

This was published 4 years ago

Why Marvelous Mrs Maisel's Alex Borstein never wanted to play a sitcom mum

By Alice Vincent

As Susie Myerson, the irascible and scrappy rookie manager of the titular Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Alex Borstein is frequently yelling obscenities down a telephone. Which is why, when the actress growls – mostly, I think, in jest – “How dare you hang up on me!” 10 minutes into our phone call I’m left a little flustered.

Borstein is in New York, where she has been doing press for the Amazon Studios hit about a mid-century comedian. We speak a couple of hours after it earns two more Golden Globe nominations to add to the clutch of silverware its racked up since its 2017 debut. The line disconnects no fewer than four times over the course of an hour, as if we, too, are in the early 1960s.

But Borstein is kind and patient, in spite of doing yet another interview when she’s meant to be conserving her energy before flying to London for a run of her musical comedy show, Alex Borstein and The Amstergang, at Soho Theatre.

Alex Borstein (right) plays the scrappy, irascible and foul-mouthed Susie Myerson in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.

Alex Borstein (right) plays the scrappy, irascible and foul-mouthed Susie Myerson in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.Credit: Amazon Prime Video

When I tell Borstein that she has developed quite the reputation for delivering a swear word with aplomb on Maisel (case in point: “How could I be scared of a f--king blazer?”) , she guffaws. “Unfortunately that’s always been a gift. It’s not the best thing when you’re in middle school and junior high, but it’s always been a strength of mine to be able to curse well.”

She's been a familiar television voice for decades voicing weary mother Lois Griffin on Family Guy. A polymath who sees herself as a writer first and an actress second, Borstein also wrote clever animated favourites such as Pinky and the Brain before picking up bit-parts on screen.


But it was her short-term performance as Sookie St James, the chef in the pilot for Gilmore Girls, that secured Borstein’s future. Other commitments saw the role passed on to Melissa McCarthy when the comedy was greenlit, and Borstein went on to shine in other comedies – things that didn’t get the adulation they deserved, such as the short-lived HBO adaptation Getting On, about a geriatric ward. But she continued to appear in both Gilmore Girls and other Amy Sherman-Palladino projects, such as Bunheads.

When the writer started working on Maisel, it was Borstein she had in mind to play Susie.

“I’ve been trying to suck Alex back into my evil vortex for many, many years,” Sherman-Palladino told the LA Times in 2017. “I feel like there’s kind of nothing she can’t do.”


By this point, though, Borstein had given up on Hollywood. Recently divorced (from her former writing partner Jackson Douglas), she moved with their children to Barcelona.

Alex Borstein has described the role of Susie as being her “triple crown”.

Alex Borstein has described the role of Susie as being her “triple crown”.Credit: Todd Williamson/January Images

And so it was from Barcelona that Sherman-Palladino had to pluck Borstein to play Susie. Fortunately, Borstein – who had been frustrated with the limited range of roles for older women who had never been, in her words, “classically beautiful” – was keen, instantly conjuring together a look for Susie that has etched its way into the show. “I wanted her to wear a hat like Susie now wears, and I was very specific about wanting to wear keys around my neck. I liked the idea of suspenders.”

It was good, too, that upon flying to New York Borstein instantly had chemistry with Rachel Brosnahan, who plays Midge: “That was very easy. From the get-go we’ve had a good mix. I’m old enough to be her mother and her and I are just very, very different in many ways but we’re also very similar.

“It’s kind of like lady and the tramp, you know. There’s a little mutt in the room with a poodle and you can’t help it, it’s just funny.”

Borstein has previously described the role of Susie as being her “triple crown”: “a tough, driven woman who at once craves and fears success. She wants to be something. She wants to affect someone. She wants. She wants. She wants. And a woman who wants something can be the most interesting creature on the planet.”

She would know – she was raised by them. Earlier this year Borstein’s Emmy acceptance speech (her second for playing Susie, although she has earned nominations for Lois Griffin) went viral after she told the story of her grandmother, whose decision to “step out of line” of fire in Budapest during the Holocaust led to her very existence, at the podium. She expected Olivia Colman, nominated in the same category, to win. “It’s all about Fleabag this year, this is all just a waaaste of timee,” she whines, mimicking her phone call to Amazon.

“But then we land and I’m like, ‘Well, anything’s possible, it would be stupid to not have anything and thought about anything’. I knew I wanted to talk about strong women and in particular Amy Sherman-Palladino and my mother and my grandmother and the innate strength and push for survival,” she continues. “I often think about what I would have been capable of if I was faced with what my grandmother was faced with.”

Alex Borstein (right, pictured with Rachel Brosnahan) says she is surprised that her character Susie Myerson has become a major character in the hit show The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.

Alex Borstein (right, pictured with Rachel Brosnahan) says she is surprised that her character Susie Myerson has become a major character in the hit show The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.Credit: Amazon Prime Video

What perhaps got overlooked by the sheer power of the story was her grandmother’s sense of humour. “My grandmother was very, very funny,” Borstein says. “I’ve been wondering a lot – is it a cultural thing, or is it genetic? It’s probably a blend. I think a lot of people who are culturally Jewish have a certain leaning towards the comedic, because they’ve had to find comedy in the darkest of places.

“My parents are pretty funny and can deliver a zinger with the best of them. Some of my favourite quotes and material are things my parents have said.”

While Borstein has always written comedy, she doesn’t, she says, mess with Sherman-Palladino’s Maisel script. “When we do a table read sometimes, if there’s something I think might work a little bit, maybe changing one word or putting a ‘f--k’ here or removing it there, I’ll say it,” she explains. “If [Sherman-Palladino] likes it then next time I see the script she’ll have adapted it, and if she hasn’t then I’ll know not to. We do it to the letter.”

What she and Brosnahan do work on, though, is their physical comedy, especially in the current, third season, which sees Midge and Susie encounter new environments such as the bright lights of Las Vegas and the stifling humidity of Miami – the latter much to Susie’s umbrage: “A lot of them we kind of ran with it, and those are really fun. [Director] Dan Palladino enjoys that process in particular.”

Alex Borstein, front left, and Rachel Brosnahan accept the award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel at the 26th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Alex Borstein, front left, and Rachel Brosnahan accept the award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel at the 26th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. Credit: Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

By now, Susie is a major role on the show – more than Midge’s manager, she’s also her confidante, mentor and unlikely friend. So far, season three is showing Midge to be giving Susie much of the same, encouraging her to take her career as a comedy manager to the next step. It’s a marked change from the sidekick Susie started out as in season one – and something Borstein says is a “definitely a surprise”.

“I signed on to do it, thinking it was going to be a small thing, ‘Oh I’ll fly in and work maybe three months out of a year’. I didn’t know what it would turn into.”

She continues: “A lot of times it feels it feels like the Midge-and-Susie show. But it’s great. That’s something you can’t help but be delighted that people are liking what you’re doing and as long as it’s presenting a new, funny circumstances and new information is constantly given that I’m happy to have her continue to grow, grow, grow – I don’t want her to have to do the same thing over and over again.”

Borstein also thinks that roles like Susie have changed the landscape for actresses who, like she was a few years ago, were feeling frustrated by the parts on offer. “Playing the mum in a sitcom was not what I wanted to do,” she says. “I feel very lucky, but there are also a lot of cool parts out there now. You’ve got Fleabag and you’ve got Killing Eve and you’ve got Russian Doll and all these great, flawed, broken, interesting, powerful characters; it’s nice, not just a sea of sitcom mums.”

Our time comes to an end. Borstein has another flight to catch, another show to prepare for, several more obscenities to spit out. The phoneline misses its cue and fails to cut out. Instead, she says goodbye – and I’m almost disappointed with the good manners of it all.

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel is on Amazon Prime.

The Telegraph, London

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