's election Turnbull spoke of replacing HFC cables with fibre-to-the-node or fibre-to-the-premises technology. Under the new plan, the HFC networks stay but they'll support many more homes. This will involve pouring billions of dollars into an HFC network overhaul, even though fibre to the premises could eventually win out.

How the NBN will strike deals with Telstra and Optus to commandeer the HFC cables, which aren't even open to wholesale access, is a nightmare which is beyond the scope of this strategic review. The logistics of going back to hook up every skipped dwelling is also underplayed. But they're arguments for another day. The strategic report aims to cover the technical detail of the new-look NBN, not the ugly boardroom deals required to make it a reality.

Turnbull argues I didn't make it clear that every dwelling within the HFC footprint would be connected up to the cable, rather than left on copper. He's right. I didn't make this point clearly enough in my opinion piece on Friday and I've updated the story to rectify this.

My bigger concern is that, even with the overhaul outlined by the strategic review, the HFC network will struggle to meet the needs of 3.4 million homes. The nature of HFC cable means that you share the available bandwidth with your neighbours, so when everyone hits it hard it can grind to a halt. As I said on Friday, there's no shortage of HFC horror stories about users who are left in the lurch during peak hour every day.

I don't put much faith in peak speeds, especially since NBN Co rewrote the fine print last week to state that speeds are only guaranteed for wholesalers, not end users. But plans to overhaul the HFC network go much further than this. Page 90 of the strategic review lists a range of options including reallocating and upgrading channels, splitting nodes and perhaps even kicking Foxtel pay TV off the HFC network to free up bandwidth. None of these changes can completely escape the fact that you're still at the mercy of your neighbour's downloading habits, but they're certainly a step in the right direction.

So are the proposed HFC network upgrades simply band-aid measures, or can they do the job?

NBN Co board member Simon Hackett, founder of Australian ISP Internode, stepped into my conversation with Turnbull and offered his opinion. You'd struggle to find someone more highly respected in Australian internet circles and more qualified to give a trustworthy answer to the tricky question of whether HFC is a viable substitute for fibre. Hackett penned a 2000 word response and it's well worth your reading if you really want to understand this issue.


The Too Long, Didn't Read summary of Hackett's analysis? I'm wrong, HFC can do the job. The slightly longer answer is: HFC can do the job, but only if it's done right and corners aren't cut. That's the crux of it. It seems you can trust the Abbott government to dramatically increase the user base on the HFC networks and still offer a better service, but only if you trust them to do it right. If technologists like Hackett were running the show I'd feel in much safer hands. Unfortunately politicians are running the show, and they've already made it perfectly clear that near enough is good enough when it comes to the NBN.

Hackett hasn't blackflipped on the issue, he clearly states that he still believes that fibre to the premises is the best tool for the job. But his extensive post does look at the finer points of what HFC can and can't do. I won't cover all 2000 words of Hackett's analysis, but it's worth touching on a few points.

"HFC is capable of NBN grade outcomes, providing sufficient investment is made in the infrastructure concerned. Well, the investment commitment is there (this being the key point many have missed)," Hackett says.

"The FTTP network uses Passive Optical Network (PON) shared segments to deliver access in each local group of premises. The trick (in both technologies) is to keep the contention ratio acceptable in each of these shared segments. There is a commitment in the NBN HFC context to do that, just as in the FTTP rollout, so that the result is great for all users."

When it comes to broadband, the "contention ratio" basically refers to how many other homes you share your bandwidth with, because you're all connected to the same "node". The higher the contention ratio the less likely you are to get your promised download speeds, because you're at the mercy of everyone else who is using it at the same time. Simply improving the upload and download speeds available to each node isn't enough to solve the problem, assuming every home's appetite for bandwidth continues to grow. To improve performance you also need to share with fewer people.

In the proposed HFC upgrade, the nodes will be split so they each support fewer homes. This will lower the contention ratio and thus leave you less at the mercy of your neighbours. But as Turnbull suggests, let's study the exact wording of the strategic review:

"International and Australian benchmarks suggest a current peak contribution per user of 200-880 Kilo-bits-per-second (Kbps) which represents the average unconstrained download rate across all users on the network at peak usage times. The Review assumes capacity investments to serve all potential HFC premises providing for 18-30 per cent growth in broadband bandwidth per user per annum and increased usage of streamed video by 2019, leading to a peak contribution per subscriber of 4-7Mbps downstream by 2019. Expanding capacity to accommodate this peak use would enable a user experience consistent with 50Mbps downstream or greater.

"The Review assumes that to increase capacity on the HFC network, NBN Co:

- Reallocates the unused portion of downstream spectrum (14x8 MHz);
- Reallocates the DOCSIS 1.1 capacity to support additional upstream and downstream capacity on DOCSIS 3.0;
- Upgrades upstream channels to 64QAM;
- Upgrades downstream channels to 256QAM; and
- Splits nodes."

The first four points refer to specific methods for improving network capacity, but that last point, "split nodes", is disturbingly vague. The review offers no specifics regarding HFC node numbers and configurations, nor does it mention contention ratios.

Instead, as you can see, it refers to "peak contribution" – which is the average amount that each user is likely to demand at peak times. Real-world download speeds are much higher because not everyone hits their peak simultaneously, at least not in theory.

While the review doesn't mention specific node numbers or contention ratios, it allows for a significant rise in "peak contribution" demand while still promising real-world speeds of 50Mbps or greater. This implies that its costings allow for boosting node numbers and bringing down contention ratios as well as boosting throughput.

Hackett's confidence in the HFC overhaul to deliver on its promises hinges on these peak contribution calculations, one paragraph almost lost in a review which focuses much more on ways to cut costs than to ensure performance. The review's costing "assumes capacity investments" but if you wanted to cut corners on an HFC upgrade this would be one obvious area to do it. The review talks about estimated "peak contribution" from each household, demand which NBN Co has no control over, but doesn't make any concrete recommendations on actual supply in terms of contention ratios which NBN Co does have control over.

Contention ratios are one of the key problems with the current HFC networks, not raw speed. That's why HFC cable performs admirably for some people and appallingly for others. As such I'd expect a strategic review to give the issue more attention and acknowledge the shortcomings of the current HFC networks.

To use a freeway analogy, the strategic review goes into specific detail when it comes to adding lanes to the HFC cable and improving traffic flow. But when it comes to managing the congestion at offramps, we're left to extrapolate the details based on how much traffic is expected rather than being told specifically what they intend to do about it. There are no metrics with which to hold them to account, only "peak contribution" demand which they have no control over.

In summary, Simon Hackett is correct. If the HFC upgrade is done right, with plenty of nodes and contention ratios kept low to satisfy peak demand, then it could make a viable alternative to fibre. Whether or not it makes good long-term economic sense is a different argument. But if the HFC upgrade is done on the cheap and contention ratios blow out then we'll be right back where we started – except now a third of the country will rely on a cable network which regularly grinds to a halt.

Hackett is copping flak for supporting the HFC plan, but his point is that technically HFC over NBN can work. He hasn't backflipped, fibre to your door is still his preferred option. If you're keen on more technical detail, Hybrid Fibre Farce is an interesting read which casts doubt on Hackett's analysis.

If it's not done right then those homes on struggling HFC cable will be left to rot as the digital have-nots of the national broadband network. Unless, of course, you're convinced that the Abbott government is determined to deliver the best network it can, rather than near enough is good enough.

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