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Harry and Meghan documentary LIVE updates: Netflix releases final three episodes

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Meghan miscarried because of media lawsuit, says Harry

By Latika Bourke

Harry and Meghan are now detailing the legal suit they brought against Associated News, the publisher of The Daily Mail for publishing the letter she wrote to her father.

Harry says the stress of it all caused his wife to miscarry.

“I believe my wife suffered a miscarriage because of what The Mail did,” Harry says.

“I watched the whole thing, do we absolutely know that a miscarriage was caused by that? Of course we don’t.

“Bearing in mind the stress, the lack of sleep and the timing of the pregnancy, I can say from what I saw, that miscarriage was created by what they were trying to do to her,” he said.

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Quick recap

By Latika Bourke

And that is where we will leave tonight’s coverage of the final instalments of Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary.

The couple brought a lot more to the table in these final three episodes with Harry revealing his brother Harry was screaming and shouting him in a terrifying manner during the Sandringham summit to discuss his departure from the royal family.

Harry said his father said untruths and the late queen silently observed the encounter.

He also accused The Daily Mail of causing Meghan’s miscarriage, saying the stress and lack of sleep over the legal case Meghan brought against the Mail’s publisher was to blame.

The documentary recapped how popular Meghan was initially in the UK following the royal wedding.

But Harry blamed her demise in the media to leaking from rival royal households who were jealous of the couple’s success in Australia.

He had his targets, William and Charles, and didn’t miss.

Expect be reading more about the fallout in the days and, yes, weeks to come.

Thanks for joining us.

Harry at the point of no return

By Rob Harris

Our Europe correspondent Rob Harris was also watching the documentary.

He’s filed this comprehensive wrap, saying the revelations were explosive and leave little opportunity for Harry to ever mend ties with his brother and father.

Read more: Harry’s personal war with the royal family and UK press at point of no return

So that’s that, then; how do we feel?

By Karl Quinn

Well, that’s that. It’s over, and how do we feel about what we’ve just seen?

Judging by the comments published here, dirty might be the short answer. And to a degree I’d have to agree with that sentiment. It feels like I’ve just spent six hours being subjected to way too much information about the bitter internal disputes of a family I don’t particularly like (the royal family, that is).

How are you feeling, luv?

How are you feeling, luv?Credit: Netflix

But this isn’t just any other family. To a very real degree, their dirty laundry is already public, or at least rumours of their dirty laundry are. The Sussexes have merely bypassed rumour and gone straight to allegation, and they’ve both paid the price for and reaped the rewards of doing so.

Six hours down, I feel the British media has been massively unfair to them, and that race really has been an element. So too has xenophobia, and resentment about the incursion of a Yank into the most British of institutions. It is impossible to overstate how rabidly parochial parts of the British media (and a good chunk of its citizenry) is, and to discount this as a factor in the treatment of the couple would be mad.

Against that, though, is the fact they’re bloody royals, or were. They may only be royal adjacent now, but they still inhabit a world of unearned privilege and wealth and that’s always going to diminish the amount of sympathy I’m inclined to spare on their behalf.

So, how do I feel about all this? Mostly that it’s six hours of my life I’ll never get back. But also a little curious: Netflix will expect a lot more than this in return for the $US100 million or more they paid to secure Harry and Meghan’s creativity. This particular well has surely run dry now. Is there anything else in the tank?

We’ll have to wait a while for the answer. In the meantime, it’s goodnight from me.


‘A modern fairytale’: Meghan reads out her wedding speech

By Latika Bourke

Meghan concludes the documentary by reading out her wedding speech from her phone.

She says she was unusual in being a bride making a speech.

“Let’s call this a modern fairytale” she begins.

About “a girl in LA, (some people called her an actress)” and a “guy from London (some people called him a prince).”

“All of those people didn’t fully get it because this is a love story of a boy and a girl who are meant to be together,” she continues.

On it goes...

And that’s where the documentary concludes.

Harry says he’s lost friends over royal exit

By Latika Bourke

Harry says he has lost friends over his drama-filled exit from the royal family.

He says he misses the “weird family gatherings” that take place at “certain times of the year.”

The official royal family portrait following Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

The official royal family portrait following Harry and Meghan’s wedding.Credit: AP

“I miss the UK and I miss my friends and I’ve lost a few friends in this process as well,” he says.

He says he changed and had “outgrown” his life in the UK and says he thinks Diana would have ended up living in the United States, had she lived.

Watch: Meghan’s attendants massage her hand, curl her hair

By Latika Bourke

The Netflix documentary has shown the celebrity lifestyle the couple have.

From the “Beyonce texted”, “It’s Oprah,” name drops and the beautiful mansions where their interviews are recorded, the couple live a more glamorous lifestyle compared to what they have showed themselves living in the UK.

This clip of Meghan having her hair done and hand massaged is a case in point.

Meghan’s glamorous LA lifestyle.Credit: Netflix


The United States is home now, says Harry

By Latika Bourke

Harry says he has a freedom in the United States to live a family life that he would never have had he stayed in the United Kingdom.

He says their son Archie has only spent five months in the UK at Windsor and home is LA.

Harry says LA is also home for him, showing any cord he had with his homeland is well and truly broken.

‘Institutional gaslighting’ claim goes to heart of the H&M conundrum

By Karl Quinn

Referring to the claim that Meghan had bullied Palace staff that emerged just as the couple’s interview with Oprah went to air, Harry labels it an instance of “institutional gaslighting” and likens it to the treatment meted out to his mother decades ago.

“And that’s why everything that’s happened to us was always going to happen to us. Because if you speak truth to power, that’s how they respond.”

And with that we’re into the quicksand of this whole mess.

Prince Harry and Meghan during their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Prince Harry and Meghan during their interview with Oprah Winfrey.Credit: Harpo Productions

If you believe the Harry and Meghan take on how things have played out, they are the victims of a system that has ostracised and punished them for daring to push back. And the desire to push back is absolutely entwined with Harry’s lingering trauma over what happened to his mother - at the hands of the very same system.

But if you believe the critics of H&M (the former royals, not the fast-fashion brand), they are merely seeing conspiracies around every corner, elevating their importance by generating drama, and cynically (and indecorously) seeking to monetise that drama.

The documentary series is thus either fully justified push-back or self-serving cash-in. Of course, it just might be both.

Harry says he no longer expects genuine apology from Charles, William

By Latika Bourke

Harry recounts having to talk about the Oprah interview with his father at the funeral and appears to reveal he expected an apology from his father and brother.

“None of us really wanted to have to talk about it over my grandfather’s funeral, but we did,” he said.

Harry says he’s given up expecting an apology.

Harry says he’s given up expecting an apology.Credit: Netflix

“I’ve had to make peace with the fact that we’re probably never going to get genuine accountability, a genuine apology.

“But my wife and I, we’re moving on,” he says, as the final twenty minutes of their six-hour documentary, airing nearly three years after they quit the family, begins.


Harry recollects Prince Philip’s funeral

By Latika Bourke

Nothing more is said about the Oprah interview, conspicuously, who the member of the royal family is who they claimed inquired about Archie’s skin colour.

The amount that the documentary leaves out, including any reference to Meghan’s first marriage, has been a subject of much criticism following the first three episodes and this will not go unnoticed.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Peter Phillips and Vice-Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence follow hearse carrying the Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin during the funeral of Prince Philip at Windsor Castle in 2021.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Peter Phillips and Vice-Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence follow hearse carrying the Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin during the funeral of Prince Philip at Windsor Castle in 2021.Credit: Getty Images

The documentary then fast-forwards to the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip.

Harry attends alone. Meghan, heavily pregnant, stays in the US but is shown on camera helping Harry organise his flight and COVID testing arrangements.

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