

This was published 4 years ago

The birth of a different, but uncomfortably familiar, America by Wire writer

The Wire's David Simon is bringing The Plot Against America, an "alternative history" of modern America, to the screen.

By Michael Idato

In American cultural history, the name of aviator and inventor Charles Lindbergh is venerated. He was one of the first to cross the Atlantic in an airplane, in a pioneering nonstop journey from New York to Paris – 33-and-a-half hours in the air, traversing some 5800 kilometres – aboard his single-engine plane, the Spirit of St Louis.

But there is a different side of Lindbergh, in which he expressed pro-fascist and anti-semitic views, and championed the cause of the America First Committee, an anti-war, non-interventionist nationalist group which advocated America staying out of World War II.

The Plot Against America explores what US society would look like if Charles Lindberg, a pro-fascist with anti-semitic views, won office.

The Plot Against America explores what US society would look like if Charles Lindberg, a pro-fascist with anti-semitic views, won office.Credit: HBO

That aspect of Lindbergh forms the first narrative threads of the drama The Plot Against America, based on the 2004 book by Philip Roth. The book itself is fiction: an "alternative history" of the USA, one in which Franklin D. Roosevelt was defeated in the presidential election of 1940 by Lindbergh, and a very different America is born.

Adapting the book was suggested to The Wire screenwriter David Simon more than five years ago. "Somebody came to me with the book about five years ago, right after Obama's re-election, and I said, I enjoyed the novel, it's a nice little artefact, it was fascinating in its moment, but I don't see the country, that doesn't seem to be our political moment," Simon recalls. "How wrong was I?"

It is self-evident, Simon says, that the present-day political paradigm – "not only in America, but internationally, in terms of populism and nationalism and the rise of xenophobia and fear of the other" – is the reason the project, which Simon co-wrote with Ed Burns, was commissioned by HBO.

"Not merely because of the current administration but because of forces now in play politically, the piece is incredibly relevant," Simon says.

Simon says the series, which is told through the eyes of a working-class Jewish family in New Jersey, is not an attempt to frame Lindbergh's status in US cultural history as a folk hero. He is less interested in Lindbergh the man and more interested in "the dynamic of what creates a Lindbergh and how that can play upon our political institutions", Simon says.

Winona Ryder and Zoe Kazan in The Plot Against America.

Winona Ryder and Zoe Kazan in The Plot Against America.Credit: HBO

"I got to meet with [author] Philip Roth one time before he passed away to discuss this project and he said Lindbergh really was a hero, and he really was heroic, and he brought astounding charisma to the moment he found himself in," Simon says.


Equally, Simon says, Lindbergh "was anti-semitic, and he was very enamoured of fascism and of the National Socialist movement in Germany. So there was a real threat there. On the other hand, he got in a little plane and he did something nobody thought could be done and he did it at great personal risk".

Screenwriter David Simon.

Screenwriter David Simon.Credit: Jason South

"Reconciling the two things, Americans had a real hard time with that for many, many years," Simon says, adding: "I'm not even sure that that dynamic prevails in our current climate. I don't think we even required a Lindbergh to slip into some of our most fundamental fears and prejudices and resentments in order to subvert our own politics."

In the novel, Lindbergh surfs a wave of populism in the wake of his historic flight, and becomes president of the USA, tilting the world's largest democracy towards fascism. Bearing witness to what follows are Evelyn Finkel (Winona Ryder), Bess Levin (Zoe Kazan), Herman Levin (Morgan Spector) and Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf (John Turturro).

Simon praises Roth for his "relentless[ness] about telling the truth, sometimes at great personal cost in that the truth is often an uncomfortable thing and it's often not pleasant and often revealing in ways that a lot of authors duck. It's hard to tell the truth about yourself."

Roth's capacity for self-examination is "pretty much unsurpassed in terms of modern American literature," Simon adds, noting that there have been many attempts to adapt his work but the path is difficult.

"So much of his writing is interior to the thoughts and familial dynamics, relationship dynamics of the characters," Simon says. "This was the one book he wrote about that was plot-heavy in a weird way, because he was conjuring the political history of his childhood, and he was doing it with some great care."

The power of the text, Simon says, is that it resonates, not just in a world where anti-Semitism has returned in prominent and frightening ways, but also "resurgent in the context of fear of the other all down the line. Hostility against immigrants, Islamaphobia, hostility against people of colour.

"Great efforts being made to define people as less American because of their cohort, which is disastrous for what the American republic has to be," Simon adds.


"And what's remarkable to me is that the book actually goes from this very specific historical moment, and this very specific threat against Jews to being allegorical for everything that's going wrong in our time. And he wrote that, and it works. All you have to do is just stand back for a moment and take in the greater sphere of what [Roth] actually accomplished."

WHAT: The Plot Against America

WHEN: Fox Showcase, Tuesday, 8.30pm

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