

This was published 3 years ago

Tested by fire and plague, how Australia’s great new drama nearly didn’t get made

By Steve Dow

Geraldine wears Romance Was
Born dress, Holly Ryan earrings.

Geraldine wears Romance Was Born dress, Holly Ryan earrings.Credit: GK Photography

Across the screen, a psychiatrist dashes along bush tracks, trying to beat the running record of a stranger while blaming herself for the death of a patient who took her own life. It’s a lot to take in, but playing a mental health professional with anxiety issues has resonated for actor Geraldine Hakewill, whose new ABC drama, Wakefield, seems made for times when fire, a pandemic and social isolation have sorely tested us all.

“The more isolated we are from our communities, and the more time we spend in this black hole of our internet lives, the less we’re connecting in a physical, emotional way,” says Geraldine via Zoom from a bucolic town in central Victoria, a place she much prefers to bustling cities.

The 33-year-old actor and singer, who plays Peregrine Fisher in Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries, and opposite Rebecca Gibney in Wanted, has now become Dr Kareena Wells in Wakefield, set in a psychiatric hospital amid the escarpments of the NSW Blue Mountains.

The show has been no stranger to its own turmoil. Filming began in summer more than a year ago, but bushfires forced the production to shift to the NSW Southern Highlands – which were also affected by fire.

In March 2020, COVID-19 shut down filming as actors retreated into lockdown. After an almost five-month hiatus, shooting recommenced in July amid some mid-winter greenery sprouting from the charred trees.

Safety protocols meant Geraldine could no longer share a trailer with co-star Mandy McElhinney (Bad Mothers, Love Child), that masks had to be worn between scenes, and props sanitised between takes.


The testing of actors and crew for coronavirus was augmented by isolation bubbles. One Friday, Geraldine and British actor Rudi Dharmalingam (The Split, Tin Star), who plays psychiatric nurse Nikhil Katira, took COVID tests, isolated for the weekend, then filmed a series of intimate scenes the following Monday.

“It was smooth compared to the turmoil the world was in,” recalls Geraldine, also known as Geri. She adds that lockdown, spent mostly at home in the foothills of Victoria’s Great Dividing Range with her partner, actor Mark Leonard Winter (Pine Gap, Cleverman), and their West Highland terrier and border collie, was “relatively normal”. “We had our first experience of isolation when we moved here a couple of years ago,” she laughs.

Geraldine, who secured JobKeeper payments along with most Wakefield cast and crew, went for bushwalks with Mark before the pair fled Victoria prior to the border closure so Mark could take on a role in Byron Bay.

“Lockdown was a really shitty time for a lot of people, and we were incredibly lucky that we had work,” she says.

If Wakefield sounds heavy fare, it’s worth noting that it features gentle, relatable humour, and stigmatising diagnoses are kept to a minimum. Geraldine’s character Kareena, in therapy herself, is “the rock for everyone she works with”, but she’s not okay. “As someone who likes being in control – and I understand that, I like being in control of things, too – it’s not a great place for her to be in.”

Geraldine has been open about her own occasionally debilitating anxiety. Did that anxiety ever hinder her as a performer? “Yes, I think so. Being self-conscious or anxious had affected my ability to feel like I’m fully immersed in my job, and to feel confident enough to be my best self.

“I remember going to the Logies for the first time – I went with Rebecca [Gibney] as her date. I was in a really bad head space in my life, and I was just so self-conscious. You’re dressed up, there are cameras along the red carpet, you’re trying to be the best public version of yourself, and I was feeling so down about who I was.


“When you get to escape into a character, it’s easier because you’re trying to be somebody else. I’ve gotten much better at doing the ‘Geri’ stuff. I’m sure a lot of actors go through that. We’re taught how to become different people, but you’re not necessarily taught how to become comfortable within yourself.”

“We’re taught how to become different people, but you’re not necessarily taught how to become comfortable within yourself.”

Gibney, an acting mentor, has said that Geraldine has the “brain of an Einstein and the body of a supermodel” and is “goofy and funny”, with a metabolism, “like a racehorse”.

“I get ‘hangry’ very quickly,” says Geraldine. “Mark’s always saying if we have a kid, he’s going to be scared all the time because if I’m hangry now, then [during pregnancy] it’s just going to be beyond. If I’m ever a bit angry, he’ll just quietly slip me a sandwich and run into the other room.

“I’ve always been lucky in that I can eat whatever I want, but I had problems with my skin through my 20s,” she says, referring to acne, “so I’ve had to be healthy and look after myself.”

Geraldine wears Magali Pascal dress, A.Emery sandals.

Geraldine wears Magali Pascal dress, A.Emery sandals.Credit: GK Photography

Geraldine was born in 1987 in Paris, where her family was living temporarily while her father, Peter, a general practitioner, was working in tropical disease management.


When Geraldine was nine months old, the family moved to Geneva, Switzerland, then to Chennai in south India so that her parents could practise meditation in an ashram. Her mother, Elizabeth, is still a meditation teacher, now splitting her time between Australia and India.

“Meditation has always been a big part of my self-care mental health practices,” says Geraldine. “The meditation Mum teaches is called ‘heartfulness’, which is a raja yoga meditation: very simple, no chanting. You sit in silence and focus on the heart. I’ve done that since I was little.


“I’ve tried all sorts of different ones. I have the Headspace app, and the going-off-to-sleep meditation … There’s this man, I think he’s Welsh, and he’s talking about going into an antique shop on a rainy day – that’s
my favourite thing in the whole world. That and watching [British TV show] The Repair Shop on the ABC,” she laughs. “I’m such a nerd.”

Growing up on Sydney’s north shore from the age of four, Geraldine often passed a large white house with rolling lawns on a wealthy street in Burns Road, Wahroonga, on her way to primary school, and imagined herself as a member of an imaginary family who lived inside.

“My name might have been Serena,” she recalls. “I imagined I had five or six brothers and sisters and we had big cars. I think it was amalgam of some of the kids of wealthy families I went to school with. My persona was confident and popular. I never told anybody about it; I didn’t act it out. I would just tell these stories to myself.”

In truth her family lived in a tiny rented weatherboard house – with “horrible rainbow carpet” – that Geraldine thought was haunted by ghosts. She grew up with a younger brother, Lucas, and was 14 when her parents split up. Her father subsequently remarried and Geraldine became the eldest of six, including two step-siblings and two half-siblings. “It’s a pyramid of children,” she jokes, “and I’m at the top.”

Geraldine wears KitX dress, Holly Ryan earrings.

Geraldine wears KitX dress, Holly Ryan earrings.Credit: GK Photography

After graduating from the Western Australian Academy of the Performing Arts, Geraldine’s first professional stage role was in Bertolt Brecht’s
Baal, directed by Simon Stone, at Melbourne’s Malthouse Theatre in 2011. That’s where she met her future partner, Mark. “I’d heard a lot about him and he was outside smoking a cigarette wearing a leather jacket and I was like, ‘Man, you’re a wanker.’ ”

The two kept meeting in various theatre circles over the following years: “We had the same friends but were never friends ourselves.” But in 2017 they were cast together in Chimerica at Sydney Theatre Company and became a couple. Geraldine says she was attracted to Mark’s “quirky shyness”.

“He’s incredibly intelligent and thoughtful and has a really strong sense of self. I’m also drawn to really weird people.”

Geraldine tried to propose to Mark, but got so nervous that she ended up picking a fight instead. “He thought I was having an affair. It was one of those classic miscommunication moments.”

Geraldine finally revealed that she was anxious because she had marriage on her mind. Mark told her it was a beautiful idea. A year later, the pair were having dinner at their local pub. “If the offer still stands,” Mark said,
“I would love to marry you.”

In the pub car park after dinner, Geraldine got on one knee and formally asked Mark to marry her.


“It was a total mess, which is perfect for us,” she says. The pair plan to get married once travel restrictions ease sufficiently to have all their intended guests at their wedding.

Meanwhile, Geraldine has a beautiful, subtle singing voice – best heard on a self-penned 2018 EP, You’ve Never Seen This Smile – to console herself and others through good times and bad. Her tone sounds a little like Joni Mitchell, I say, a comparison that makes her smile because her mum would often play Mitchell’s records.


In 2019, Geraldine played the painfully shy Mari in the play The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, mimicking the voice of various great divas. “I sing all the time,” she says. “I think I was singing before I could talk. If I’m in the car by myself, that’s pretty much what I’m doing. I’ve been trying to do some songwriting with different musicians I know and love.”

Now, having finished back-to-back shoots of Wakefield and a second season of Ms Fisher, all-consuming acting can take a back seat. “I have a bit of space to do other stuff.”

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636. Lifeline: 13 11 14.

Watch all episodes of Wakefield on ABC iView from April 2.

Photography by GK Photography. Styling by Melissa Boyle. Hair and make-up by Karen Burton.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale March 28. To read more from Sunday Life, visit The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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