

This was published 4 years ago

John Cleese's next act: 'I think there is life after death'

By Karl Quinn

At 80, it is perhaps understandable that comedy legend John Cleese has begun to turn his mind to what's coming around the bend, sooner or later.

"My private project, which I haven't told anyone about, [is] I think there is life after death," he tells me over the phone from London. "I don't know anything in detail, but I've seen enough evidence that something goes on, certainly for some people, after they die."

He cites the writings of Bruce Greyson, Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia and an expert in the field of near-death experiences, as a major influence on his views.

At 80, John Cleese has begun turning his mind to what comes next.

At 80, John Cleese has begun turning his mind to what comes next.

"Once you start reading about that, you begin to realise it may be that consciousness is not produced by the brain," he says. "The brain is like a transmitter. It picks stuff up like a television set; the program's not made inside the set. You see what I mean? If you think the brain might operate more like that, it explains a lot of things that ordinary science can't explain.

"I would like to do a TV series, trying to get people to open up to the idea of a life after death. Nothing to do with religion at all, purely to do with science. Because I think if people feel that something goes on after death, it makes life itself more meaningful."

When we speak, Cleese is halfway through a 14-day quarantine, having flown back to the UK from Canada, where the film he was due to shoot has been delayed. He will emerge from isolation on Saturday, just in time to perform his one-man show There Is No Hope on Sunday to an audience of around 50 well-spaced people at Cadogan Hall in Chelsea, a brisk five-minute walk from his front door.

Viewers of the show, which will be live-streamed, should be prepared for a lecture on the subject of our collective ignorance, he advises.

"What I'm basically saying is that very few people know what they're talking about," he says. "And most people have no idea; most people don't realise how ignorant they are."

It extends to people in all fields of life, including political leadership.


"Both Trump and Johnson are total exponents of bullshit," he says. "I think bullshit is a universally spoken language that doesn't require you to be particularly well informed or to have thought anything out particularly carefully. It's just enough for a conversation over dinner, if you see what I mean."


He wheels out "you see what I mean" rather a lot. Before he became a writer and comedian, Cleese was briefly a teacher and studied law at Cambridge, and it seems the desire to educate and persuade never quite left him.

Politically he identifies as "centre-left", though hostile UK media often painted him as a reactionary or worse.

The trouble, he says, is with the narrowing of public discourse. If you dare express a view outside a narrow ideological orthodoxy, "they'll label you a fascist".

"These woke people are basically insane. They take a perfectly decent idea which is 'let's try and be kind to people' and then take it to absurdum. These people sit there patiently waiting to be offended, and when they're offended, they can really feel good about themselves."

The point-scoring, uncannily reminiscent of the brilliant "People's Front of Judea – splitters" exchange from Monty Python's Life of Brian, is so trivial, he adds, as to be "ridiculous".

"This is not a good time to say so," he concedes. "But I can't be bothered; I'll be dead soon so I'm going to say it." Besides, he adds, "there are lots of people who like what I say".

Fighting words they may be, but Cleese insists the moral of his show — and, really, his entire outlook on life — can be boiled down to a very simple proposition: just be nice to each other. Aiming for anything more than that, he believes, is quite mad.

He realised many years ago, during therapy, that even when people desperately want to change, it's bloody hard. What chance, then, of forcing change upon a world that doesn't want it? Much better to heed the words of the Serenity Prayer, which asks for "the courage to change things we can, the patience to put up with things we can't, and the wisdom to know the difference".

"If you could go around being really nice to 15 or 20 people most of the time, that achieves something really worthwhile. It contributes a tiny bit of happiness," he says.

"But if you have this plan that the human race is suddenly going to start behaving in a quite different way, you're wasting your time."

John Cleese's There Is No Hope will be streamed live from 5am Monday, and will be available to view for 48 hours. Tickets: $US19.99. Details:

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