This was published 2 years ago
Dogs are a walking example of unconditional love: Tony Armstrong
By Ben Pobjie
In a new three-part series, the News Breakfast presenter and ex-sportsman unravels the special relationship humans have with their canine besties.
Tell me about your dog.
I had a dog named Junior, a black Labrador that I got when I was 20 years old. I’d just started my third season at the Adelaide Crows and I was looking for a dog, so I went and grabbed Junior. I’d always wanted a dog, it was the best decision ever. He was the best, he was so great, such a lovely dog with such a lovely temperament. Unfortunately we had to put him down not that long ago.
Dogs have always been a big part of my life, says Tony Armstrong.
I’m sorry.
These things happen … it’s been kind of funny that he passed away just as I started talking about dogs. A little bit of a cruel joke that he’s playing on me. But I’ve loved dogs forever and when the opportunity came up to do the show I grabbed it with both hands.
So working with the dogs you met on the shoot was pretty natural for you.
We worked with maybe three different dogs for the shoot itself. Dogs have always just been around my life from a young age, either living in the country or living near schoolmates whose house you’d go to after school and they’d have a dog. Dogs have always been a big part of my life.
When they approached you to do the show, were they aware you were a dog lover, or were they just after your charisma?
I don’t think they knew I had a dog … so I guess they must’ve just seen me on News Brekky and on Yokayi Footy and thought that I might be all right to host a dog show. And it went really well – the whole team that put the show together were great to work with and we had a great time.
For you, what is the special contribution a dog makes to a human’s life?
I think there are a couple of things. One of them is the walking example of what unconditional love is. I think everyone says there are things they love unconditionally, but I don’t reckon anyone loves anything unconditionally as much as dogs love their human partners. I think they give us a great blueprint on life. But I also think they teach us a lot – to take pleasure in the small things. Dogs are great at being glass half full as well: it doesn’t take much for a dog to be like, “Yes! This is the best!” I’m like, Junior man, that’s a tennis ball that I wouldn’t even touch. I think those are the things that we learn from dogs.
They see the silver lining in everything.
Except maybe going to the vet. That’s where they’re like, nah …stuff that.
It’s frustrating you can’t sit a dog down in those situations and explain exactly what’s going on.
Yeah, it’s like, “Come on, Junior. This is a win for you, this is a net good. I need you to understand this, mate. Loosen up, this is for you, not for us.”
The show goes into the science of dogs – did you learn anything that surprised you?
I kind of suspected this, but it was nice to have it confirmed: just how much dogs actually manipulate us. It’s not sinister – it’s not like they’re manipulating us to get anything bad – but just the learned behaviours and what they realised worked for them to get what they want. I think the relationship between a dog and its owner is much more symbiotic than I thought it was, in that they’re manipulating us just as much. We think we’re being tricky to dogs, and they’ve, over 20,000 years, learnt behaviours that advantage them to get what they want to. It wasn’t necessarily a surprise, but that was what I was most pleased to learn.
Unrelated to dogs: how are you settling in to your role as a national sex symbol?
It’s very uncomfortable.
Good answer.
I really don’t like it! It’s obviously humbling, there’s an ego part to it, but yeah, I dunno, sometimes it gets a bit weird. Cos I don’t take myself seriously at all, and I don’t remember the last time I took a photo where I’m like, yeah, I look good. So I’m finding it hard to reconcile that with people thinking, “He’s a bit of all right”. I can’t for the life of me work it out. It’s like a big joke that I’m not in on, and it’s all about to come crashing down. I mean, far out, it is pretty weird. I think it’d also be quite weird if you liked it.
A Dog’s World with Tony Armstrong is on ABC, Tuesday, March 22, 8.30pm.
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