Informer 3838 (Monday, 8.45pm, Nine - the owner of this masthead) begins as these things always do: with the words "the following is based on actual events." This is the story of Nicola Gobbo, who is, in her own words, or at least in the words of the actress playing her, the most notorious police informer in Australian legal history.
In purely television terms, she's the character who didn't make it into the original Underbelly, Nine's 2008 dramatisation of the events of the Melbourne gangland war which raged across the suburbs in the 1990s and early 2000s. Informer 3838 dials the clock back and replays parts of that story, now told from the perspective of the woman who was instrumental in shaping its outcome.
Ella Scott Lynch as Nicola Gobbo and Robert Mammone as Tony Mokbel in Informer 3838.Credit: Nine Network
This is a fast-moving, punchy drama. From the same production company that made Underbelly and its umpteen spin-offs, it feels crafted straight from the same playbook, a framework which proves to be both Informer 3838's greatest asset and its greatest disadvantage. It permits us archival glimpses from Nine's original masterwork, split-second reminders of memorable performances by Les Hill, Vince Colosimo and Gerard Kennedy.
It also permits actors Gyton Grantley and Robert Mammone to return to the roles of Carl Williams and Tony Mokbel. In that sense it's a gift to both actors, particularly to Mammone, whose original turn in Underbelly was side-swiped by unresolved elements of the Mokbel case, denying Mammone what should have been a bigger slice of the spotlight. Informer 3838 hands him back the stage and he makes very good use of it.
At the same time the gimmickery of the Underbelly format is limiting. The detail is rich but a lot of time is wasted in the slow motion music sequences which became one of the hallmarks of the series from its first season. It serves up equal portions of art and artful distraction but, like the original Underbelly, it risks becoming equal parts soundtrack and narrative drama, and the danger is that over time the former begins to slow down the latter.
There are also too many played-for-TV-effect moments that fill time and space and don't enhance or propel the narrative, a frequent misstep in Australian drama. On that charge, Exhibit A would be the walking-down-the-corridor-with-a-bundle-of-binders shot. And police uniforms that look a day old. Informer 3838 yearns to be Ozark or Narcos but the TV tropes prevent it from taking that leap.
Gyton Grantley returns to the role of Carl Williams in Informer 3838.Credit: Nine Network
Also, almost without exception, everyone has sex in the same position. Which either means Melbourne went through an inexplicable "cowgirl" boom in the early 2000s or the series' use of female actors as the primary visual prop in sex scenes probably needs a rethink for 2020. Either way when you start to see that kind of repetition the game is surely up.
Underbelly historically writes its story villains as heroes, but such cultural reverence frequently denies both actor and audience the thrill of watching everything unravel. Heroes can be flawed, but the rarely split completely into pieces.
Despite the curiosity which returning performances from Grantley and Mammone pique, this is Ella Scott Lynch's show and she does a mighty job as Nicola Gobbo. She's confident in the frame, and she never lets up. The writing serves Lynch well, slowly drawing the story out along a taut line of tension.
As it progresses, it becomes less like Underbelly and more like Lynda La Plante's original Widows, a gutsy female-led piece about fear, courage and endurance. Lynch's performance keeps step with the tension line and, as the clock begins ticking towards the finish, all of that confidence and bravura starts to fray at the edges with stunning effect.