

This was published 4 years ago

Our pick: Future shock in Years and Years

By Kylie Northover
Emma Thompson stars as right-wing politician Vivienne Rook in <i>Years And Years</i>.

Emma Thompson stars as right-wing politician Vivienne Rook in Years And Years.

Years and Years 

SBS, Wednesday, 8.30pm

Screenwriter Russell T. Davies has written masterful character dramas – Queer As Folk, A Very English Scandal – and was the man behind the 2005 revival of classic sci-fi Doctor Who, but his latest six-part series is something of a combination of the two. A kitchen-sink family drama with shades of Black Mirror, Years and Years charts the life of the Lyons family over 15 years, beginning in the present and ending in 2034.

Things move fast from the opening scene in 2019, when Rosie Lyons (Ruth Madeley) heads to hospital to have a baby – her second from an absent father – and the story really begins in 2024, as we see the baby, Lincoln, celebrating his fifth birthday, and we're brought up to speed with the extended family's dynamics.

There's grandmother Muriel (Anne Reid) and four Lyons siblings. Mum, we learn gradually, died some years before, and Dad is a cheating arsehole from whom they're all estranged.

Eldest son Stephen (Rory Kinnear) is a banker who lives in London with wife Celeste (T'Nia Miller) and their daughters Bethany (Lydia West) and Ruby (Jade Alleyne); Daniel (Russell Tovey) works in crisis housing for refugees (London is dealing with an influx of asylum seekers from Ukraine) and is married to Ralph (Dino Fetscher) who has recently developed a taste for conspiracy theories, and might even be a flat-earther.

Sister Edith (Jessica Hynes) has been away for years working as a political activist in various conflict zones and Rosie, the youngest, has spina bifida (something which is only incidentally referred to) and a full-time job in catering management. Until technology advances enough to replace her – which is when she becomes an unlikely fan of businesswoman turned hard-right politician Vivienne Rook (Emma Thompson as a compelling monster), whose rise mirrors the Trump/Brexit populism bubbling away right now.

Rook, a wealthy woman who tries to appeal to the working classes, begins as a laughable, if controversial figure, someone we see in the background on TV in the first episode, as she appears on a panel show declaring she "couldn't give a f--k" about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, insisting she's more interested in things "real British people" care about, such as rubbish collection and parking.

Her antics are laughed off initially, but before you know it, she's running the country. Sound familiar? Things happen both slowly and fast, much like real life. One minute there's debate about climate change then a few episodes on, by the late 2020s, Britain is reporting 80 straight days of rain and bananas and butterflies are both extinct; people who live on housing estates are suddenly declared as living in gated-off "criminal zones" and rolling blackouts, caused by cyber-terrorists, are a regular occurrence.


Even in this first episode, Trump launches a nuclear missile at a man-made Chinese island in disputed territory and it's all downhill from there.

There are some heavy-handed moments – the Lyons family are sometimes painted a little too broadly to represent different political views – but also many that give pause for thought.

Events unfold at a relentless, often depressing speed. As the months or sometimes years progress in montage at the beginning of each episode, it can feel like the televisual equivalent of scrolling your social media feed – but think back to 10 years ago and some of the more outrageous moments in this compelling series won't seem so outlandish.

Davies has created a captivating route into exploring the creeping rise of totalitarianism and "populism" that's slowly taking shape off-screen, and the near-future format resonates alarmingly.

As Daniel muses early in the series, "I used to be bored by politics. Those were the days."

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