

This was published 4 years ago

Ghostly tradition leaves lights flickering at empty theatres

By Josh Dye and Kerrie O'Brien

With theatres around the country forced to close their doors indefinitely, you'd think someone would turn off the lights on the way out.

But an ancient, spooky tradition means some theatres are leaving one light on while shut due to the ban on public gatherings in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

For the first time in at least 30 years, the Sydney Opera House has installed ghost lights inside its main theatre spaces during the venue's historic shutdown. The city's Capitol, Belvoir and Griffin theatres will also leave their lights on throughout the closure. However, in Melbourne, major venues have chosen to part with tradition and leave their theatres shrouded in darkness.

Last one out, leave the lights on: the Sydney Opera House is marking the unprecedented shutdown by reviving an ancient tradition.

Last one out, leave the lights on: the Sydney Opera House is marking the unprecedented shutdown by reviving an ancient tradition. Credit: Daniel Boud

The concept of a ghost light is part superstition, part safety measure. Keeping a light on inside dark theatres is said to either appease or scare away the ghost that many believe roams when theatres are empty. But it also helps prevent clumsy crew members from falling off stage into the orchestra pit.

Sydney Opera House head of lighting Ange Sullivan said the practice goes back hundreds of years and although the tradition "faded away" over the decades, restoring the light was a symbolic gesture.

"We wanted to be a beacon of hope for the entire arts community in Australia and this is our way of doing it," Sullivan said. "We might be gone for a little while but we're definitely coming back."

In Melbourne, however, major theatres have bucked tradition and flicked the switch on their ghost lights.

Jesse Cain from Marriner Group, which owns the Princess, Regent and Comedy theatres, said the lights were turned off to save energy. When it's business as usual, all his theatres use ghost lights, which he says are evocative. "What captures the imagination is this lonesome bulb sitting in the middle of a dark stage that casts this ethereal light, it's that glow lighting up the amphitheatre."

Her Majesty's Theatre production manager Matthew Peckham said while ghost lights were a significant ritual in years past, his theatre only used them occasionally now.


When he started at the theatre in 1980, Mr Peckham remembers the head electrician placing the ghost light down and switching it on every night before turning the main lights off.

The safety element to having the light on is not to be underestimated. Sullivan remembers a "spectacular" moment when a sound engineer walked backwards off a stage in Shanghai and fell two metres into the orchestra pit.


"He just lay there like a cartoon for a while with his legs spread," she said.

Artistic director Liz Jones has been with La Mama since 1973. Despite not using a ghost light, she says “we’ve always thought we’ve had ghosts at La Mama but we’ve never actually lit their way."

The idea came from the creaking boards in the upstairs of the original theatre. “There was always that sense that there was someone up there, and yet there wasn’t."

On the supernatural level, Sullivan claims to often see a male-looking ghost up the top of the Opera House's Joan Sutherland theatre.

"It's kind of hard to make out facial features or attire or anything," she said. "It appears to want to just sit and watch what we're doing.

"Ghosts don't have to be a malevolent entity. If they want to play in the theatre that's totally fine – but let's leave the light on so they don't bang into the sets."

The Opera House is using LED bulbs that draw minimal power and have a minor environmental impact. After all, with the shutdown predicted to last for months it might be a while until the light is switched off.

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