

This was published 10 years ago

FreeviewPlus is dead if it's locked-down

By Adam Turner

If Australia's new catch up TV service only works with Freeview-certified players then it's going to sink like the Titanic.

FreeviewPlus is set to kick off in Australia in May. It's based on the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) standard which combines television broadcasts and internet video in the one box. You'll be able to call up the onscreen guide, go back in time and watch TV shows that you've missed. It's a rare show of cooperation between all of Australia's major free-to-air broadcasters, a move designed to stave off competition from Foxtel and internet-based rivals.

The latest Freeview ad campaign.

The latest Freeview ad campaign.

From what I've seen and heard FreeviewPlus has a lot of potential. While today's televisions, set-top boxes and personal video recorders aren't compatible with HbbTV, it is an international standard that's already in use in Europe and Japan. The HbbTV 1.5 standard, on which FreeviewPlus is based, will be built into some televisions and PVRs set to go on sale in Australia later this year. Local industry players and technical experts tell me that anything which sticks to the HbbTV 1.5 standard should handle FreeviewPlus.

So will FreeviewPlus work on a wide range of home entertainment gear? Or will it be locked down to a handful of Freeview-endorsed players, similar to the Freeview EPG which sunk without a trace? After investing a lot of time and effort into HbbTV, the industry certainly wants to see FreeviewPlus take off quickly and work on as many devices as possible.

To settle this issue, last week I went straight to the head of Freeview Australia, Liz Ross. Unlike Freeview's vague statements of the past, Ross clearly said there is no technical or legal impediment stopping non-certified devices accessing FreeviewPlus;

"For FreeviewPlus certification, manufacturers will need to go through an approved test house to assure that all the HbbTV 1.5 features work, then they'll need to send the box to us to ensure it works with all of the apps from Australian networks," Ross says.

"Yet someone else could still build HbbTV into their box. We just wouldn't be able to guarantee that everything will work smoothly. Our testing is designed to ensure a great user experience."

So that settles it, right? Freeview offers FreeviewPlus certification, but it can still work on non-Freeview devices. Apparently not. The next day Ross sent out a press release insisting "reports that FreeviewPlus certification is somehow unnecessary are irresponsible, and send an entirely misleading message to the Australian consumer". She added; "There is no guarantee of the performance of that equipment to deliver FreeviewPlus properly – or even at all."

So much for industry standards. Apparently telling people that they don't need to buy a new box with the FreeviewPlus logo is "irresponsible", even though Ross publicly conceded that it's not mandatory. The very next day Freeview embarked on this scare campaign to encourage people to buy FreeviewPlus-endorsed gear. Without the FreeviewPlus tick of approval, it seems it might not work at all.


If you've followed the Freeview Australia saga over the last few years then you'll know this is only the latest chapter in an ongoing Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt campaign. Over the years there's been fear of restricted access to EPG data, uncertainty about missing out on "15 new channels" and doubt that your existing digital gear would cope with the introduction of MPEG4 broadcasting. Supposedly the only safe option was to buy something with the Freeview logo on it.

So what does that Freeview logo actually mean? To earn the Freeview badge, manufacturers have to disable ad-skipping, limit options for copying recordings off the box and limit fast-forward speeds. These same restrictions apply to FreeviewPlus, if you want Freeview's tick of approval. The Freeview Australia concept has always been little more than a marketing campaign to stave off Foxtel and drive sales of locked-down PVRs.

So will FreeviewPlus work on devices without Freeview's blessing? I'm told by people in the know that it should, and that the industry is counting on it. Unless of course Freeview deliberately does something to break it. It's possible that Freeview could ignore the HbbTV 1.5 standard so FreeviewPlus only runs properly on Freeview-endorsed devices. It's possible that the FreeviewPlus apps developed by each network will be deliberately knobbled on non-Freeview devices, or simply not available at all. It's possible that digital rights management could lock it down. If Freeview manages to cripple FreeviewPlus then Liz Ross is right, I'm wrong and FreeviewPlus is dead in the water.

The one thing that industry players all seem to agree on is that multi-national manufacturers aren't going to modify their equipment just for the Australian market. We have to follow global standards. The Freeview EPG launched last year is dead because there are so few devices which support it. FreeviewPlus will suffer the same fate if it's deliberately crippled so as to only run on Freeview-endorsed gear.

The difference between the Freeview EPG and FreeviewPlus is that partners like the Seven and Nine networks have a lot riding on FreeviewPlus. They've invested a lot of time and money into preparing for this new platform, so they can compete in the internet age. It's in their interests for it to run on as many devices as possible. It's also in the hardware makers' best interests, as well as in the viewers' interest.

The only group which has a vested interest in restricting access to FreeviewPlus is Freeview itself, because it wants to drive sales of lock-down Freeview-endorsed gear – a strategy which has failed miserably in the past.

If Freeview is right and I am misleading people by telling them they don't need the FreeviewPlus sticker, then FreeviewPlus will be another expensive disaster which sinks without a trace. If that happens, Freeview Australia will have to answer to a lot of very angry stakeholders who have a lot riding on FreeviewPlus being a success.

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